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Vdo - Lanta Cultural Festival In Krabi &

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VDO on http://thainews.prd.go.th/newsenglish/prev...hp?news_id=1299


item-7- Lanta Cultural Festival in Krabi is scheduled to take place in early March.

The Lanta cultural festival is scheduled to take place during March 7-9 at the old community on Lanta Yai island of Krabi. Krabi Governor Prasit Osatanond said the festival will feature all types of arts and cultural heritage plus local food. The festival will tell and take residents and visitors back in time to appreciate the traditional life style of the islanders. The governor stressed that Lanta is another place which shows harmonious cultural diversity and he recommended visitors not to miss the annual festival.

item-8- Krabi Land Transport Office prepares license plate auction during February 13-14.

The popular car license plates under the ‘KOR –NGOR’ letters is scheduled to take place during February 13-14th at Krabi Maritime and Spa Resort. The provincial chief of the Land Transport Office Mr. Teeyaut Prasertpol said 301 numbers plates are to be put on auction. The license numbers are on attractive graphics representing Krabi identity. Proceeds from the auction will go towards a road safety fund which includes campaign activities and giving aid to people who are victims of road accidents. He expects that the auction would raise at least 12 million baht despite the economic downturn. Interested parties can register at the Krabi Land Transport Office until February 12th or register on site on the auction day. For more information you can contact tel. 075-611856 ext. 102-103

weekly Andaman News NBT TV (VHF dial) at 8.30am & repeated on satellite C Band (usually net black) frequency 4134 Mhz at symbolate 2530 at 1pm & perhaps repeats on Phuket Cable TV channel 1 at 3.30pm, 7pm, 1.30am & 6.30am, broadcast to Phang Nga, Krabi & Phuket provinces & maybe Mazz Radio FM108 at 7pm in Phuket, Friday 5th February 2010 & http://thainews.prd.go.th/newsenglish/ & www.YouTube.com/AndamanNews

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