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RAF pays woman to train as stripper
Why is it a waste of money to train a service woman so that she can work when leaves the RAF?

on taxpayers money ???? aren't there more immediate and deserving needs for funding ??

gimme a break before you lose all your credibility.

or are you just winding me up ?

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RAF pays woman to train as stripper
Why is it a waste of money to train a service woman so that she can work when leaves the RAF?
on taxpayers money ???? aren't there more immediate and deserving needs for funding ??

gimme a break before you lose all your credibility.

or are you just winding me up ?

Not at all. I will even broaden the question.

Do you think it is wrong for any of the military services to trian (or re-train) service personnel who shortly will be returning to civilian life?

Do you think it is wrong for any of the military services to trian (or re-train) service personnel who shortly will be returning to civilian life?

merton , this has got to be a wind up.

military personel usually ,in the course of their training and service , acquire a variety of skills , engineering , technology , electrical , medical , mechanical , culinary ,aviation etc.etc.etc.

re-training by means of honing these skills so they can be used in "civvy street" would seem to be a fine use of taxpayers money.

training someone with 5 years experience in the raf to be a pole dancing stripper would not. unless the money is a loan and she will repay it once she starts to earn the big money that these girls can earn.

the 3000 ? pounds that this pole dancing course costs could put an operative for a month or so on one of the many mri scanners that are sitting idle due to lack of funding to pay for people to operate these machines.

this IS a wind up merton , i'm off now. :o

Do you think it is wrong for any of the military services to trian (or re-train) service personnel who shortly will be returning to civilian life?

merton , this has got to be a wind up.

military personel usually ,in the course of their training and service , acquire a variety of skills , engineering , technology , electrical , medical , mechanical , culinary ,aviation etc.etc.etc.

re-training by means of honing these skills so they can be used in "civvy street" would seem to be a fine use of taxpayers money.

training someone with 5 years experience in the raf to be a pole dancing stripper would not. unless the money is a loan and she will repay it once she starts to earn the big money that these girls can earn.

Ah, it is the "big money" ex-service personel can earn as a result of this training, that bothers you - but surely this applies to almost every ex-service man or woman who have chosen to start their own businesses on the basis of training recieved whilst under command, rather than become mri operatives?


big money doesnt bother me at all , whether in the pocket of a pole dancer , brain surgeon , sales assistant or businessman.

what bothers me is wasting taxpayers money on frivolities when there is no shortage of genuine cases needing help and not getting it.

its about priorities.

with respect to pole dancers and their bountiful breasts and versatile vaginas , society would not suffer if they were suddenly to disappear from the face of the earth.

as opposed to the other skills i mentioned , which are very much needed.

you're nitpicking merton.

with respect to pole dancers and their bountiful breasts and versatile vaginas , society would not suffer if they were suddenly to disappear from the face of the earth.

This is what separates you and me, not Thacherism or Blairism, but tolerance and whose side we choose to be on.

Me, I choose to be on the side of Thomas Merton and his Mentor.

To try, as best I can to side with the poor, the underprivileged, and the disadvantaged (including the leper, the prostitute and the tax-collector).

Maybe I'm not very good at it. But given the choice between lining up alongside a pole dancer or living the life of a ex-pat, flying back and forth to a poor third world country just because my money buys me luxury services from the underprivileged who are desperate for this money..well

I have made my choice.


with respect to pole dancers and their bountiful breasts and versatile vaginas , society would not suffer if they were suddenly to disappear from the face of the earth.

This is what separates you and me, not Thacherism or Blairism, but tolerance and whose side we choose to be on.

Me, I choose to be on the side of Thomas Merton and his Mentor.

To try, as best I can to side with the poor, the underprivileged, and the disadvantaged (including the leper, the prostitute and the tax-collector).

Maybe I'm not very good at it. But given the choice between lining up alongside a pole dancer or living the life of a ex-pat, flying back and forth to a poor third world country just because my money buys me luxury services from the underprivileged who are desperate for this money..well

I have made my choice.

Funny,I always thought that if you were to judge somebody, then you did it on what was between their chest and their backbone. :o

To try, as best I can to side with the poor, the underprivileged, and the disadvantaged (including the leper, the prostitute and the tax-collector).
then why in the name of god wont you redirect the funding from subsidising pole dancers to providing food for poor pensioners and hip replacements for crippled old women and reconstructive surgery for deformed kids.
buys me luxury services from the underprivileged who are desperate for this money..well

its called trade , and there is no shortage of underpriveleged in the uk , thanks to the benevolence of a government that thinks fit to give half a million to a violent criminal and pay for pole dancers to learn their trade whilst not being able to afford to employ enough police to keep order on the streets , and not being able to keep the hospitals clean through inadequate funding in the health service.

like you say , its not about politics anymore its about priorities and common sense.

your views are truly blinkered.


