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Guy Walks Into A Massage Parlor..


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Bit bored..so typing up something i just remembered..dont read unless you are bored too!


Something I read just reminded me about this. Its not BAD..so sorry guys, no juicy massage tale for you, but its one of many circumstances where ive seen similar. Btw..my Thai is passable where i can understand most of being said and can have a general conversation.

I was in the little massage room at the waiting area of Don Muang airport a couple of months ago. Im relaxing and having a nice conversation with the lovely middle aged Thai lady giving me a massage.

In walks a loud "jack-the-lad" style English guy and some mates (no discriminatory reason for saying he is English, just that im trying to give a picture of his style of talking and mannerisms. Sort of like an East end English you would hear down a local market, fun actually. Sort of like "Elo luv, what can i getcha?" :D ) He can speak Thai, and speaks it in the same accent. He is asking the women in Thai for a massage for him and his friends and his voice is pretty loud. So they all sit down behind a partition and cant see me or the other women at the other side. First thing he does is joke about bartering the price down..which the women laugh at and say no. Hes translating all hes saying to his mates talking in a way as if the women wouldnt understand him. Thoughout the massage hes talking in Thai one minute asking the women if they have any daughters for him and his mates. Then saying in English to his mates things like "yeh we wanna get some Thai birds dont we". Things he says at times go a bit far..but nothing TOO bad.

Ok anyway..to finally cut to the chase..basically the ladies were smiling and laughing, but coming around the other side of the partition to where myself and my massage lady were to show their upset at his behaviour. Saying things like he is rude etc. They were offended. He was clueless (or maybe didnt care). They were happy as Larry though, doing no real harm, but still, being offensive.

So guys....do you think guys who act like this around Thai women are charmers or does it make you cringe? (Maybe you are guilty of it yourself lol...but just dont realise it). I could see from both sides really. A guy showing his mates around having a good time, and women who have to put up with guys who talk to them like that on a daily basis.

I have no real point tbh..just leaving it open to discussion if anyone is interested..


Edited by eek
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He'd be better off going home on the plane to the doctor in his local district and asking for the use of a daughter.



I mean, really it's not hard to find the therapy one needs in Thailand, whatever it maybe, but you don't walk into a restaurant to buy benzine.

Edited by SeanMoran
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Thais love a bit of fun and as long as they didn't overstep any serious cultural boundaries then ok. Having lived in the East End i know what they are like and generally many Thais would relate to them and enjoy the 'banter' (there are class issues to consider here too i think).

I think the women suggesting dismay were probably playing the Thai modesty card and actually loving the lightheartedness of the situation ( I could be wrong of course).

Perhaps we are all a little too precious around Thais, and think too much about things. I know many will tell us that for sure. Then again, i have seen things and heard things that have made me feel ashamed to be a westerner. Though, likewise some Thais and their actions and attitudes.

My attitude is 'Tread lightly around life and hopefully it won't bite you too hard'.


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guys like this make me cringe , i seen one guy in the uk in a resturaunt where a young thai lady was working approach her asking was she thai, ? she replied yes, the di**head wai,d her followed by the usual sawadee kap and then proceeded to ask how much for a short time in front of his mates and anyone else who was listening. felt like punching his <deleted> face in ggrrrrrrrr!!!

Edited by dmax
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The nature of the beast being what it is, testosterone and all, boys will be boys when they run in a pack. Not much you can do about it.

It was because of that kind of male behavior that I was a lone wolf during my many single years on the prowl. If you went out with the guys, there was always someone in the group who acted badly. It had a tendency to reflect badly on those he was with as well.

Being bad form to dump your mates but intolerable to be around someone like that, the only choice was to go it alone. As a regular you would bump into the people you liked anyway but didn't have to abide by pack rules. Not sure if this is the kind of answer you are looking for but it is my take on bad male behavior.

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guys like this make me cringe , i seen one guy in the uk in a resturaunt where a young thai lady was working approach her asking was she thai, ? she replied yes, the di**head wai,d her followed by the usual sawadee kap and then proceeded to ask how much for a short time in front of his mates and anyone else who was listening. felt like punching his <deleted> face in ggrrrrrrrr!!!

If you come from another country to this country, then you are an ambassador to this country for the reputation of the shithole you came from.

We all make stupid accidental cultural errors, God help us, but everything we do in err here in Thailand gets reflected tenfold back onto our own countrymen, just as we reflect the stupid actions of a few Thai people onto the entire population.

I will find that drongo oneday and gently shoot him down for the hurt he caused the rest of us.

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Cringe big time, but what can be done, some people simply shouldn't be allowed to travel outside their home area, tagging perhaps!

But DMAX also provided useful insight when he referred to similar behaviour by Brits towards a Thai girl in the UK, posts like that make me seriously doubt the sense in taking Mrs Cm back to the UK, it simply wouldn't be fair.

