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Dual Pricing At Phuket Airport


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Hmm personal insults aside Robbie, I know several farangs here with Thai Nationality - yes I am that old. If their fluency in Thai doesn't get them though the door at local rates, then they flash they ID card. However, one can hardly blame a poor lil farm girl for not assuming the 99.9 percent of farangs she sees at the Ice Cream shop does not meet the spec.

Using the Park above as an example, I am sure they don't stereotype residents vs non residents based on skin colour. Guessing if you want the resident price - you must prove it but that's a different topic.

Anyways, my point about posting the Aussie thing was to rebut the previous poster that said they don't have dual pricing in Australia. Besides I am sure someone with your IQ probably could have figured all this out without me having to waste 5 mins explaining it to you in writing. :)

The personal insult was just returning the favor James from an other topic i never start insults but i don't like to be insulted.

My IQ like yours probably contains 3 digits (let us hope) so its good enough, and maybe i just wanted you to write stuff. But its hard to deny that someone like you or me who are residents here and not tourists many times pay the inflated prices. I usually just avoid those places unless i really have to. But it just feels unfair like a few other things here in Thailand. I will always comment about those things because i don't like unfair things. It doesn't make me hate Thailand or dislike it i still love it.

I don't know how old you are James but you just started to sound ancient. I would love to have residency here but it would be almost impossible for me to achieve. I am still studying on my Thai and its not even good but i get by with it and everyone always say its great (standard remark even if its bad).

You just seem to be able to ruffle my feathers easy and i just don't take everything. Other then that i would not bash your brains in if i saw you because i like a bit of animated discussion.

Im sure Holland has dual pricing too (maybe) but there once you live somewhere your a resident and your not subjected to them anymore. Your also not gouged extra by others just because you look different.

3 digit IQ ? I have 10 digits on my hands but sadly they have been worn to the bone from years of walking. 75.5 the last time I had my palms read.

I don't like dual pricing and go out of my way to not go to places that charge it. But Thailand is not alone.

Bash my brain in? let's hope I don't leave it at home on that day.

Gouged by others because I look different? Once had a girl leave some nasty marks on my back but wouldn't call it a gouge. Made a mess of my suntan bless her soul.

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If Thailand wanted it could just say you can own a house with set amount of land. Its not that hard to regulate that. I can understand that they dont want foreigners taking over stuff, BUT now the rich Thais have it so its not that much different.

It's still "better" to be screwed over by your own people than it is to be screwed over by foreigners with their own cultural and political causes. This is their mindset and the mindset of most people about their native country. As far as land regulation goes..yes that would work _if_ Thai land/lease laws were functional and not corrupted. Once again this goes back to economics..Thailand is a developing country and these institutions are not firm enough to support the complexities behind foreign ownership clauses. Just look at how foreign firms were able to come into Samui and divide it up even _with_ specific laws on the books.

Also if you compare Asians living on tourist visa's with foreigners doing the same you will see that the foreigners in general don't try to claim benefits from the Thai state wile vice versa that would be done. If you had enough money you could easily move into Holland or an other country they only try to protect the country from going bankrupt.

There's such a huge social difference between asian immigrants in the west and the sort of western expat you see in Asia that it's not even worth going over. Asian immigrants in the west often have no choice but to depend on a social welfare net when they have nothing because quite a few are POLITICAL REFUGEES living in poverty. How many white western political refugees do you see living in Thailand fleeing oppression from their homelands?

If you can't see the difference then you are just either pretending to be ignorant or having a laugh.

Edited by wintermute
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Hmm personal insults aside Robbie, I know several farangs here with Thai Nationality - yes I am that old. If their fluency in Thai doesn't get them though the door at local rates, then they flash they ID card. However, one can hardly blame a poor lil farm girl for not assuming the 99.9 percent of farangs she sees at the Ice Cream shop does not meet the spec.

Using the Park above as an example, I am sure they don't stereotype residents vs non residents based on skin colour. Guessing if you want the resident price - you must prove it but that's a different topic.

Anyways, my point about posting the Aussie thing was to rebut the previous poster that said they don't have dual pricing in Australia. Besides I am sure someone with your IQ probably could have figured all this out without me having to waste 5 mins explaining it to you in writing. :)

The personal insult was just returning the favor James from an other topic i never start insults but i don't like to be insulted.

My IQ like yours probably contains 3 digits (let us hope) so its good enough, and maybe i just wanted you to write stuff. But its hard to deny that someone like you or me who are residents here and not tourists many times pay the inflated prices. I usually just avoid those places unless i really have to. But it just feels unfair like a few other things here in Thailand. I will always comment about those things because i don't like unfair things. It doesn't make me hate Thailand or dislike it i still love it.

