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Machine Guns, Guns, Pistols

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Why do I need those?

Well, I've got this dog in training, or better rehabilitation. He was born and raised in Honduras where some seem to like to play with the real ones.

This dog has developed a big fear for these sounds including all sounds of fireworks.

Method of treatment is desensitization and counter-conditioning. I've tried a CD on full blast, but the dog wouldn't care less. He knows it's not real.

So, now I'm thinking to try it with children toys. On a blue Monday I've once heard the sound of such a machine gun toy and it sounded quite real (well ... ahummm... to me).

My question to the mom's and dad's out there, and those who still treasure the child-in-them, can I borrow your child's (or yours) machine gun toy or any kind of other gun/pistol. So, I can have look if this dog reacts on these sounds and I can work further with it.

If you have one and are willing to lent it to me, please, send me a pm or contact me by phone (08 triple9 78 146)




Nienke, you sure get them don't you? Honduras to Thailand, that dog has travelled more and seen more life than many humans.

As for toy guns. Do people still let their kids run around with them these days? I thought all that had been banished by the "love your neighbour" liberals. Not that I nor any one I know turned out a raging psychopath after a childhood playing cowboys and Indians and re-enacting WWII. :D

Sorry Can't help you and your dog but good luck with his(?) rehab. :)


I was thinking of something like that, as well. Thanks! :)

However, I'd rather try first within the safety of the kennel, where I can slowly build it up, and his other issue is that he is a 'tad' reactive to other dogs as well. For that he needs a lot of training before taking him outside and I need a muzzle or better, a wire basket (http://images.google.co.th/imglanding?q=dog%20muzzles&imgurl=http://www.dog-breed-bullmastiff.com/images/bullmastiff-dog-muzzle-big-dog-muzzle-bull-mastiff1.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.dog-breed-bullmastiff.com/index.php%3Fmain_page%3Dproduct_info%26products_id%3D12&usg=__Cqgu4PqQvY58JpPHf7XEwczM59U=&h=369&w=450&sz=22&hl=th&um=1&tbnid=HRrjg5k6RFYi9M:&tbnh=104&tbnw=127&prev=/images%3Fq%3Ddog%2Bmuzzles%26ndsp%3D20%26hl%3Dth%26client%3Dfirefox-a%26rls%3Dorg.mozilla:en-US:official%26sa%3DN%26um%3D1&ndsp=20&client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&sa=N&um=1&start=3#tbnid=HRrjg5k6RFYi9M&start=7) Plus, I definitely need permission first.

Here some pic's of this gorgeous dog:

post-27646-1264825113_thumb.jpg post-27646-1264825152_thumb.jpg post-27646-1264825171_thumb.jpg post-27646-1264825259_thumb.jpg


@ PhilHarries: yup this dog and his owner have seen a lot already. It's very nice to see the bond between those two. :D

Thanks for the wishes. The dog has several issues and they aren't easy to tackle. For another problem I need a plane. :):D

Anyone? :D

@ PhilHarries: yup this dog and his owner have seen a lot already. It's very nice to see the bond between those two. :D

Thanks for the wishes. The dog has several issues and they aren't easy to tackle. For another problem I need a plane. :):D

Anyone? :D

Hmm... I hav'nt got a plane as Santaclaus refused me many times. But I do have 2 Petmate DeLuxe Varikennels medium for airplane travel, used only one time. We brought our 2 bordercollies from Holland but both died already, one of heart problems, the second one put to sleep a few months ago because of HD in a far stadium, very sad because bordercollies are great dogs and become real partners.

The 2 ridgebacks we have now are not that important to me that I will spend another 2,500 euro to eventually take them to a next destination.

So, if you are interested in the Varikennels please let me know.

@ PhilHarries: yup this dog and his owner have seen a lot already. It's very nice to see the bond between those two. :D

Thanks for the wishes. The dog has several issues and they aren't easy to tackle. For another problem I need a plane. :):D

Anyone? :D

Although I usually would bow to your superior knowledge--my mother, though now retired at 88 years old, was a well known gundog breeder and trainer in UK--her opinion was that if a dog was 'gun-shy' then it was very, very difficult to train it to accept guns. Only what she said after training dogs for 60 years--but, you are welcome to try.

P.S. I'm not trying to be a smart-arse, just offering a bit of useless advice---could you try buying those horribly loud fireworks that the Thais love to play with??


@ Manillalover: I'm sorry about your borders. Yes, they are great dogs!

As for the Vari kennels, I have several, XL, L and a medium without door. :) The dog is perfectly crate trained and has no problem with that. It's the combination of crate-plane-running engines which is the problem.

@PhilHarries: already have a Catiban aka Catqueda in boarding. :D

@ Haybilly: the problem for sudden loud noises started when the dog was 3 months old and had fireworks gone of near him. That was one traumatic experience and now the dog has generalized that to other sudden loud noises such as gun and machine gun shots. Often by means of desensitization and counter-conditioning, and with the help of e.g. Bach Flowers, such a problem can be shaped into a manageable one.

He's already on Bach Flowers and just an hour ago some firework-bombs went of in the village nearby. I went to his kennel where I found him confused and shivering. I gave him an extra dose of the BF's and did some clicker training. He bounced back a lot quicker than a week ago. It's too early to cheer, but I do have good hopes. :D This kind of training/rehab takes a long time though. There is no way of a quick fix. Bless the owner who is more than willing to give his dog this time. :D

edit: Oh, and yes, I very well end up with buying fireworks myself. Anyone willing to help me with lightening those things as that scares the heck out of me. :D


I admire your dedication--I am sure that the owner will be very happy with his 'new' dog--as for lighting Thai fireworks, I'm sorry to say that I value my fingers too much to pop round and do the job for you but any 12 year old Thai boy would jump at the offer.

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