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Burning Season Officially Opened


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What's the current thinking on the "burning season"? I was looking to get away for a week between mid-Feb and mid-March next year and was considering Chiang Mai until I started reading stuff about the slashing and burning that takes place then. I'm guessing this would be a bad idea.

If going to CM for a week between mid-Feb and mid-June, what would be the best time to visit and why?


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There was almost no burning tis year because of early rains, but I would choose the first week of June as it is always raining by then. Burning season is long past and the weather is cooler

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Given the history of pollution here, the closest week to mid-February would be best - cooler as well, as the tropics go.

March particularly, and early April are typically smoky and hot. Thus, the end of your range, getting into rainy season in June, would be a bit rainy perhaps, but less hot, perhaps.

As noted above, this entire year has been relatively low in pollution and considerably less hot than is usual, but for next year, I would go with the averages.

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Thanks for the replies guys. I'll probably aim for the end of May/start of June and try for 1 week.

Off topic but anyone got any recommendations of things to see and do? Have started my googling and coming up with loads of stuff. Doi Inthanon National Park, the zoo (including night safari?), a butterfly and insect farm, a plethora of caves, waterfalls and temples, a snake farm, a few museums etc....

Not so interested in trekking (on foot or by elephant) but would quite like to check out a tribal village that's not a tourist trap or maybe even do a homestay somewhere for a couple of days.

Will be starting my research in earnest shortly but just wondering if anyone has some favourite stuff they'd like to pass on.



Edited by TCA
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I do not wish to sound unkind or unwelcoming, OP, but you have come upon an old somewhat casual thread to express your thoughts and get recommendations for your travel plans. It is clear that you are fishing the internet without much discrImination. I suggest you consult one or more decent travel guides. They will clue you in. I hope you will come to Chiang Mai and enjoy it. The guides work quite well.

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I do not wish to sound unkind or unwelcoming, OP, but you have come upon an old somewhat casual thread to express your thoughts and get recommendations for your travel plans. It is clear that you are fishing the internet without much discrImination. I suggest you consult one or more decent travel guides. They will clue you in. I hope you will come to Chiang Mai and enjoy it. The guides work quite well.

You may not wish to sound unkind or unwelcoming but you've achieved just that. I am not fishing the internet and have been signed up here for over 4 years and appreciate the good advice you can get from those who post here. The thread wasn't a casual old thread, it was specific to the burning that goes on in and around Chiang Mai. I am looking at Air Asia's current special offer (for flights from 6th Feb 2012 to 20th June 2012) and having already looked into when best to visit, this very subject came up with varying levels of importance attached to it, sometimes over-exaggerated by tourists and first time visitors to Thailand. So I thought I'd ask those actually living there or those who had been recently, for a more accurate description of the situation. That was my discrimination you talked about.

And excuse me for adding on an extra question about activities. I could have started a new thread but didn't think it warranted it. As you said, there is a plethora of information out there, which I will sift through in due course. Travel guides and their like are often created by those with a vested interest and much of what's on the internet (including personal reviews) is well out of date, so again, I was just looking for a couple of quick opinions from locals and recent visitors. Didn't think it was asking too much and thought this was the kind of thing that this forum was for. Thanks for taking the time to reply anyway.

Edited by TCA
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Given the history of pollution here, the closest week to mid-February would be best - cooler as well, as the tropics go.

March particularly, and early April are typically smoky and hot. Thus, the end of your range, getting into rainy season in June, would be a bit rainy perhaps, but less hot, perhaps.

As noted above, this entire year has been relatively low in pollution and considerably less hot than is usual, but for next year, I would go with the averages.

In fact, February is on average the second most polluted month of the year, March being the worst. 2010 was the only year on record this century when pollution in April has been worse than February. Normally February has almost 25% higher pollution levels than April!

In other words, from a pollution point of view, try to avoid February (in particular the second half) and definitely March.

/ Priceless

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Thanks for the reply Priceless. Based on your comments and others above, I've now booked Air Asia flights for the last week in May. Maybe still a bit hot but maybe the rains will have started. Either way it was as late as I could push it. Flights were around 1,100 baht per person (inc. 180 baht credit card fee), so not too bad at all. A long way away but something to look forward to.

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Thanks for the reply Priceless. Based on your comments and others above, I've now booked Air Asia flights for the last week in May. Maybe still a bit hot but maybe the rains will have started. Either way it was as late as I could push it. Flights were around 1,100 baht per person (inc. 180 baht credit card fee), so not too bad at all. A long way away but something to look forward to.

Welcome to Chiang Mai :)

/ Priceless

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