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I agree it's not good to reward bribe-taking behavior. The type of farang who gladly pays a bribe, without even bargaining is the type of farang who runs prices up for the rest of us. It happens with American-style tipping in Pattaya/Bkk and other tourist besodden places in Thailand. ....and accepts all sorts of hyper-inflated prices without a care - by repeating the mantra, "I'm just a dumb rich visitor to a foreign country, so I won't make any ripples when I think I'm being ripped off." Dummies.

I always push the envelope when I come up against a security person who is abusing their authority. It's a subtle game - how to push them to the point where they know that I know they're trying to cheat - but not pushing it so far as to get in tangible trouble.

The OP's story is completely believable, and adds to the reasons why Thailand stays firmly stuck in the muck of a 3rd world country.

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brahmburgers: I thought that OP's story was about Laos.

It takes place in Laos, but specifically at the Thai embassy there, so it's technically Thai territory. More to the point, the person telling lies in order to get bribes was either part of Thai embassy staff or was in its employ. The Thai embassy is responsible for its employees, is it not? I doubt they don't know what's going on at the gateway to their premises. So if it keeps happening, then it's condoned by the Thai staff there, and it besmudges their services.

Edited by brahmburgers
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