I don't know how old you are James but you just started to sound ancient. I would love to have residency here but it would be almost impossible for me to achieve. I am still studying on my Thai and its not even good but i get by with it and everyone always say its great (standard remark even if its bad).

You just seem to be able to ruffle my feathers easy and i just don't take everything. Other then that i would not bash your brains in if i saw you because i like a bit of animated discussion.

Im sure Holland has dual pricing too (maybe) but there once you live somewhere your a resident and your not subjected to them anymore. Your also not gouged extra by others just because you look different.

3 digit IQ ? I have 10 digits on my hands but sadly they have been worn to the bone from years of walking. 75.5 the last time I had my palms read.

I don't like dual pricing and go out of my way to not go to places that charge it. But Thailand is not alone.

Bash my brain in? let's hope I don't leave it at home on that day.

Gouged by others because I look different? Once had a girl leave some nasty marks on my back but wouldn't call it a gouge. Made a mess of my suntan bless her soul.

James if you go on for me making a spelling error lets continue this conversation in Dutch and see how well you do. You know what i meant.

Can agree about your second remark

About your brain i said i would NOT bash it in. But like you said would be hard to do even if i wanted if you left it home that day.

Lets keep it at this ok, else we both get RSI from typing.

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If Thailand wanted it could just say you can own a house with set amount of land. Its not that hard to regulate that. I can understand that they dont want foreigners taking over stuff, BUT now the rich Thais have it so its not that much different.

It's still "better" to be screwed over by your own people than it is to be screwed over by foreigners with their own cultural and political causes. This is their mindset and the mindset of most people about their native country. As far as land regulation goes..yes that would work _if_ Thai land/lease laws were functional and not corrupted. Once again this goes back to economics..Thailand is a developing country and these institutions are not firm enough to support the complexities behind foreign ownership clauses. Just look at how foreign firms were able to come into Samui and divide it up even _with_ specific laws on the books.

Also if you compare Asians living on tourist visa's with foreigners doing the same you will see that the foreigners in general don't try to claim benefits from the Thai state wile vice versa that would be done. If you had enough money you could easily move into Holland or an other country they only try to protect the country from going bankrupt.

There's such a huge social difference between asian immigrants in the west and the sort of western expat you see in Asia that it's not even worth going over. Asian immigrants in the west often have no choice but to depend on a social welfare net when they have nothing because quite a few are POLITICAL REFUGEES living in poverty. How many white western political refugees do you see living in Thailand fleeing oppression from their homelands?

If you can't see the difference then you are just either pretending to be ignorant or having a laugh.

You keep on going on about politcal refugees and so on, they can be taken care of in the area. If they can afford it to come to Europe they are economical refugees not political. That is all what i have to say about it.

But come on compare married people like i pointed out.. and you will loose.

Even rich tourists are welcome in Europe.. just as rich tourists are welcome here.

The thing with you is you change your tune all the time if you get cornered and your arguments are gone. Like this its a never ending story with you

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Hmm personal insults aside Robbie, I know several farangs here with Thai Nationality - yes I am that old. If their fluency in Thai doesn't get them though the door at local rates, then they flash they ID card. However, one can hardly blame a poor lil farm girl for not assuming the 99.9 percent of farangs she sees at the Ice Cream shop does not meet the spec.

Using the Park above as an example, I am sure they don't stereotype residents vs non residents based on skin colour. Guessing if you want the resident price - you must prove it but that's a different topic.

Anyways, my point about posting the Aussie thing was to rebut the previous poster that said they don't have dual pricing in Australia. Besides I am sure someone with your IQ probably could have figured all this out without me having to waste 5 mins explaining it to you in writing. :D

The personal insult was just returning the favor James from an other topic i never start insults but i don't like to be insulted.

My IQ like yours probably contains 3 digits (let us hope) so its good enough, and maybe i just wanted you to write stuff. But its hard to deny that someone like you or me who are residents here and not tourists many times pay the inflated prices. I usually just avoid those places unless i really have to. But it just feels unfair like a few other things here in Thailand. I will always comment about those things because i don't like unfair things. It doesn't make me hate Thailand or dislike it i still love it.

I don't know how old you are James but you just started to sound ancient. I would love to have residency here but it would be almost impossible for me to achieve. I am still studying on my Thai and its not even good but i get by with it and everyone always say its great (standard remark even if its bad).

You just seem to be able to ruffle my feathers easy and i just don't take everything. Other then that i would not bash your brains in if i saw you because i like a bit of animated discussion.

Im sure Holland has dual pricing too (maybe) but there once you live somewhere your a resident and your not subjected to them anymore. Your also not gouged extra by others just because you look different.