This thread has become what I foresaw and, although I've enjoyed reading it, I resolved not to post again. That is until I read this:-

your views are truly blinkered.

Bloody ###### Tax, does pot kettle and black ring a bell? :o



with respect to pole dancers and their bountiful breasts and versatile vaginas , society would not suffer if they were suddenly to disappear from the face of the earth.

This is what separates you and me, not Thacherism or Blairism, but tolerance and whose side we choose to be on.

Me, I choose to be on the side of Thomas Merton and his Mentor.

To try, as best I can to side with the poor, the underprivileged, and the disadvantaged (including the leper, the prostitute and the tax-collector).

Maybe I'm not very good at it. But given the choice between lining up alongside a pole dancer or living the life of a ex-pat, flying back and forth to a poor third world country just because my money buys me luxury services from the underprivileged who are desperate for this money..well

I have made my choice.

Funny,I always thought that if you were to judge somebody, then you did it on what was between their chest and their backbone. :o

Nah, that's only if they play in the front row.


free lap dancing lessons at the taxpayers expense !!! its madness , nothing blinkered about that reaching that conclusion and sticking with it.

even liverpool city council , in the dark dark days of hatton and the militants , wouldnt have DARED come up with that one.

free lap dancing lessons at the taxpayers expense !!! its madness , nothing blinkered about that reaching that conclusion and sticking with it.

even liverpool city council , in the dark dark days of hatton and the militants , wouldnt have DARED come up with that one.

I know I am incredibly stupid, naive and blinkered, but would you please explain, so that an imbecile like me can understand, what is wrong with lap dancing?

  • 2 weeks later...
free lap dancing lessons at the taxpayers expense !!! its madness , nothing blinkered about that reaching that conclusion and sticking with it.

even liverpool city council , in the dark dark days of hatton and the militants , wouldnt have DARED come up with that one.

I know I am incredibly stupid, naive and blinkered, but would you please explain, so that an imbecile like me can understand, what is wrong with lap dancing?

Probably nothing (except that it certainly wouldn't appeal to me) but using taxpayer's money to let someone train in something as whacky and pointless tends to get up your nose.

But there again, if the Royal Navy is happy to pay for a sailor to have a sex change operation (no, I'm not making it up) then I suppose that this kind of loopiness is to be expected.


free lap dancing lessons at the taxpayers expense !!! its madness , nothing blinkered about that reaching that conclusion and sticking with it.

even liverpool city council , in the dark dark days of hatton and the militants , wouldnt have DARED come up with that one.

I know I am incredibly stupid, naive and blinkered, but would you please explain, so that an imbecile like me can understand, what is wrong with lap dancing?

Probably nothing (except that it certainly wouldn't appeal to me) but using taxpayer's money to let someone train in something as whacky and pointless tends to get up your nose.

But there again, if the Royal Navy is happy to pay for a sailor to have a sex change operation (no, I'm not making it up) then I suppose that this kind of loopiness is to be expected.


What's whacky and pointless about it? People pay to see lap dancers and lap dancers earn money - there is no law against either lap dancing or these two financial transactions, is there?

Surely what would be whacky and pointless, is that she was being trained for something beyond her abilities and in an occupation which had no job prospects?

free lap dancing lessons at the taxpayers expense !!! its madness , nothing blinkered about that reaching that conclusion and sticking with it.

even liverpool city council , in the dark dark days of hatton and the militants , wouldnt have DARED come up with that one.

I know I am incredibly stupid, naive and blinkered, but would you please explain, so that an imbecile like me can understand, what is wrong with lap dancing?

Probably nothing (except that it certainly wouldn't appeal to me) but using taxpayer's money to let someone train in something as whacky and pointless tends to get up your nose.

But there again, if the Royal Navy is happy to pay for a sailor to have a sex change operation (no, I'm not making it up) then I suppose that this kind of loopiness is to be expected.


What's whacky and pointless about it? People pay to see lap dancers and lap dancers earn money - there is no law against either lap dancing or these two financial transactions, is there?

Surely what would be whacky and pointless, is that she was being trained for something beyond her abilities and in an occupation which had no job prospects?

We have an education system that sees children leaving school unable to read, write or do basic arithmetic.

We have a health service that's in crisis. We have a near breakdown in the transport infrastructure.

Law abiding citizens are hounded by the authorities while criminals go free and get protection.

We're being hit by stealth taxes. Our manufacturing sector has lost over 1 million jobs since this government came to power yet has increased the number of public sector workers (for which you and I pay) by 1 million.

Feral thugs roam the streets making them no-go areas for ordinary people.

We're swamped with illegal immigrants and subjected to political correctness which makes us feel like foreigners in our own country.

We have a Nazi in Downing Street who wouldn't be able to tell the truth if his life depended on it. He surrounds himself with cheque book waving cronies and a thugish gestapo who'll hound to death, if necessary, anyone who dares to speak against them.

