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Going To Bangkok


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Will be going to Bangkok tomorrow for a few days.

I would like to see all of it by walking around.

I am staying in a hotel near the large railway station,Hualomhnong?

My question is about safety,will it be ok to walk around near the large railway station at night?

Is a area called Klong Toiey safe to walk around?

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daytime no problems, nightime can happen anything, even on the main, bright lit streets - hualampong is much safer than klong toiy.

nightime don't carry cash, gold and rollex - be careful where and with whom you talk and drink

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Generally pretty safe, but not a great walking city IMO. Too hot and too many obstacles.

Klong Toey is a large district. I think parts of the Sukhumvit tourist area come under it and are ok. There is a large slum and a few pockets of slum areas that you won't want to walk through.

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