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Swiped Motorbike While Getting Out Of Taxi


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today i was with 2 tourist friends, we were waiting in traffic and decided we wanted to get out and walk the rest of the way, we told the driver, paid and my friend proceed to open the door a crack when a motorbike was clipped just as he opened the door sending the driver and his passenger tumbling to ground, they were going around 30 km/hr, nobody was seriously injured, the driver had a cut and swollen hand and some minor damages to his bike, like a broken mirror and some scratches, we didnt know what to do, the motorbike driver asked for 5000 baht and because we were at fault we felt we had no choice but to pay, he seemed content and drove off, the taxi driver however was demanding 7000 baht, the door where the bike clipped us was dented in 2 places, we managed to get him down to 4000 baht

just wondering if we should have went about this differently? wasnt sure if getting police involved was a good idea?

any thoughts?

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Think yourself lucky you got off easy.

NEVER open a car door in traffic without looking first. You could have murdered someone.

Please remember this. It's one of the greatest hazards for cyclists and motorcyclists, because you're not the only ones to do it.

Cyclists and motorcyclists don't always have room to get out of the way of suddenly opening car doors in traffic. You got off cheaply, which is lucky and no offense intended, but that is a classic cause of accident. Much cheaper than a uni degree, so bargain-priced learning.

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Would be interesting to know what the legal aspects are. True, you probably can't legally create sudden/unexpected obstacles on the road, but I wonder if motorcycles are even 'allowed' to weave through traffic as they do.


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Would be interesting to know what the legal aspects are. True, you probably can't legally create sudden/unexpected obstacles on the road, but I wonder if motorcycles are even 'allowed' to weave through traffic as they do.


My Wife failed her Motocycle Test the first time because she couldn't control the Bike well enough to 'weave' through Traffic. Thats what the Examiner said anyway. :D

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I did it in 1994, but the cyclist managed to get to the side to give me a good talking to. I was in a hurry to get out of my work-ute and get to a job at the Parmelia Hotel in the middle of CBD Perth, Au, and opened my drivers' door without looking, in my haste, and almost cleaned that bicycle-courier up.

It was a sharp door. Might have hurt him bad.

I have never forgotten that lesson he taught me that day. Nobody hurt then, but I now know the simple protocol is to click the door-latch first, and let the door open an inch or two, which is enough to allow any two-wheeled traffic to see it and get past.

Then I look behind me before I get out. After that, I remember that day I almost maimed a bloke with my car door in the city. Manslaughter is generally two years gaol miniumum in Australia. Lucky me to get off with a warning to remember, and he to ride off unscathed after teaching me what an idiot I was to do that.

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Would be interesting to know what the legal aspects are. True, you probably can't legally create sudden/unexpected obstacles on the road, but I wonder if motorcycles are even 'allowed' to weave through traffic as they do.


And if the vehicle is stopped in a road where there is technically no stopping allowed? People opening vehicle doors that clip riders, almost always never look before they open the door. You are supposed to look and then slowly open the door while looking.

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Think yourself lucky you got off easy.

NEVER open a car door in traffic without looking first. You could have murdered someone.

Please remember this. It's one of the greatest hazards for cyclists and motorcyclists, because you're not the only ones to do it.

Cyclists and motorcyclists don't always have room to get out of the way of suddenly opening car doors in traffic. You got off cheaply, which is lucky and no offense intended, but that is a classic cause of accident. Much cheaper than a uni degree, so bargain-priced learning.

Nice defense of the motorcycle drivers that are completely illegally tearing by cars on the outside that are stopped in traffic. But this being Thailand you should be ready for it, I just hate to see people defending dangerous and illegal driving practices like its normal. I opened my door and took a motorcycle out, paid him 2000 for his scratches and paid 10k for the taxi after my assistant went with him to check the prices, I really messed up the door, it couldnt even close so 10k was reasonable.

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Think yourself lucky you got off easy.

NEVER open a car door in traffic without looking first. You could have murdered someone.

Please remember this. It's one of the greatest hazards for cyclists and motorcyclists, because you're not the only ones to do it.

Cyclists and motorcyclists don't always have room to get out of the way of suddenly opening car doors in traffic. You got off cheaply, which is lucky and no offense intended, but that is a classic cause of accident. Much cheaper than a uni degree, so bargain-priced learning.

Nice defense of the motorcycle drivers that are completely illegally tearing by cars on the outside that are stopped in traffic. But this being Thailand you should be ready for it, I just hate to see people defending dangerous and illegal driving practices like its normal. I opened my door and took a motorcycle out, paid him 2000 for his scratches and paid 10k for the taxi after my assistant went with him to check the prices, I really messed up the door, it couldnt even close so 10k was reasonable.

