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Carrefour...check Your Register Receipts


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Bbe aware when you shop at Carrefour. Check your register receipts carefully. My Thai partner discovered that we were ripped off 1,100 baht on a total bill of 4,10 brought to jail.0 baht. The girl was questioned and tell me.taken to the police station immediately. Having trouble with this site, but if you want more details...justt

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Perhaps you should sober up and try again in the morning....

Right! Amazing Thailand! I'm Amazed this nonsense was allowed on here in the first place........

Come on OP, if you have something to say of use to us, please try again promptly, and give it to us clearly!!

Perhape if this website was easier to navigate, you would not receive garbage. Also There are so many of you farangs out there who are complete jerks in my opinion. But I do respect many of you who post here. The Carrefour story is typical of what can happen here, but I am naive and always trust the Thai people. Be careful of the BIg Stores, that's all I have to say. BTW I have lived here 3 yrs. and been visiting for about 6. So I am just trying to be helpful. If anyone wants more info on this story, just say so. Otherwise go read something else!

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I really can't believe the jerks who have responded to my post. Anyway here is my story...my Thai partner shopped as uaual at Carrefour for groceries. Usually "I never check the receipts. But this time he deciided to check it out as it seemed a bit high. Turned out that they charged us 190 bHT EACH FOR 6 nd partner got it straightened out quicklydifferent drinks that cost 10 bt each. It was rung up 3 times for 3 different drinks. A different of 1,100 baht. The girl could not explain it, tried to say it was just a mistake, and then blamed the store for posting the wrong prices. The police were there questioning her at the time; they responded in 4 minutes. The clerk finally broke down crying and they took her off to the police station to be fined, etc. The manager of the store begged my B/F to have mercy and not tell Faramg friend about this incident or post it on the Internet. We had a similar smaller incident about a year ago...and was probably just a mistake. ??

BTW I definitely got my money back from Thai partner. He is an honest person and apparently more Jai Dee than some of you people out there are. Take a look at yourselves and try to keep an open mind!

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Bret Maverick and others. pleasde read my post. "i have said that the cashier was taken immediately to jail and either fined or made to stay there. She was overcharing customers and pocketing the diference and confessed to it. Believe what you think...but I got all my money back. You people should have a little more faith in your Thai relationships and perhaps also in the system. Not everyone is dishonest...and sometimes the Thai police can be very very helpful. That's all I have to say...please close this post MOD.

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You dont understand what I am saying - if she rang the items up for more than what they are suppose to be - this will reflect on your receipt. Therefore her till must balance what the sales she rang up. So if she charges you more then the money has to go in the til. Now if she arbitrarily - told you the wrong amount from what the receipt says then this is a different matter. I'm just trying to figure out how she was actually scamming you. I never said I did not believe your story. :)

Edited by britmaveric
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I really can't believe the jerks who have responded to my post. Anyway here is my story...my Thai partner shopped as uaual at Carrefour for groceries. Usually "I never check the receipts. But this time he deciided to check it out as it seemed a bit high. Turned out that they charged us 190 bHT EACH FOR 6 nd partner got it straightened out quicklydifferent drinks that cost 10 bt each. It was rung up 3 times for 3 different drinks. A different of 1,100 baht. The girl could not explain it, tried to say it was just a mistake, and then blamed the store for posting the wrong prices. The police were there questioning her at the time; they responded in 4 minutes. The clerk finally broke down crying and they took her off to the police station to be fined, etc. The manager of the store begged my B/F to have mercy and not tell Faramg friend about this incident or post it on the Internet. We had a similar smaller incident about a year ago...and was probably just a mistake. ??

BTW I definitely got my money back from Thai partner. He is an honest person and apparently more Jai Dee than some of you people out there are. Take a look at yourselves and try to keep an open mind!

My my a bit on the sensitive side are'nt we.tsk,tsk,tsk :)

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I really can't believe the jerks who have responded to my post. Anyway here is my story...my Thai partner shopped as uaual at Carrefour for groceries. Usually "I never check the receipts. But this time he deciided to check it out as it seemed a bit high. Turned out that they charged us 190 bHT EACH FOR 6 nd partner got it straightened out quicklydifferent drinks that cost 10 bt each. It was rung up 3 times for 3 different drinks. A different of 1,100 baht. The girl could not explain it, tried to say it was just a mistake, and then blamed the store for posting the wrong prices. The police were there questioning her at the time; they responded in 4 minutes. The clerk finally broke down crying and they took her off to the police station to be fined, etc. The manager of the store begged my B/F to have mercy and not tell Faramg friend about this incident or post it on the Internet. We had a similar smaller incident about a year ago...and was probably just a mistake. ??

BTW I definitely got my money back from Thai partner. He is an honest person and apparently more Jai Dee than some of you people out there are. Take a look at yourselves and try to keep an open mind!

:):D :D

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It's always best to keep an eye on the till display as items are scanned.  Sometimes the till price doesn't match the shelf price.  If you see the till price is higher than the shelf price, point it out & you get that item for free  :) .  I guess it happens when they haven't updated the shelf price after a promotion.