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Poor ladies, they probably have to deal with guys like this all the time so that they don't lose customers. Guys like this make me cringe. (It should probably be noted, however, that I am a girl and have had to put up with interactions with these kinds of guys myself). :)

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Not looking for any particular answer villagefarang, just interesting to read others take on it.

Dmax, he didnt say anything out of turn like that. I can see why you (and anyone) would be extremely upset and embarrassed if a guy was to say what that guy said in the restaurant. No respect or manners at all. Poor girl!

Luang, i really like your last paragraph so much.

Im surprised by the various responses actually. Was expecting the thread to die a sudden death.

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Cringe big time, but what can be done, some people simply shouldn't be allowed to travel outside their home area, tagging perhaps!

But DMAX also provided useful insight when he referred to similar behaviour by Brits towards a Thai girl in the UK, posts like that make me seriously doubt the sense in taking Mrs Cm back to the UK, it simply wouldn't be fair.

Gentlemen still exist on this planet. We must stick together because the authorities wouldn't know the difference between wheat or chaff when it comes to ladies and gentlemen. May as well ask a conglomerate of wool-classers to determine the difference between sheep and lamb, for we are neither.

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I will find that drongo oneday and gently shoot him down for the hurt he caused the rest of us.

WAH!! Lucky for him it was me sitting at the other side of the partition then than you! :)


Chiangmai, i imagine it depends on each area? I am from the UK myself and there are SO many lovely respectable men there who are absolute gentlemen. Even lovely east end guys too! Some men are just jerks, no matter where they are from. As long as your wife has self assurance and a reassuring husband and friends, those type of men will never get her down (well ..as long as its not on a daily basis).

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I will find that drongo oneday and gently shoot him down for the hurt he caused the rest of us.

WAH!! Lucky for him it was me sitting at the other side of the partition then than you! :)


Chiangmai, i imagine it depends on each area? I am from the UK myself and there are SO many lovely respectable men there who are absolute gentlemen. Even lovely east end guys too! Some men are just jerks, no matter where they are from. As long as your wife has self assurance and a reassuring husband and friends, those type of men will never get her down (well ..as long as its not on a daily basis).

True, it's never good to generalise and thanks for reminding me of that - but it's a pretty damning sentiment I suppose when a native Brit has such negative feelings about the behaviour of his fellow countrymen, imagine how the Thai's must feel!

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I will find that drongo oneday and gently shoot him down for the hurt he caused the rest of us.

WAH!! Lucky for him it was me sitting at the other side of the partition then than you! :D


Chiangmai, i imagine it depends on each area? I am from the UK myself and there are SO many lovely respectable men there who are absolute gentlemen. Even lovely east end guys too! Some men are just jerks, no matter where they are from. As long as your wife has self assurance and a reassuring husband and friends, those type of men will never get her down (well ..as long as its not on a daily basis).

After the war, we will look back and thank those who worled towards that redemption of the alliance that once was between women and men, and not the subject of the OP whose mouth seemed driven by the brain he could have kept to himself.

Yes I might think lewd thoughts when I meet a pretty dentist, but it's not necessary to mouth off about it. Too many single-parent families in the western world is what it comes down to, and we all know that was Maggie Thatcher with her4 blasted Falklands War that did all that to us, don't we? :)

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I find that Thai women will often fain displeasure or disinterest whenever it comes to anything sexual (although in this case the bloke appears to have just been being rude talking about their daughters) as accordance to the strict "good girl/bad girl" rules in Thailand while their actions will show that they are interested.

for example, might go on a date with a girl and spend the whole night touching her and make overt sexual suggestions. the entire time she never smiles or give in whatsoever, acts like you are her cousin and she has no interest or even awareness of what sex is... date ends... then you get 50 text messages in the next 24 hours.


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I find that Thai women will often fain displeasure or disinterest whenever it comes to anything sexual (although in this case the bloke appears to have just been being rude talking about their daughters) as accordance to the strict "good girl/bad girl" rules in Thailand while their actions will show that they are interested.

for example, might go on a date with a girl and spend the whole night touching her and make overt sexual suggestions. the entire time she never smiles or give in whatsoever, acts like you are her cousin and she has no interest or even awareness of what sex is... date ends... then you get 50 text messages in the next 24 hours.


I took a young lady to the movies last Wednesday, for the afternoon matinee, Jackie Chan's latest b-grader she chose. I've known her for over a month, and try to be a bit of an elder brother to her since she's a 22 yo virgin hotel maid and I'm a 42 yo invalid foreigner.

We sat and watched the movie and I laid my arm on the armrest of the seat and let her rest her arm on mine, as the plastic seat was perhaps less gentle on her arm than my arm to rest on. That was all. The movie finished and I took her home in daylight.

Yesterday she called me to tell me that since last week, she has now left her job and taken up with selling her body for a living and is no longer a virgin anymore.

Next time I take a girl to the movies, I'll make sure to be more smoochy.