It is legal to ride a motorbike in Thailand, you should know. Dangerous yes, but the most dangerous are the cars. Goodnight on that note.


I would like to do my best to SAVE the road toll in Thailand. You would seem to want to increase this hideous road toll with your foolish rhetoric. I wish you sweet dreams on that.

Edited by SeanMoran
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Nice defense of the motorcycle drivers that are completely illegally tearing by cars on the outside that are stopped in traffic.

I see the legal pundits have weighed in with their "that is illegal" b/s :)

YES it may be illegal, but look around you.. Last time I checked we were in thailand and most if not ALL taxis have signs on the back doors or on the back of the front seat head rest which says "Be careful of motorcycles when opening the door". Unfortunately, the signs are only in thai, (so if you can't read thai you're screwed). :D

A couple months ago we had an 'incident' on the soi I live on. 6 french exchange students opened a taxi door and totally wiped a moto-cy out. He had a hellova bruise from the door, and his bike and the taxi were scratched pretty noticeably. The french kids called their embassy's hotline. About 10 minutes later some young french guy in an ill-fitting suit (no reason for that given the number of tailor shops here) showed up and did the typical french 'hand gesturing', speaking pidgin thai, even worse heavily french accented engrish, to no avail. I was actually sitting with 2 bangkok traffic police at the time. They said unless the call came over their radio to help they weren't gonna go sort it out.

Finally after having enough of the french embassy facilitator yelling and waving his arms around, I walked over, asked the taxi what he wanted, and the moto guy what he wanted. I told them they wanted too much, but would try to resolve the problem. I got the 6 french kids to chip in 500 baht each, gave 2000 to the taxi and 1000 to the moto guy, and they went on their way happy as clams. I actually saw the french kids the next day at Fortune Tower and they thanked me, go figure.

Really I didn’t give a <deleted> either way, it’s just the incessant yelling was impinging on my nite sitting out in front of my house drinking. (BTW: great hot line for the french embassy, send someone who can’t speak thai or english to any degree to sort out problems french nationals have in thailand.) Wish I could find a job like that. :D


Plain and simple; NEVER EVER open a taxi door without looking behind the taxi FIRST. The O/P got off easy, as situations like this can and do escalate into fisticuffs or something more severe.

There is certainly a marked difference in defending "dangerous and illegal driving practices" and what practical experience dictates you do "when in rome". Last time I checked you are 'in rome'. .. Even thais who act without looking pay in situations like that if more than superficial damage has been done to either vehicle.

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to jump just a little off topic, but while driving my old pickup, i pushed a moto-taxi into the curb from much the same stupidity. i was coming up the street and i'm looking to my left for the store i was looking for. with no other traffic, i swerved close to the curb and then moved back into the lane then slowed down and swerved towards the curb. finally as i'm waffling as to where this store is i find it and finally pull over and apparently there was a moto-taxi dude trying to cut around me (on the left!). i didn't see this dude and wound up kinda driving him into the curb. i had to laugh. yes, i drove him into the curb causing him to bail and dump his bike but come on, what the fuc_k were you trying to do???

anyway, 2000 baht in his hand and it was over. he was banged up good. had a nice tear on his elbow and on his hip. nicked up the bike on the mirror and on the gas tank. i had a pickup at the time, i felt nothing. anyway, on one hand i felt bad because i know how these idiots drive and i should expect this type of driving but on the other hand, i really was tempted to call the police/insurance and make a report simply because this guy went from 1000baht to 3000baht and then he called a "shop" about how much the pieces of his bike would cost. after a final total of 2100baht, i gave him 2000.

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Who talks about driving aggressively. The guy was just passing a parked car and the door is suddenly smacked open into his face. I have lost counts on the times I've had to swerve around cars who seem to have a blind spot for anything on less than 4 wheels.

Edited by Phil Conners
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Who talks about driving aggressively. The guy was just passing a parked car and the door is suddenly smacked open into his face. I have lost counts on the times I've had to swerve around cars who seem to have a blind spot for anything on less than 4 wheels.


They will never listen, but the truth will be here long after we're swiped and gone ...

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Who talks about driving aggressively. The guy was just passing a parked car and the door is suddenly smacked open into his face. I have lost counts on the times I've had to swerve around cars who seem to have a blind spot for anything on less than 4 wheels.

Try driving in a straight line, you know, like a car. Weaving and driving on the side of cars is both illegal and aggressive driving behavior.

