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Red Shirts Warn Thai Army To Stay Neutral


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Red shirts warn Thai army to stay neutral Nirmal Ghosh

The Straits Times

Publication Date: 04-02-2010

'Red shirt' protesters will mount simultaneous rallies at over a dozen military bases across Thailand Thursday (February 4) in an escalation of their campaign to embarrass the government and the country's traditional elite.

The protests come after a rally outside Thailand's defence ministry on Tuesday and are part of a strategy of the red-shirted United Front for Democracy against Dictatorship (UDD) to 'neutralise' the army.

"This is a call for democracy, and a message to the army not to interfere in politics," said Kwanchai Praipana, a regional red shirt leader in Udon Thani.

The message is for the army to remain neutral and not mount a coup, he said.

The military has denied splits within the force and rejected growing speculation of an impending military coup.

Last weekend, the UDD held consecutive rallies, gathering 100,000 in Khon Kaen and 50,000 people in Ubon Ratchathani. The rallies were largely unreported by the Bangkok-based mainstream media.

The pattern is similar to events last April. Huge rallies held in the red shirts' strongholds at that time were under-reported by the mainstream media, leaving many Thais in the capital shocked at the numbers who turned up at rallies held in Bangkok and Pattaya that month.

The protests eventually turned violent and the army had to be sent in to disperse the red shirts.

Since the start of this year, the red shirts have held small rallies almost daily. The numbers have swelled as a key court ruling on the frozen assets of ousted premier Thaksin Shinawatra draws near.

Some 76 billion baht worth of his assets were frozen in late 2006 by the military-appointed government in power then, on the grounds that the wealth had been acquired through corruption.

Thaksin is overseas dodging a two-year sentence for graft but calls in to red shirt gatherings every day to motivate the movement.

Security has been tightened for Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva as well as for the judges who will deliver the February 26 verdict on the case.

The government maintains that the UDD is trying to provoke the army into staging a coup. The right-wing People's Alliance for Democracy accuses the red shirts of wanting to undermine the monarchy, a charge the red shirts deny.

Edited by johncitizen
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They are nut's and it's not even hot season yet!

The Black May protest's gathered an estimated 200.000 at it's peak, there was an estimated 40.000 on "dooms day the 18th April - so tell me where you have EVER seen anything close to the gatherings of those troublemakers?

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So many people in this lovely Country are in a state of denial, including many members of this forum who probably have never been out of Bangkok or the tourist traps, believing what they read in the Nation or Bangkok Post.Two of the most unreliable papers that I have had the misfortune to read. Get onto other web sites that give a different perspective.

The truth is that there is a simmering resentment under the surface that the establishment would dearly love to sweep under the carpet. Heaven forbid that that there should be an eruption, but unless attitudes change, and quickly, there might well be.

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There's 150 000 from only two towns in the north/north-east that the establishment doesn't want Bangkok knowing about.

Hence the media blackout and the roadblocks popping up everywhere.

The Khon Kaen was widely reported on both TV and in newspapers.

I saw and heard Arisaman tell everyone to come to Bangkok armed with a bottle of petrol.

If anything the TV over reports what are often small rallies.

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There's 150 000 from only two towns in the north/north-east that the establishment doesn't want Bangkok knowing about.

Hence the media blackout and the roadblocks popping up everywhere.

The Khon Kaen was widely reported on both TV and in newspapers.

I saw and heard Arisaman tell everyone to come to Bangkok armed with a bottle of petrol.

If anything the TV over reports what are often small rallies.

What would you estimate were the numbers there? The Arisaman bring a bottle of petrol is quite well known. Arisaman is a very lucky man this is Thailand. In any other country he would be serving a long sentence by now for attacking an international summit. Still in Thailand the well connected and elite of all sides get to avoid such things.

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There's 150 000 from only two towns in the north/north-east that the establishment doesn't want Bangkok knowing about.

Hence the media blackout and the roadblocks popping up everywhere.

1) Can you post the link to that article?

2) Can you show any corroborating evidence such as even 1 picture with a crowd that large. a friend in KK says there were about 20k people there.

Barry Baan Kruar --- feel free to post some links to prove your point. Stating that others have no idea but not corroborating it is .. well .... dodgy :)

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There's 150 000 from only two towns in the north/north-east that the establishment doesn't want Bangkok knowing about.

Hence the media blackout and the roadblocks popping up everywhere.

1) Can you post the link to that article?

2) Can you show any corroborating evidence such as even 1 picture with a crowd that large. a friend in KK says there were about 20k people there.

Barry Baan Kruar --- feel free to post some links to prove your point. Stating that others have no idea but not corroborating it is .. well .... dodgy :)

I was there in Khon Kaen very near to where the rally took place,all afternoon there was a influx of red shirts coming into the meeting point from about 3pm until 6pm when the actual rally started,in my opinion there was nearer to 50.000 people around that area.

I don"t know if many are aware on here that each vehicle owner was given 300 baht for transporting people to the venue and also many groups where given money for attending.

I have seen more and more of these "convoys" over the last couple of weekends,allthough i am unsure as to where they congregate or just drive about drumming up support in the area?

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Hang on mate, you're saying that the Straits Times is lying then?


Given that it is the tightly controlled voice of Thaksin's buddies, the PAP in Singapore, and the last time a Nirmal Ghosh report made news here was a pro redshirt piece shortly before the Songkhran debacle, I'd be looking for independant reports. Looks like phase two has begun, use friendly foreign media to try and give himself credence. Again, given the similarity to events leading up to Songkhran, one wonders if Thaksin has learned anything. Prepare for a mass exodus of the Shinawatra family next.