Someone needs to write a book on this. I would have read it if there ever was one.

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Cringe ofcourse . Late twenties going on 16, showing off to his mates I guess. A stern look from one of the ladies which is probably what he's used to would have probably stopped him in his tracks early on in the conversation. I'm not defending him but smiling ladies give out the wrong signals . Positive feedback I suppose . Its not something Brits are used to unless its during our two weeks of summer. ............ Although you did say he could speak Thai , So yes He's an Ar%e. Being an Ar%e is one of the few things we Brits are good at these days . Its a Crying shame :)

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pff. that's life!

just customers having a good time at the expense of the staff.

Not an unusual situation anywhere, wouldn't you agree?

I bet when Thai customers get offensive, the staff has a much more difficult time.

The customer is King... and as long as he's just having a good laugh, the staff shouldn't mind too much.

Edited by manarak
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pff. that's life!

just customers having a good time at the expense of the staff.

Not an unusual situation anywhere, wouldn't you agree?

I bet when Thai customers get offensive, the staff has a much more difficult time.

The customer is King... and as long as he's just having a good laugh, the staff shouldn't mind too much.

Having fun at someone else's expense can never be right, the words sensibility, consideration, tact and decorum spring to mind.

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Defending us menfolk in Thailand, many a time ive gone to legitimate massage shops where males aswell as females go, and the massage lady has caressed my body in a provocotive way and made comments and i didnt take offense to it, maybe if this didnt happen so often in the better establishments to us hansum men then this man would behave a little differently.

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Well does sound like just lads having a laff at sorts. Hard to say without being there. Any rate if their behaviour was clearly upsetting then they should have said smth to him in thai. If you do not make a point then how is the lad to correct his behavior?

Yeah , sure the lads were having a laff ..( is that laugh ? ) at the expense of the thai lady in question. So as you said ' Any rate if there behaviour was clearly upsetting then they should have said something to him in thai ' Are you kidding me ... so it's ok to carry on like because he didn't know better until someone explains it to him that it's ot ok. ????

Not sure on your reasoning there but i disagree.

Anyway. only my opinion.

:) cheers

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^you obviously dont get it. Eek stated it wasn't that bad - just minor ribbing. Like I said if it was truly upsetting to the thai ladies they should have said so. She could have said smth in thai, not embarrassed the lad in front of his mates and he prob would have gotten the point. In a perferct world everyone would be gents and ladies would be ladies.

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Not looking for any particular answer villagefarang, just interesting to read others take on it.

Dmax, he didnt say anything out of turn like that. I can see why you (and anyone) would be extremely upset and embarrassed if a guy was to say what that guy said in the restaurant. No respect or manners at all. Poor girl!

Luang, i really like your last paragraph so much.

Im surprised by the various responses actually. Was expecting the thread to die a sudden death.

Hey thanks Eek. My thread was so stampeded with activity that i was the first to reply to it! :)

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I find that Thai women will often fain displeasure or disinterest whenever it comes to anything sexual (although in this case the bloke appears to have just been being rude talking about their daughters) as accordance to the strict "good girl/bad girl" rules in Thailand while their actions will show that they are interested.

for example, might go on a date with a girl and spend the whole night touching her and make overt sexual suggestions. the entire time she never smiles or give in whatsoever, acts like you are her cousin and she has no interest or even awareness of what sex is... date ends... then you get 50 text messages in the next 24 hours.


I took a young lady to the movies last Wednesday, for the afternoon matinee, Jackie Chan's latest b-grader she chose. I've known her for over a month, and try to be a bit of an elder brother to her since she's a 22 yo virgin hotel maid and I'm a 42 yo invalid foreigner.

We sat and watched the movie and I laid my arm on the armrest of the seat and let her rest her arm on mine, as the plastic seat was perhaps less gentle on her arm than my arm to rest on. That was all. The movie finished and I took her home in daylight.

Yesterday she called me to tell me that since last week, she has now left her job and taken up with selling her body for a living and is no longer a virgin anymore.

Next time I take a girl to the movies, I'll make sure to be more smoochy.


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I do wish all this Brit bashing would end. Enough already. I wonder how many bedwetters left the UK because they couldn't hack it here. They run away to a place where they can't get immersed enough into the local culture to feel rejected from it.

A few lads having a laugh in a massage parlour! Fancy!! And I'm sure I'm not the only one who's been offered daughters by ladies in thailand, jokingly or not. As long as farang keep paying, thais will keep not caring.

It's. Just. Business. I really fail to see why a good number of people in these parts can't see this.

Oh, and shouldn't this thread have been closed by now? Wasn't the other one closed after 2 posts? Oh, that was about bad behaviour of women in massage parlours. Silly me!

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Im just surprised to hear of a story where men from London are attracted to the opposite sex, it doesnt happen too often. :)

I second that motion ha ha

Which parts of London have you two been hanging out in? Certainly not the East End, innit!

Golders Green ?

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