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I Am Tired Of People Moaning About Why There Thai Partners Cant Get Visa's


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I read this forum alot and see so many people moaning about why there goverments wont give there thai partners a visa to go back to there countrys. But then i read there stories and i am happy that many western ( mainly my own UK ) Goverments are giving these people visa's. Alot of the stoies are the guy has only knownen the girl a couple of weeks. Or where they guy says we have been together 2 years now but in that 2 years he has only been here ( in thailand ) 2 or 3 times a year for a 2 week holiday each time. Seeing a girl for 1 or 2 months of the year for 2 or 3 years doesnt not mean u have had a 3 year real relationship.

I cant speak for other countrys but i would like to see the UK make the rule that people cant apply for a visa for there ' partner ' until they have been in thailand together for a minimum of 6 months full time. Also the Thai girl should have to have a test in english and if her english speaking is not good enough then the visa should be rejected. Whats the point of letting a girl come to the country if the couple can not talk the same language. I think the rules should be made more tough for thai girls applying for visa's coming to the UK. For people who say that the UK just lets in anyone from europe so why not anyone else ? But alot of people from europe have alot to offer. Where as most Thai people dont have anything to offer the UK in terms as coming from a good education ( even a private education in thailand is below the average standard UK education ) or offering a skills that arent within the UK already.

I would like to see people stop moaning about why there GF was rejected for a visa and take a look at the bigger picture. Why should the UK goverment let thai girls in for no reason when they dont really know the guy who is sponering them . I hope the UK goverment makes getting a visa for the UK more hard from bangkok becuase now it is to easy.

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Methinks there is a little troll under the bridge....

sorry, but why is this ' trolling '? just becuase i have said something that is not 100 % positive about thailand ? I have not said anything bad about thailand either. This is just my opion. I am not a troll at all.

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Perhaps that English language test should include testing natives too. More hard? to easy ? Deary me...

I hope the UK goverment makes getting a visa for the UK more hard from bangkok becuase now it is to easy.

Edited by rixalex
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Perhaps that English language test should include testing natives too. More hard? to easy ? Deary me...

I hope the UK goverment makes getting a visa for the UK more hard from bangkok becuase now it is to easy.

Dont make me ' lose face ' :D rixalex . i might start crying soon. hahaha :)

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Perhaps that English language test should include testing natives too. More hard? to easy ? Deary me...

I hope the UK goverment makes getting a visa for the UK more hard from bangkok becuase now it is to easy.

probably a TEFL teacher as well as a troll.

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This is the most arrogant and idiotic first post I have ever read, no it's the most arrogant and idiotic post I have ever read, I am assuming the poster must be a troll or simply an idiot.

He clearly doesn't know what he is talking about, he talks about people apply for visas for their partners, when indeed you don't apply for a visa for your partner, they apply for a visa themselves to fit the needs of the visit.

Yes there are probably one ore two people a year who fall for a bar girl and want to take them on the first available flight home, they are few and far between and are pretty soon weeded out by the authorities. There are people who are in genuine relationships for a number of years but who are only able to visit their loved one a couple of times a year, that's because they probably work for a living - how much leave do you get?

The suggestion that tourists from Thailand, who are not all girls, should take an English test before they are allowed to visit the UK is absolutly ridiculous, I suppose that if your scheme was introduced worldwide, I would have had to learn Thai, Chinese, Vietnamese, Indonesian, Malaysian and French last year alone.

I can only assume that you are a troll or a racist who would be better staying in "Mud Island" ** and writing nonsensical letters to The Daily Mail who's readers might have some sympathy with you ridiculous views.

Well that's off my chest now.

** My reference to "Mud Island" a few years ago I was dealing with ex-pats who might be leaving an African country because they were being driven out by the mad leader, we all expected them to want to return to the UK, but most of them relocated to neighourbouring African countries, asking why would we want to go to "Mud Island"?

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This is the most arrogant and idiotic first post I have ever read, no it's the most arrogant and idiotic post I have ever read, I am assuming the poster must be a troll or simply an idiot.

He clearly doesn't know what he is talking about, he talks about people apply for visas for their partners, when indeed you don't apply for a visa for your partner, they apply for a visa themselves to fit the needs of the visit.

Yes there are probably one ore two people a year who fall for a bar girl and want to take them on the first available flight home, they are few and far between and are pretty soon weeded out by the authorities. There are people who are in genuine relationships for a number of years but who are only able to visit their loved one a couple of times a year, that's because they probably work for a living - how much leave do you get?

The suggestion that tourists from Thailand, who are not all girls, should take an English test before they are allowed to visit the UK is absolutly ridiculous, I suppose that if your scheme was introduced worldwide, I would have had to learn Thai, Chinese, Vietnamese, Indonesian, Malaysian and French last year alone.