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Hang on mate, you're saying that the Straits Times is lying then?



Nope .. I am questioning the numbers cited. There seems to be no substantiating evidence at all even in the "Red Press". The author doesn't state he was there or tell us where he got the numbers. Yes I do question the numbers :) They do not match what a friend of mine state to be true. They do not match what a poster on here states to be true. There is no substantiating evidence for any claim of what a real count might be.

Hmmm maybe I'll write and ask where those numbers came from. That might be revealing in many ways.

Edit --- mail sent ... I am betting on no reply.

"yes, but ..."

Edited by jdinasia
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The article is simply a correspondent's report. It's not the Straits Times speaking. The newspaper does that through its editorials.

Nirmal Ghosh is an openly pro-red journalist, unless he's changed since last April, but this article seems relatively objective. Can you hear the tocsin?

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Hang on mate, you're saying that the Straits Times is lying then?



Nope .. I am questioning the numbers cited. There seems to be no substantiating evidence at all even in the "Red Press". The author doesn't state he was there or tell us where he got the numbers. Yes I do question the numbers :) They do not match what a friend of mine state to be true. They do not match what a poster on here states to be true. There is no substantiating evidence for any claim of what a real count might be.

Hmmm maybe I'll write and ask where those numbers came from. That might be revealing in many ways.

Edit --- mail sent ... I am betting on no reply.

"yes, but ..."


I understand you being inquisitive on the numbers involved in these rallys,and yes certain sources inflate numbers for political means,i think in truth you would find it hard to get definitive figures as the police military and other officials tend to be keeping a low profile at these gatherings.

A friend of mine also commented to me about the numbers gathered he believed around 50.000 the same as i roughly estimated.

You can be assured your e-mail to the paper concerned will be deleted....numbers at non-paying events is very hard to record for numerous reasons!

You state that you want evidence as to the figures stated,do i understand you correctly that you are implying the red shirted following is waining?

I think they would have no problem at all in getting a "million" people on the streets of Bangkok anytime soon if they so desired,would you disagree?

Just want to understand why your actually questioning "numbers" in citys that you know are heavily pro Thaksin?

The UDD estimated 200.000 they would wouldn"t they!

The military estimated 100.000 pick a number??

I estimated roughly 50.000 attended and i was on the road near to there all evening seeing it all unfold.

Edited by NADTATIDA1
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I understand you being inquisitive on the numbers involved in these rallys,and yes certain sources inflate numbers for political means,i think in truth you would find it hard to get definitive figures as the police military and other officials tend to be keeping a low profile at these gatherings.

A friend of mine also commented to me about the numbers gathered he believed around 50.000 the same as i roughly estimated.

You can be assured your e-mail to the paper concerned will be deleted....numbers at non-paying events is very hard to record for numerous reasons!

You state that you want evidence as to the figures stated,do i understand you correctly that you are implying the red shirted following is waining?

I think they would have no problem at all in getting a "million" people on the streets of Bangkok anytime soon if they so desired,would you disagree?

Just want to understand why your actually questioning "numbers" in citys that you know are heavily pro Thaksin?

The UDD estimated 200.000 they would wouldn"t they!

The military estimated 100.000 pick a number??

I estimated roughly 50.000 attended and i was on the road near to there all evening seeing it all unfold.

1) Yes I think the Red shirt following is waning as there is less cash to spread around these days.

2) They have proclaimed the "final battle" a few times already and the largest number they have ever put in one place was at the stadium near R.U. -- estimated to be between 50k (estimated from photos of the place) and 90k if you believe the Reds. So, could they get a million anywhere? I rather doubt it.

You say 50k ... a friend that I know and trust says 20k ... I can't tell you who says 100k as the author failed to mention where his numbers came from.

So to recap ----- you state you were there and would estimate 50k and that at least some of them were getting paid to be there. The paper states 100k with no source. (No I was there statement .. and it would have been hard to be in 2 places at once!). My friend states 20k --- which happens to be 20% of the paper's claim.

One good aerial photograph would be somewhat conclusive.

Edited by jdinasia
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I think they would have no problem at all in getting a "million" people on the streets of Bangkok anytime soon if they so desired,would you disagree?

I think they would have a problem getting a million supporters in one place anywhere. I also think that if a large demonstration was to take to the Bangkok streets, ie/ not in any fixed central location, the local people would remember Songkhran and start fighting back sooner than they did then. It won't be pretty, and let's hope it never happens.

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There's 150 000 from only two towns in the north/north-east that the establishment doesn't want Bangkok knowing about.

Hence the media blackout and the roadblocks popping up everywhere.

The Khon Kaen was widely reported on both TV and in newspapers.

I saw and heard Arisaman tell everyone to come to Bangkok armed with a bottle of petrol.

If anything the TV over reports what are often small rallies.

What would you estimate were the numbers there? The Arisaman bring a bottle of petrol is quite well known. Arisaman is a very lucky man this is Thailand. In any other country he would be serving a long sentence by now for attacking an international summit. Still in Thailand the well connected and elite of all sides get to avoid such things.

My sentiments exactly. Lucky it's Thailand. The other day a guy did a joke 'tweet' about being a terrorist at a UK airport and was in jail within minutes. Here Sondhi and his 'crowd' actually did a full blown terror attack on 2 airports and he's not behind bars.

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