3 digit IQ ? I have 10 digits on my hands but sadly they have been worn to the bone from years of walking. 75.5 the last time I had my palms read.

I don't like dual pricing and go out of my way to not go to places that charge it. But Thailand is not alone.

Bash my brain in? let's hope I don't leave it at home on that day.

Gouged by others because I look different? Once had a girl leave some nasty marks on my back but wouldn't call it a gouge. Made a mess of my suntan bless her soul.

James if you go on for me making a spelling error lets continue this conversation in Dutch and see how well you do. You know what i meant.

Can agree about your second remark

About your brain i said i would NOT bash it in. But like you said would be hard to do even if i wanted if you left it home that day.

Lets keep it at this ok, else we both get RSI from typing.

Rob, far be for me to make light of anyone of the myriad of spelling errors - don't look for something that isnt there mate, strikes of paranoia. :)

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But come on compare married people like i pointed out.. and you will loose.

It boils down to economics all the same. Thai women are in a far less capable social and economic bargaining position most of the time and foreigners are usually in a much better one. Thus whether or not being married influences your particular rights in Thailand is completely irrelevant.

Here's an example to consider.. what's to stop an executive from DuPont, GE, Siemens, or Johnson & Johnson or some other massive western multinational to marry multiple regular thai woman as a proxy and buy up all the land if marriage laws meant equitable rights for foreigners?

Even rich tourists are welcome in Europe.. just as rich tourists are welcome here.

How many rich asian tourists are there in Europe and how many settle there indefinitely? I'd say it's probably so small of a percentage that it's not even worth mentioning.

The thing with you is you change your tune all the time if you get cornered and your arguments are gone. Like this its a never ending story with you


Edited by wintermute
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Did you leave your brain at home James ?

The thing is that is for residents, here even a foreigner living her mostly does not get the Thai price because of the color of his skin. Sometimes you are lucky with speaking Thai or with a drivers license but its not a grantee. I would say that is a big difference. It also isnt really an explanation for the difference in price of an ice cream to two people of different race. Anyway im sure a smart guy like you could figure out that it is different.

Just in this thread alone we have had quite a few people who have mentioned they haven't had to pay a foreigner fee because they have a work permit/id etc.. Maybe the problem is you?

As far as ice cream cones go a vendor is not an official government employee or administrator. They're just another person hustling to get by and what prices they set is based entirely on their own whims similar to how a taxi driver might try and rip you off sometimes.

Really crying about "racism" is pathetic coming from expats.

I am one of those people who gets by on his drivers license it happens but its not a grantee. Its the fact its not written down anywhere its not law your just at the mercy of others. It is racism plain and simple based on skin color, its hard to deny and its pathetic to do so.

Then when people start to defend it with well regulated and fair things in other countries that is pathetic. I don't understand why its so hard to admit Thailand has its faults. In the example James gave an resident would always get this discount, here they don't.

You hear that sound? It's the world's smallest violin playing just for you. I'd say the way you are treated in Thailand is probably a hel_l of a lot better than an asian immigrant would be treated socially in the U.K. or wherever you're originally from.

Are you sure you even have a Thai license?

an asian immigrant, african immigrant and so on get treated a lot better than i do back in the u.k., and i am a u.k.(national/citizen)

why do you think so many brits are leaving and are over here, or in australia, canada etc...?

answer, because they are sick and tired of seeing their tax money being forked out, left, right and centre to people that just come over and abuse the system.


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an asian immigrant, african immigrant and so on get treated a lot better than i do back in the u.k., and i am a u.k.(national/citizen)

why do you think so many brits are leaving and are over here, or in australia, canada etc...?

answer, because they are sick and tired of seeing their tax money being forked out, left, right and centre to people that just come over and abuse the system.


So are you saying this from the point of view of having actually experienced being an asian or african immigrant first hand or do you get all your social and political news bits from the BNP?

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But come on compare married people like i pointed out.. and you will loose.

It boils down to economics all the same. Thai women are in a far less capable social and economic bargaining position most of the time and foreigners are usually in a much better one. Thus whether or not being married influences your particular rights in Thailand is completely irrelevant.

Here's an example to consider.. what's to stop an executive from DuPont, GE, Siemens, or Johnson & Johnson or some other massive western multinational to marry multiple regular thai woman as a proxy and buy up all the land if marriage laws meant equitable rights for foreigners?

Even rich tourists are welcome in Europe.. just as rich tourists are welcome here.

How many rich asian tourists are there in Europe and how many settle there indefinitely? I'd say it's probably so small of a percentage that it's not even worth mentioning.