You don't see that in the West do you? Its your life, stop fooling yourself that car drivers who cannot keep up with your location every second are being irresponsible. Automobiles have blind spots. Its very difficult to drive in Bangkok. You guys are everywhere. Again, its your life. There is more than likely an accident with your name written on it. You comment how many times you have escaped an accident, well I guess you already know its coming sooner or later.

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Think yourself lucky you got off easy.

NEVER open a car door in traffic without looking first. You could have murdered someone.

Please remember this. It's one of the greatest hazards for cyclists and motorcyclists, because you're not the only ones to do it.

Cyclists and motorcyclists don't always have room to get out of the way of suddenly opening car doors in traffic. You got off cheaply, which is lucky and no offense intended, but that is a classic cause of accident. Much cheaper than a uni degree, so bargain-priced learning.

Murdered? Did you say murdered?

oi vey!

BTW --- a "stopped car" is NOT a "parked car"

Edited by jdinasia
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:) Same thing happened to me a few years ago. I was getting off at Skytrain station but on the curb, not in middle of traffic and the car was stopped. It was the Thai director and we were stopped. I opened the door and bam the motorbike hid the edge of the door and bent it , It was his new Mercedes. I thought a few more seconds that would have been my leg that got broke. The motorcycle started yelling at me demanding money and the door of the car wouldn't shut all the way. The driver of the car just took off when the traffic went, and I ran up to the Skytrain. As it turns out is is illegal for a motorcycle to pass a car on the curb side for obvious reasons. Stay in Thailand long enough and a lot of stuff will happen.


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Think yourself lucky you got off easy.

NEVER open a car door in traffic without looking first. You could have murdered someone.

Please remember this. It's one of the greatest hazards for cyclists and motorcyclists, because you're not the only ones to do it.

Cyclists and motorcyclists don't always have room to get out of the way of suddenly opening car doors in traffic. You got off cheaply, which is lucky and no offense intended, but that is a classic cause of accident. Much cheaper than a uni degree, so bargain-priced learning.

Nice defense of the motorcycle drivers that are completely illegally tearing by cars on the outside that are stopped in traffic. But this being Thailand you should be ready for it, I just hate to see people defending dangerous and illegal driving practices like its normal. I opened my door and took a motorcycle out, paid him 2000 for his scratches and paid 10k for the taxi after my assistant went with him to check the prices, I really messed up the door, it couldnt even close so 10k was reasonable.

It is legal to ride a motorbike in Thailand, you should know. Dangerous yes, but the most dangerous are the cars. Goodnight on that note.


I would like to do my best to SAVE the road toll in Thailand. You would seem to want to increase this hideous road toll with your foolish rhetoric. I wish you sweet dreams on that.

What are you going on about? :) I didnt say it was illegal to ride a motorcycle, I said he was driving illegally, passing at high speed on the curb side on the left of my stopped car. But even then, I still didnt hesitate to pay, Im in Thailand! I know there is no way anyone would care that he was breaking the law and I wasnt and that he caused the accident and should pay his own damages and the taxis, I just paid since even trying would be a futile attempt.

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Think yourself lucky you got off easy.

NEVER open a car door in traffic without looking first. You could have murdered someone.

Please remember this. It's one of the greatest hazards for cyclists and motorcyclists, because you're not the only ones to do it.

Cyclists and motorcyclists don't always have room to get out of the way of suddenly opening car doors in traffic. You got off cheaply, which is lucky and no offense intended, but that is a classic cause of accident. Much cheaper than a uni degree, so bargain-priced learning.

Nice defense of the motorcycle drivers that are completely illegally tearing by cars on the outside that are stopped in traffic. But this being Thailand you should be ready for it, I just hate to see people defending dangerous and illegal driving practices like its normal. I opened my door and took a motorcycle out, paid him 2000 for his scratches and paid 10k for the taxi after my assistant went with him to check the prices, I really messed up the door, it couldnt even close so 10k was reasonable.

It is legal to ride a motorbike in Thailand, you should know. Dangerous yes, but the most dangerous are the cars. Goodnight on that note.


I would like to do my best to SAVE the road toll in Thailand. You would seem to want to increase this hideous road toll with your foolish rhetoric. I wish you sweet dreams on that.

'foolish rhetoric' says the man who seems to think that accidentally opening the car door and someone dying as a result is murder :)

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Think yourself lucky you got off easy.

NEVER open a car door in traffic without looking first. You could have murdered someone.

Please remember this. It's one of the greatest hazards for cyclists and motorcyclists, because you're not the only ones to do it.

