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Question For The Small Retail Shop Owners Here...


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Hi. I see business plans, businesses for sale, and existing businesses that I visit.....and all of the small retailers seem to, at times, rely on a single employee to run the shop. No owner present.....no "backup" employee in case the one doesn't show up on time to open the shop, or has to go home sick during business hours.....and from what I can gather, not much more than minimum wage being paid to that single employee and little or no opportunity to advance up the career ladder.

Notwithstanding all of the people who post mean stuff about Thai employees being unsatisfactory.......I'd like to hear about the experiences of the shop owners here on ThaiVisa. How often do you get "the call" an hour before the shop is supposed to open.....from your one scheduled "opener" who is calling to tell you they can't make it to work that day? What do you do when it happens? Do "you guys" really run your shops successfully...long term.....with one low wage employee per shift? What's the main motivation for that employee to be reliable......is it more their desire to do well in order to earn extra pay or recognition, or fear of losing their job if they miss a shift?

Just curious.



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There are good dedicated employees and there are bad employees

My employees show up like a clock

My friends companies goes through employees like candy

There is no guaranteed formula

For me I find that the people that are just really thankful to have a job make the best employees

Sometimes giving an opportunity to someone who might not have 100% of the qualifications or education yields the most dedicated and loyal employees

Even if they are the only employee in the shop, you respect and treat them is how they will treat you

One employee, although it might mean nothing, can be given the title of manager making them have some self worth and pride in what they are doing

If you take are of them and respect that they are in fact keeping your shop running, they will do a good job for you

Never treat them like I am the boss you are the worker, that gets old fast and they will take off

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amen to that! One of th best posts I've seen in a while...I like especially the part with employing not 100% trained but dedicated people. Aleays done this and they grow with the job faster than you would have thought!


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Agreed that NIO's reply contains an abundance of truth and actionable advice. Thank you!

I'm still hoping that NIO or RARO or someone else will indulge me with a few additional words regarding what is presumably a Thai angle to this sort of "one man show" scheduling. In America, for example, even with a much higher (on absolute and relative scale) minimum wage, most small retail shops wouldn't rely solely on a single minimum wage employee to open on time (not late) and to stay open (not close or leave early). Sure, having one such person there happens from time to time.....but not often as part of the permanent business plan.

So what's different here in the LOS? Work ethic? Desire to gain something (more pay, bonus, promotion)? Fear of losing their job?



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More pay does not work. In fact it can have the opposite effect as they perceive you as weak and stupid. Increasing salary for more responsibility does work but often they do not want that responsibility and you have to respect that.

As for shops having no cover, then I suppose someone would step into the breach or it is family members who are doing the work in the first place.

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