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Red Shirt Leaders Get Sudden Fund Boost


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My love of democracy is perhaps a little less militant and biased than some.

But I accept France is still working on theirs after what, 300 years? So we are early days yet.

You're in exalted company, SR. Attributed to Zhou Enlai in the 1960s (and to Mao) about the impact of the 1789 French Revolution: "It's too early to tell". But then, I have similar feelings about Magna Carta......

Well, now that you mention it I have similar feelings about Charter of Liberties ;-). Well that and Pax Augusta (others call it Pax Romana, but it will always be Burma, I mean Pax Augusta to me).

Actually, I was not aware someone famous said that, the topic came up with a bunch of frenchmen when we were complain,.. I mean constructively discussing politics in the world.

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As we have all seen, it wasn't so much the Red shirt leaders who got the sudden fund boost was it?

It was the yellow shirt Leaders who have got the sudden (If expected) funds boost .

Welcome back CLOD.

As usual you're doing your bit for the "cause", trying to associate anything you can, with the Yellows.

I suggest you enjoy tomorrow's holiday.

And, as it will be Monday, you need to don your Yellow shirt.

Just as I hope you were wearing your Red shirt today - I was...it's Sunday.

As for the funds, who knows wher they will go yet.

Just the same as who knows where all those other alluded to off shore funds, your leader is existing on right now, have come from ??

I just hope you get some of the spoils for your efforts??

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