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You dont understand what I am saying - if she rang the items up for more than what they are suppose to be - this will reflect on your receipt. Therefore her till must balance what the sales she rang up. So if she charges you more then the money has to go in the til. Now if she arbitrarily - told you the wrong amount from what the receipt says then this is a different matter. I'm just trying to figure out how she was actually scamming you. I never said I did not believe your story. :)


ginneyten, if you read again (in a non defensive way please, as many, including myself, are not attacking you, we just want to understand how this can happen), you may get what britmaveric is explaining better.

At the start of a working day, till machines have a set amount of cash in them. Most tills (and all in big stores) are electronic. At the end of the day the till cash float is checked against the receipt balance. Everything that was rung up (including any overcharging) will be recorded. Unless the cashier tells you a completely different (higher) sum than is on the receipt, or, short changes you, she cannot pocket money without it showing an imbalance in the final cash up. If there is a constant imbalance at the end of a day, the cashier will be questioned and possibly fired.

It is impossible for her to take money from rung up items, even overcharged items, that show up on the receipt.

So makes me wonder how she was pocketing money from customers over a period of time. Overcharging customers serves no purpose as it registers in the till. If she is stealing from the till, then it doesnt matter how much she charges customers. If she is stealing from customers, it can only be through short changing them.

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I definitely got my money back from Thai partner. He is an honest person and apparently more Jai Dee than some of you people out there are
The manager of the store begged my B/F to have mercy and not tell Faramg friend about this incident or post it on the Internet

cool, yr boyfriend is jai dee, but has no mercy! :)

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Sorry but I am confused..

The cashiers dont "ring up" the prices - they are scanned ...so if the prices were wrong its the STORES fault..

AND BTW this does happen in big stores which is part of their modern "scanning and scamming" technique. Theprices are shown on the shelf only, not the item itself,,

and by the time you get home and check the bill you have likely forgotten the shelf price anyway..

Secondly, i agree with another poster, if you were overcharged by the cashier she would have to make up the shortage, if any,

Also, there have over the years been previous posts about carrefour doing this,, so I am not surprised...

My Thai partner always checks the receipts, store and restaurants, and watches the items being entered on the cash register.. safety.

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I was overcharged at Carefour for some sale items. I just scanned the receipt and remembered the price for the items because I bought them because they were on sale. The clerk asked me to fill out a form and they gave me the items for free and refunded double the difference. It was a nice way to settle the issue, but I rarely remember the prices so they could have overcharged me many times in the past. Because of that, I really don't have any confidence that they don't overcharge often and I don't shop there any more. It's a PIA if you have to check your receipt every time you shop. I think it's just the result of sloppy procedures rather than a scam, but the result is the same.

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Just do what was mentioned above.

When you select an item, and put it in your shopping cart, have a mental image of the price.

500 g package of Agnesi brand penne pasta: 52 B.

When they scan, watch the digital display- especially for sale items, or the items that are double discounted at Carrefour (taped together).

My average purchase at Carrefour is about 1500 B. Usually buy 10-20 different items. I've never had a problem there, or have been overcharged.

I'm sorry, but this whole story sounds very suspect. Cashier dragged off to police station, confessed?

And it sounds like the whole complaint/arrest process is being reported by the Thai partner of the OP.

Sounds like a bunch of possibly miscommunicated information.

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Just do what was mentioned above.

When you select an item, and put it in your shopping cart, have a mental image of the price.

500 g package of Agnesi brand penne pasta: 52 B.

When they scan, watch the digital display- especially for sale items, or the items that are double discounted at Carrefour (taped together).

My average purchase at Carrefour is about 1500 B. Usually buy 10-20 different items. I've never had a problem there, or have been overcharged.

I'm sorry, but this whole story sounds very suspect. Cashier dragged off to police station, confessed?

And it sounds like the whole complaint/arrest process is being reported by the Thai partner of the OP.

Sounds like a bunch of possibly miscommunicated information.

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i'd like to add a little clarification to my post and to assure you that it was meant only as a general warning to be aware and check your receipts when shopping in a major store here. I have been very negligent in this regard but was also the same in the States. I actually believe it was an honest mistake and think my young Thai 'partner' embellished the truth about the jail stuff. All I know is that he returned home with 1,100 bath which was overcharged and also received the items in question free of charge. However we were overcharged at Carrefour on another occasion and he is very cautious even when dealing with Thai people. They don't trust each other that much! It's a sad world and I am very naive....but too late to change at my age.

Thanks to those you who were sympathetic and really heard my message. There are many good TV membets out there!!

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it happens in many 7-11 in bangkok, my guess is they take the rung up items home after their shift.

I believe this about the 7-11.

Sure it is a good thing to check receipts. Prices can always be off or a cashier can inadvertently scan more than once.

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i'd like to add a little clarification to my post and to assure you that it was meant only as a general warning to be aware and check your receipts when shopping in a major store here. I have been very negligent in this regard but was also the same in the States. I actually believe it was an honest mistake and think my young Thai 'partner' embellished the truth about the jail stuff. All I know is that he returned home with 1,100 bath which was overcharged and also received the items in question free of charge. However we were overcharged at Carrefour on another occasion and he is very cautious even when dealing with Thai people. They don't trust each other that much! It's a sad world and I am very naive....but too late to change at my age.

Thanks to those you who were sympathetic and really heard my message. There are many good TV membets out there!!

Is a membet a small TV member?

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