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Oxygen Bottle (where Can I Buy One)


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My mother in law has 1 lung. She is 80 and now getting worryingly short of breath. I want to buy an oxygen bottle for her. No, not to hit her over the head :)

The mother in law lives in Philipines......so the question i have in realtion to buying her an oxygen bottle covers 2 areas.

1. Where can i buy an oxygen bottle (a big one or a hand held one is OK......)

2. To get the oxygen bottle to Philipines is imple enough because i am going there in April. But is one allowed to be taken on the place (in the cabin)?

Thanks in advance for your kind responses.

Best wishes

Me&MrsJones (we got a thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinng goin ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooonnn)

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contact your hospital and ask about the options for oxygen.

If your mother is staying here permanently you may consider an Oxygen COncentrator.

It is very important that Oxygen is only given to breathing impaired people under strict doctors supervision as it can cause excesses of CO2 to build up causing death. I have been in intensive care for hypercapnia through excess CO2

Edited by harrry
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i am dealing with Air bottles, whether they be medical, diving or for Fire use. Pm me if you want to know more. However I carry air bottles with me in my case on flights very regularly and YES you are stopped. But if you show that the bottle valve is open and no danger then all is ok

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