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GF recieved letter from embassy, she was a bit worried as they were asking for lots of info we have already submitted, we both feared they had lost it all (originals),

I called embassy today and asked what was the crack, they told me its just a checklist they send out to everyone. And if we already have sent the documents theres nothing to worry about, However there were a few items we thought we would gather to help the interview along. I.E. proof GF has not been married B4 ect.

I then asked when would she get her interview? They said when she submits any more docs. between 1-3 any day (up to GF) if nothings missing she will have her interview then. The embassy said she has been accepted for a short interview.

Does any one have experience of the above. Ie what are the chances she will get her interview the day she takes the rest of the stuff? how long is a short interview, whats envolved?

Edited by BIG SPUDS
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Hi BS,

A short interview means that they are already thinking about giving your fiancée the visa but they just want a quick over-the-counter chat with her first. Providing she doesn't say anything wrong it should just be a 5-minute job and then come back at 3 to pick up her passport with the visa inside.


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how long is a short interview, whats envolved?

What is involved is that she turns up BS. Short interviews are not always the norm. She is lucky that she got one, as opposed to being hauled over the coals in a long interview.

Make sure you are there with her to hold her hand and re-assure her. You can't let this chance pass mate. Get on a plane to BKK son.

Otherwise I'll be on the first train up to Birmingham myself to give you a good kick up the you know what on behalf of all TV members who have been trying to help you (including cynical ones like me!!)

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Just cant get there mate, boss wont give me the time off :o

Face losing my job if i go. And i dont need that if she gets it!!!!!

Quick question scouse, All the items on the check list we have provided with some exceptions.

1. evidence of employment, ive done this and my GF doesnt work, ive wrote this in a letter, is this ok as i dont see anything else i can do.

2. Birth/marriage/divorce certs, neither of us have been married B4 so theres nothing to show right?? I have wrote this on the application. GF says she can get a letter from home from someone in her village to say she hasn't been married B4 (someone legit i dont know who head of village or something) is this neccessary, as this may take up to 4 weeks to get?

Or is she ready to go?

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An honest, bona fide relationship = acceptance into the UK

My baby's Godmother (who works in Immigration Dept of Foreign & Commonwealth Office) told me this.

.......nuff' said really.

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If you've already provided evidence of your employment that's enough and if you've never been married before, the visa officer will accept that at face value unless he has evidence to the contrary. Your fiancée doesn't need to trudge home to get a certificate.

Best of luck,


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Called embassy again today and spoke to a really helpful man.

I explained what had happened and he looked over the fiances file.

He told me that no further info was required and the GF could go between 1-2 for a short interview. He told me to make sure GF knew what was submitted and why. He said we stand a good chance of getting the visa as long as the GF says the right things.

So waiting now for the GF to pick up her phone, from the repair shop (its knackered at the moment) so i can give her a mock interview (to make sure she knows everything)

GF cannot believe her luck as she was dreading a big interview.

Has anyone had experience of a short interview?

Just wondering what maybe asked?

Also on the application form, i stated we wanted to get married october, if she got the visa september (i allowed for the 3 month wait)

If GF is granted the visa will it start straight away, as i want to go over and fetch her asap. Will it matter if the GF says at the interview if she is granted the visa the same day and i fetch her quickly we will get married sooner?

Edited by BIG SPUDS
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1. Yes, the visa will be valid from the date it's issued unless you ask for it to be post-dated.

2. A fiancée visa enables the holder to marry in the UK, so the visa officer could not really give 2 hoots whether this is done sooner rather than later.



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They gave my ex-girlfriend a short interview from what I can remember the questions were:

Why do you want to go to England?

How long are you staying for?

How long have you been with/known your boyfriend?

Maybe..... Where did you meet your boyfriend?

Maybe..... Are you planning on getting married?

Just make sure what she says matches the supporting evidence and that she doesn't say anything daft like "I want to work/get married in England" I've heard of girls crying cos they said really stupid stuff like this then wondered why they were refused.

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Just make sure ..........she doesn't say anything daft like "I want to work/get married in England"

Just to pre-empt BS's next question, as a fiancée visa entitles your g/f to marry and settle in the UK, there is no harm in her saying she wishes to get married and stay. In fact, the visa officer will expect her to say such.


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Just make sure ..........she doesn't say anything daft like "I want to work/get married in England"

Just to pre-empt BS's next question, as a fiancée visa entitles your g/f to marry and settle in the UK, there is no harm in her saying she wishes to get married and stay. In fact, the visa officer will expect her to say such.


Sorry I gave that example as a stupid thing to say when applying for a tourist visa not a fiance visa.

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