But hey, if you're one of those saddoes who gets his jollies by going to seedy bars to watch meat on a stick, or gets a woodie when some skank grinds her butt into your crotch area, then all is well with the world.

Thanks for that - you've brought a little sunshine into our blighted lives



Thanks for that ...

What a sad day: written proof that even in the land of Lloyd George, Aneurin Bevan and the Six Nation’s Champions, there exists BNP hypocrites.

I suggest a little trip to Yad Vashem, before you throw any more Nazi insults around, so you can get some idea of the inevitable consequences of your way of thinking.



Thanks for that ...

What a sad day: written proof that even in the land of Lloyd George, Aneurin Bevan and the Six Nation’s Champions, there exists BNP hypocrites.

I suggest a little trip to Yad Vashem, before you throw any more Nazi insults around, so you can get some idea of the inevitable consequences of your way of thinking.


Yup, par for the course these days - raise you head above the parapet and tell the truth and you're a fully paid up member of the BNP.

Nice one (don't forget to renew your membership of New Labour and resubscribe to The Guardian).



Thanks for that ...

What a sad day: written proof that even in the land of Lloyd George, Aneurin Bevan and the Six Nation’s Champions, there exists BNP hypocrites.

I suggest a little trip to Yad Vashem, before you throw any more Nazi insults around, so you can get some idea of the inevitable consequences of your way of thinking.


Yup, par for the course these days - raise you head above the parapet and tell the truth and you're a fully paid up member of the BNP.

Nice one (don't forget to renew your membership of New Labour and resubscribe to The Guardian).


I gather you don’t like lap-dancing then?

Pity, really, ‘cos you get a much nicer set of people at the club than those down at the BNP.

I suppose it’s a bit like chapel compared to that lot, isn’t it?


Thanks for that ...

What a sad day: written proof that even in the land of Lloyd George, Aneurin Bevan and the Six Nation’s Champions, there exists BNP hypocrites.

I suggest a little trip to Yad Vashem, before you throw any more Nazi insults around, so you can get some idea of the inevitable consequences of your way of thinking.


Yup, par for the course these days - raise you head above the parapet and tell the truth and you're a fully paid up member of the BNP.

Nice one (don't forget to renew your membership of New Labour and resubscribe to The Guardian).


I gather you don’t like lap-dancing then?

Pity, really, ‘cos you get a much nicer set of people at the club than those down at the BNP.

I suppose it’s a bit like chapel compared to that lot, isn’t it?

I really wouldn't know on either count. I've never been to (nor want to) any BNP events. As for the lap-dancing clubs, well I guess I'll just have to take the word of a rather sad frequenter of these establishments.

Have fun



Lets face it. the Uk was well fukced before labour came in. Thatcher raped and pilaged Scotland, Wales and the North of England. Personally i never voted for anyone. But i'm definately better off under labour than i would be under the Tories. Though i'm still glad i dont live in the UK.

I really wouldn't know on either count.  I've never been to (nor want to) any BNP events. As for the lap-dancing clubs, well I guess I'll just have to take the word of a rather sad frequenter of these establishments.

Have fun


You’re right. I’m wrong.

Anyway I’ve got more – just sit somewhere else for a moment, love, I’m trying to write – I’ve got more important things to do than argue the toss with the likes of you.


I really wouldn't know on either count.  I've never been to (nor want to) any BNP events. As for the lap-dancing clubs, well I guess I'll just have to take the word of a rather sad frequenter of these establishments.

Have fun


You’re right. I’m wrong.

Anyway I’ve got more – just sit somewhere else for a moment, love, I’m trying to write – I’ve got more important things to do than argue the toss with the likes of you.


Who cares who is in power. They are all politicians and no matter who was in. Not veryone would be happy!


I really wouldn't know on either count.  I've never been to (nor want to) any BNP events. As for the lap-dancing clubs, well I guess I'll just have to take the word of a rather sad frequenter of these establishments.

Have fun


You’re right. I’m wrong.

Anyway I’ve got more – just sit somewhere else for a moment, love, I’m trying to write – I’ve got more important things to do than argue the toss with the likes of you.


Who cares who is in power. They are all politicians and no matter who was in. Not veryone would be happy!

Jock, I may disagree with most of what you say but you have the right to say it and have done so in a civilised and intelligent manner.

Where this Merton guy seems to have lost the plot is to take something which was said in a light hearted way and turn it into something ugly and bigoted.

This is the kind of bloke you just dread meeting in a pub who'll pick an argument and then, when he's on the back foot, come back at you and accuse you of sympathising with (or even being a member of) some odious organisation.

Anyway, this 'debate' is now closed as far as I'm concerned. It really has got rather silly and I don't think that Merton needs any more help from me in making a total pri*k of himself.


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