The thing with you is you change your tune all the time if you get cornered and your arguments are gone. Like this its a never ending story with you


For married people it does count same situation different country. The rights are totally different so you can state your are treated les fair by the Thai government as Thais would be treated by for example a Dutch government in the same situation. Money has nothing to do with it its rights are not influenced by money (not a lot anyway in Holland here its a different story)

The reason why the percentage is so low is because they have a good life already in their own country. But for the "precieved rich" farang he can have a better life here.

Glad we agree on the third point, because from dual pricing to this is quite a step.

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an asian immigrant, african immigrant and so on get treated a lot better than i do back in the u.k., and i am a u.k.(national/citizen)

why do you think so many brits are leaving and are over here, or in australia, canada etc...?

answer, because they are sick and tired of seeing their tax money being forked out, left, right and centre to people that just come over and abuse the system.


So are you saying this from the point of view of having actually experienced being an asian or african immigrant first hand or do you get all your social and political news bits from the BNP?

grew up in the london borough of brent, good enough for you!

should be if you know anything about how london, england and the whole of the u.k is going wright now.

down the pan!

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Money has nothing to do with it its rights are not influenced by money (not a lot anyway in Holland here its a different story)

Money most certainly has a lot to do with what kind of rights are established for certain people. The same goes for foreign policy etc.. it's naive to think otherwise. Like I said the current marriage restrictions for foreigners are to close off ownership loopholes. Thailand as a whole is in a pretty weak bargaining position so it uses a form of protectionism. You can stamp your feet about it all day long but they are still a lot smarter about it than you think.

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Money has nothing to do with it its rights are not influenced by money (not a lot anyway in Holland here its a different story)

Money most certainly has a lot to do with what kind of rights are established for certain people. The same goes for foreign policy etc.. it's naive to think otherwise. Like I said the current marriage restrictions for foreigners are to close off ownership loopholes. Thailand as a whole is in a pretty weak bargaining position so it uses a form of protectionism. You can stamp your feet about it all day long but they are still a lot smarter about it than you think.

Of course i know i cant do a thing about it why do you think i complain, if i could do something about it i would have.

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Colabamumbai: You posted this: "I left her with 30 Bhat which is what I figured it may have been worth or what I Thai person would have paid."

How did you know what a Thai would have paid?

Did you ask the price before ordering?

What if every visitor to Thailand paid only what they thought a product or service was worth - without any negotiation?

A very basic rule for foreigners in Thailand -- especially in areas with a lot of tourists - is to ask the price before ordering.

You had no right to short-change the vendor -- and I guarantee that your action did not improve her opinion of you.

You owe her an apology and 20 baht.

The prices posted were 20 30 and 40 Bhat I asked for prawns in the noodle soup plural and I pointed to them and told her 4 or 5 in Thai. She gave me one, as I said She apologized to me.

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Be sure to calculate your totals as well and know what the expected charge will be. I was overcharged 70 baht at HKT buying some snacks/water for a flight and knew I was being ripped. As as I asked for the receipt, the cashier immediately rolled back to the correct prices and gave the correct change with receipt. It seems very sly for these people to rip of departing tourists so don't get caught with this trick. :)

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just show your Thai driving license

My work permit did the trick. :)

What's the world coming to when one has to show a driver's license or a work permit to get the correct price on an ice cream cone...? :D

Threaten to start licking all the icecreams in the fridge perhaps ?

That would be the nuclear option.

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What do you want from the guy? He is only trying to make a living...

DOUBLE STANDARDS is a National policy of Thai Govnt. Go to many national parks with paid entries, and you will see: ENTRY FEE: 20bt (Thai), 200bt farang. Big black on white board SHAMELESS RACIST note. :)

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What do you want from the guy? He is only trying to make a living...

DOUBLE STANDARDS is a National policy of Thai Govnt. Go to many national parks with paid entries, and you will see: ENTRY FEE: 20bt (Thai), 200bt farang. Big black on white board SHAMELESS RACIST note. :)

A lot have been said about DOUBLE STANDARDS pricing for locals and foreigners in thailand...

BTW are you all aware that in Singapore the locals have to pay SGD100 @ 2300 baht to enter the casinos whereas admission for foreigners is FREE....any comments.. :D

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What do you want from the guy? He is only trying to make a living...

DOUBLE STANDARDS is a National policy of Thai Govnt. Go to many national parks with paid entries, and you will see: ENTRY FEE: 20bt (Thai), 200bt farang. Big black on white board SHAMELESS RACIST note. :)

No, it does not say 'farang' it says 'foreigner'.

Nearly always anybody working in Thailand will get the Thai price BTW.

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