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Gaming Capable Internet


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Anyone know what the best internet available in thailand is? and what it would cost. i know theres some line for like 60k baht per month but that's way to expensive.

Im looking to start world of warcraft again and would apreciate the help. :)

im living in pattaya jomtien btw

Edited by Maisonchai
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Same...I use True (4mb I think) to play WoW...and 2 of us use it at the same time...latency usually in the 400-600 range....I can tell you one not to use...an thats ToT..avoid them like the plague....crappiest company I ever had the misfotune of using.

good luck

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Same...I use True (4mb I think) to play WoW...and 2 of us use it at the same time...latency usually in the 400-600 range....I can tell you one not to use...an thats ToT..avoid them like the plague....crappiest company I ever had the misfotune of using.

good luck

thanks. tot is the ones i have. signed a one year contract, have about 3 months left though. well 400-600 will have to do. how much did u pay for the inst? how much for a month and do they have a faster line available. thanks for the info m8

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Get ready to be frustrated. Your service from True and the feedback you get from other will vary heavily due to their unbalanced and location based service. Living right downtown, even after tweaking my network settings and calling them up numerous times, my latency will never go under 400, which is quite bad. Typically it's around 500-600 and it's not uncommon for it to go higher. Totally unplayable. Can't vouch for Pattaya, though.

You should check out 3BB as I've heard that they're quite fast with latency.

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I just started Diablo2 again, but it always disconnects from battlenet (the game server). At first just for a couple minutes at a time, but now long intervals and now its been down for a while... I can get on the normal internet but just cant connect to battlenet.... It surely not battlenet, everyone else is playing as I'm typing....

Ping is 250-500 in Bangkok, but shitty for disconnecting....

I want a different provider, or some good internet....

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Any other feedback about online gaming ?

It seems that the internet in Thailand is very very far away then europe or the US. It's pretty sad because I enjoy online gaming, and now that I'll be living in Isaan, I'll have more time to play.

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  • 4 months later...

I have been playing on live from TRUE 2mb, a TOT 1mb account and now on my current TOT 8m down 1mg up, I haven't seen much difference to be honest, it all boils down to ping, and how well the game has been optimised for online play. For example I can play BadCo2 and MW2 with my buddy in the UK just fine, but on Halo 3 the lag is terrible. (all xbox live). I also play Warhammer Online on US servers with only the occasional problem

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