I can only assume that you are a troll or a racist who would be better staying in "Mud Island" ** and writing nonsensical letters to The Daily Mail who's readers might have some sympathy with you ridiculous views.

Well that's off my chest now.

** My reference to "Mud Island" a few years ago I was dealing with ex-pats who might be leaving an African country because they were being driven out by the mad leader, we all expected them to want to return to the UK, but most of them relocated to neighourbouring African countries, asking why would we want to go to "Mud Island"?

one ore two people a year who fall for a bar girl and want to take them on the first available flight home??? I'd say certainly more than that, particularly since the bars & parlors seem to be where many of the gents make their "selections". I don't know about UK, but USA fiancee or marriage visas require considerable proof of a legitimate relationship. In addition they are required to demonstrate some reasonable ability to communicate with each other. Quite a few Thai wives of Farangs, who live in Thailand could pass such a communication test.

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Whats the point of letting a girl come to the country if the couple can not talk the same language.

What is the point for letting people like you posting on this forum if they only have a B@#$#sh@tt story to tell.

One can only hope that the OP is more proficient in Thai than he is in English or has never visited Thailand.

There Their They're .... a good place to start for expanding his knowledge of English :)


Edited by jdinasia
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OK I'm in, though I agree that the poster should start with a brush up on his own standard of English!

Embassies are pretty smart now when granting visas. Doubtless they got plenty of feedback over the years on occasions when they granted visas resulting in successful visits - or otherwise. Provide the right info, proofs and show adequate funds etc., and you should have no problem. Those who don't or can't will rightfully get turned away. It's true that some might slip through the net or genuine cases might be turned down, but if you have a good case and prepare well and you should find the embassies are there to help!

I've been with my T/G for many years and we have never had a problem with visas to many countries, including NZ, Oz, Europe, UK. We did start by visiting the non-visa requirement countries first, Sing, HK, SA, etc. I am sure that helped.

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This is the most arrogant and idiotic first post I have ever read, no it's the most arrogant and idiotic post I have ever read, I am assuming the poster must be a troll or simply an idiot.

. There are people who are in genuine relationships for a number of years but who are only able to visit their loved one a couple of times a year, that's because they probably work for a living - how much leave do you get?

I have my own business and can afford to live here. Love on its own is not enough. If people cant afford to live here and come here alot they should not have a thai wife or gf if they cant afford it. Money is what makes the worl go around.

It seems like this as upset a few people ( but not all ) The people who are so up set about it. Will i think people who have met and married there partners after a couple of months knowing eachother or maybe there partners cant speak much english. So for the angry ones , i am sorry if i have hit a raw nerve ! No offence meant just telling it the way it is.

For the guy who said only 1 or 2 find bar girls every year to take home. This coment really does show just how far from reailty some farangs live in thailand. They get in a little world and covince them selfs there gf/wife has never done anything bad, and most thai farang / relelationships are not based on wealth and money..... so people like this need to wake up :)

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Good to see nobody's taking the bait :)

Sorry, I just did.

That's okay, we can always enjoy a troll by tossing a little bait his way. They can resist a well placed worm. :D

However, there ARE some valid points to the story. Why does some old git, who doesn't have a pot to piss in, get a tourist visa to visit Thailand, when the reverse is not allowed? Why should some Thai student, or woman married to a farang, not be allowed a holiday visit the UK or North America? Nobody asks me how much money I have in the bank when I come to Thailand. Why must a Thai national have to have a million baht home before they are allowed a tourist visa?

I understand that there is the slight possibility that the Thai national MIGHT run off and become a prostitute, but many European countries and North America don't have any trouble allowing drug runners in from the Middle East, Africa, South America or India. I think we could use MORE prostitutes and LESS terrorists and drug runners. Oh, and less politicians as well. There never was a more serious blight on society than all the politicians each country seems to have. Those politicians NEVER have any trouble visiting any country.

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This is the most arrogant and idiotic first post I have ever read, no it's the most arrogant and idiotic post I have ever read, I am assuming the poster must be a troll or simply an idiot.

. There are people who are in genuine relationships for a number of years but who are only able to visit their loved one a couple of times a year, that's because they probably work for a living - how much leave do you get?

I have my own business and can afford to live here. Love on its own is not enough. If people cant afford to live here and come here alot they should not have a thai wife or gf if they cant afford it. Money is what makes the worl go around.

It seems like this as upset a few people ( but not all ) The people who are so up set about it. Will i think people who have met and married there partners after a couple of months knowing eachother or maybe there partners cant speak much english. So for the angry ones , i am sorry if i have hit a raw nerve ! No offence meant just telling it the way it is.

