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I finally quit Phuket beach late last week and cruised north on the Pacific highway to the City of Angels. Wow man, what a ride; beautiful people, far our sights. This country really blows my mind.

Stopped en route in Cha Am beach and met up with a bunch of spaced out New Jersey peace protestors heading south in a VW microbus. We mellowed out together round a campfire, checking out the latest Hendrix sounds with some local herb. Psychedelic man, really psychedelic.

Soon as I hit Bangkok I kinda figured it was time to check out the free love scence down at this Nana Plaza place I’d been hearing so much about. I tell ya man, that place is just out of sight. I haven’t felt such cool vibes since tuning in and dropping out at Woodstock.

I’ll check back in again with you guys in a day or two and let you know what’s happening. Tonight I’m just gonna dump my stash in the sleeping bag, hitch a ride over to Khao San village and try to pick up some new Grateful Dead or Janis Joplin.

By the way, anyone know where to score some purple hearts round here?

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Groovy, far out man, got my Living Dead sounds dude, just had a joint and far out, where's Dave man, we got to hook up man need a ride over to Soi Cowboy, anyone seen Dave, he got the jays and we got to find Dave. I met this groovy chick down Patpong last night and we smoked the tent all night then the far out thing between her legs popped out, wow man, groovy.


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anyone seen Dave, he got the jays and we got to find Dave. I met this groovy chick down Patpong last night and we smoked the tent all night then the far out thing between her legs popped out, wow man, groovy.


Dave was between her legs? Fair play!

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Grooovy man - Chonabot's finally got rid of that, like SQUARE pacman, man.

Now his avatar is really really cool.  And she really looks like she's grooving for some of this free love man.  Far out!

(I see there's a bug in the date stamp on California Dave's initial post in this thread.  It reads Oct 30, 2003.  It should read Oct 30, 1969)


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Hey Joe

Well dude Janis is Joplin along with her big brother while holding company with Dylan, who has a friend with weed over the midnight lamp, expecting Peter paul and mary over later and will look for the local flower children doing some hair.

Man is life a buzz here in Thailand but sadly if your going to Sanfrancisco customs will not let you take the flowers that are in your hair, so I don't wanna sicle, just ride round on my motor cycle

The worst part is that free love session last night

Check you wallet all you bickies and grass is gon south

gee great days those 60"s

Hey guys how about a 60's night at Nana 3rd week in November all over 50 welcome, wear your greens

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Ah man, you people really freak me out. I haven’t heard language as deep as you guys use since the last Dylan album. Cosmic man, cosmic.

Met up a little earlier with some real switched on San Fran dudes who’re kinda hangin’ out here to escape the Nam draft. We shared a bong and some lentils and got high on a mushroom omlette. Man, were we wasted.

Kinda figured it’d be cool after that to hitch a ride down to that Lumpini Park place. Wow man, that place is too much. Kinda like southern California but without the narcs and Hells Angels. Soon got talking to this groovy little Thai chick who asked if I wanted to get it on. Far out, man. This free love scene really kills me.

We kinda found this cool shady little place behind a palm tree and I laid down the blanket. Now I tell I ya man, that chick must have been trippin’ out on some serious shit, cos she started askin’ me about how much I was gonna give her and just as soon as I explained that wasn’t gonna see too much change out of six and a half inches she just went runnin’ runnin’ runnin’. Wow man, you should’ve seen that little honey fly. Far out.

By the way, any of you people out there know where to pick up some Neil Young.

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hey Dave...some Angels should bend you over with your 'chick' that you can't defend to let you know that f*cking with the best that CA had to offer in the old days is not a good idea...

We may have been naive...thought that maybe we could change the world but it was a good time...righteous

Neil Young wouldn't piss on the side of your van...

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Neil Young wouldn't piss on the side of your van...

Wow, Neil Young peein’ on my car. Far out. That’s gotta be some serious gear you’re spaced out on over there man.

I’m gonna be hitchin’ south tonight to this Cowboy village place to check out a little more of the local free love scene. Maybe I can meet up with some of you people down there and share a little weed. I know it’s kinda uncool but I might try and take a wash sometime before I set out. Figure that three weeks without a bath is maybe just a little too long in all this heat.

By the way, anyone got any mushrooms.

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