For the guy who said only 1 or 2 find bar girls every year to take home. This coment really does show just how far from reailty some farangs live in thailand. They get in a little world and covince them selfs there gf/wife has never done anything bad, and most thai farang / relelationships are not based on wealth and money..... so people like this need to wake up :)

FUNNY GUY and he doesn't act this is real,


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But then i read there stories and i am happy that many western ( mainly my own UK ) Goverments are giving these people visa's

I'm confused.. the statement is copied from OP..

So he is happy that the UK government makes visas easy?

Bit of an oxymoron between title and post....

One or more questions i have for OP..

Do you live in Thailand? how much of the Thai language do you speak? and what makes your living here different to a Thai spouse going to the UK?

Edited by sanook2me
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This is the most arrogant and idiotic first post I have ever read, no it's the most arrogant and idiotic post I have ever read, I am assuming the poster must be a troll or simply an idiot.

. There are people who are in genuine relationships for a number of years but who are only able to visit their loved one a couple of times a year, that's because they probably work for a living - how much leave do you get?

I have my own business and can afford to live here. Love on its own is not enough. If people cant afford to live here and come here alot they should not have a thai wife or gf if they cant afford it. Money is what makes the worl go around.

It seems like this as upset a few people ( but not all ) The people who are so up set about it. Will i think people who have met and married there partners after a couple of months knowing eachother or maybe there partners cant speak much english. So for the angry ones , i am sorry if i have hit a raw nerve ! No offence meant just telling it the way it is.

For the guy who said only 1 or 2 find bar girls every year to take home. This coment really does show just how far from reailty some farangs live in thailand. They get in a little world and covince them selfs there gf/wife has never done anything bad, and most thai farang / relelationships are not based on wealth and money..... so people like this need to wake up :)

What country are your from? What is your native language?? I really don't understand your comments. If you think that most Thai/Farang marriages are not based on money, take a look around. I have known Thai women who have been married to Farangs, for years in Thailand, who speak minimal English. They aren't interested as long as they get their money.

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so people like this need to wake up :)

Why not let those other people worry about waking up and worry yourself with getting a proper education in your own native language? It might give you a stronger platform from which to argue your point about testing other people's English language skills.

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Good to see nobody's taking the bait :)

Sorry, I just did.

That's okay, we can always enjoy a troll by tossing a little bait his way. They can resist a well placed worm. :D

However, there ARE some valid points to the story. Why does some old git, who doesn't have a pot to piss in, get a tourist visa to visit Thailand, when the reverse is not allowed? Why should some Thai student, or woman married to a farang, not be allowed a holiday visit the UK or North America? Nobody asks me how much money I have in the bank when I come to Thailand. Why must a Thai national have to have a million baht home before they are allowed a tourist visa?

I understand that there is the slight possibility that the Thai national MIGHT run off and become a prostitute, but many European countries and North America don't have any trouble allowing drug runners in from the Middle East, Africa, South America or India. I think we could use MORE prostitutes and LESS terrorists and drug runners. Oh, and less politicians as well. There never was a more serious blight on society than all the politicians each country seems to have. Those politicians NEVER have any trouble visiting any country.

I think we could use MORE prostitutes and LESS terrorists and drug runners. Oh, and less politicians as well

Can't wait to real this one off in the future at the Embassy when applying for wifes visa :D:D

I'll pm ya to let you know how it went :D

Mate your post has killed me laughing...cheers for that...

u'd got my vote for first president of Earth..!

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For the guy who said only 1 or 2 find bar girls every year to take home. This coment really does show just how far from reailty some farangs live in thailand. They get in a little world and covince them selfs there gf/wife has never done anything bad, and most thai farang / relelationships are not based on wealth and money..... so people like this need to wake up :)

Not what I said, I said there are probably one or two people that want to take their bar girl home on the next available flight, not just take back to the UK, a subtle difference.

So you have your own business and can afford to live here, where is here? and what on earth has that got to do with those who can only visit a couple of times a year?

I presume that as you have your own business you employ somebody to help you with your letters?

Edited by theoldgit
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For the guy who said only 1 or 2 find bar girls every year to take home. This coment really does show just how far from reailty some farangs live in thailand. They get in a little world and covince them selfs there gf/wife has never done anything bad, and most thai farang / relelationships are not based on wealth and money..... so people like this need to wake up :)

Not what I said, I said there are probably one or two people that want to take their bar girl home on the next available flight, not just take back to the UK, a subtle difference.

So you have your own business and can afford to live here, where is here? and what on earth has that got to do with those who can only visit a couple of times a year?

I presume that as you have your own business you employ somebody to help you with your letters?

I presume that as you have your own business you employ somebody to help you with your letters?

Lets pray for the OP and his mum and dad who stick there money in his business he has :D:D

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