Cyclists and motorcyclists don't always have room to get out of the way of suddenly opening car doors in traffic. You got off cheaply, which is lucky and no offense intended, but that is a classic cause of accident. Much cheaper than a uni degree, so bargain-priced learning.

I'm sorry but you've lost me, for arguments sake lets say there are 3 lanes on the road and each lane is at a standstill with traffic, shouldn't all traffic be stationery, or is it because cyclists and motorcyclists are so bloody impatient that they risk their lives doing something they are not supposed to do and when something happens to them they moan their <deleted> off. The passenger getting out of the taxi should have told him to get lost and that it was his own fault for driving between waiting traffic.


And yes I do ride a motorbike before all the flamers start and no I don't put my life at risk, I wait until the traffic starts moving again before I do.

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Mr Daniels sir.

Regarding your point about taxis having signs inside them warning passengers to look for motorbikes when getting out is in fact true.

Unfortunately (and typically) the signs are only in Thai (because most Thais don't know about this kind of thing :) ) and to the average tourist could say 'don't ride motorbike taxis.



(signature added cause I wanted to know what it felt like to be like bina , isreal) :D

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Think yourself lucky you got off easy.

NEVER open a car door in traffic without looking first. You could have murdered someone.

Please remember this. It's one of the greatest hazards for cyclists and motorcyclists, because you're not the only ones to do it.

Cyclists and motorcyclists don't always have room to get out of the way of suddenly opening car doors in traffic. You got off cheaply, which is lucky and no offense intended, but that is a classic cause of accident. Much cheaper than a uni degree, so bargain-priced learning.

I'm sorry but you've lost me, for arguments sake lets say there are 3 lanes on the road and each lane is at a standstill with traffic, shouldn't all traffic be stationery, or is it because cyclists and motorcyclists are so bloody impatient that they risk their lives doing something they are not supposed to do and when something happens to them they moan their <deleted> off. The passenger getting out of the taxi should have told him to get lost and that it was his own fault for driving between waiting traffic.


And yes I do ride a motorbike before all the flamers start and no I don't put my life at risk, I wait until the traffic starts moving again before I do.

Why would you stop on a motorcycle, that is the whole point you can go on when cars stop. That is also the whole point car drivers dont like you because you can go while they have to wait. If there is space you can go. I do it all the time but not as crazy as some Thais, i make sure i dont go too much faster as the cars that stand still.

The Thai traffic law states you can do it, even in the west you can do it without problems. Its the car drivers who are at fault to open doors without watching. You cant get out of a car without watching its plain stupid. But then again many farangs are not that bright.

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Why would you stop on a motorcycle, that is the whole point you can go on when cars stop. That is also the whole point car drivers dont like you because you can go while they have to wait. If there is space you can go. I do it all the time but not as crazy as some Thais, i make sure i dont go too much faster as the cars that stand still.

The Thai traffic law states you can do it, even in the west you can do it without problems. Its the car drivers who are at fault to open doors without watching. You cant get out of a car without watching its plain stupid. But then again many farangs are not that bright.


I do not believe that traffic laws state that you are allowed to pass between stopped vehicles. Traffic laws state that you may pass in an open lane. Traffic laws in Thailand state that a motorcycle should remain in the left lane. Motorcycles may NOT pass between a car and the curb.

I move up between stopped cars and even during slow traffic times (slow but moving) will pass between cars by riding the lane markers. It isn't right but I do it. If I get clocked by a door whilst passing between a car and the curb it is MY fault as the motorcycle rider. If I get clocked by a door passing between 2 cars if is the car's fault.

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Why would you stop on a motorcycle, that is the whole point you can go on when cars stop. That is also the whole point car drivers dont like you because you can go while they have to wait. If there is space you can go. I do it all the time but not as crazy as some Thais, i make sure i dont go too much faster as the cars that stand still.

The Thai traffic law states you can do it, even in the west you can do it without problems. Its the car drivers who are at fault to open doors without watching. You cant get out of a car without watching its plain stupid. But then again many farangs are not that bright.


I do not believe that traffic laws state that you are allowed to pass between stopped vehicles. Traffic laws state that you may pass in an open lane. Traffic laws in Thailand state that a motorcycle should remain in the left lane. Motorcycles may NOT pass between a car and the curb.

I move up between stopped cars and even during slow traffic times (slow but moving) will pass between cars by riding the lane markers. It isn't right but I do it. If I get clocked by a door whilst passing between a car and the curb it is MY fault as the motorcycle rider. If I get clocked by a door passing between 2 cars if is the car's fault.

Thanks for pointing out the facts JD to those of us on here who are apparently not that bright. :)

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The most dangerous thing I do in Thailand is ride my motorcycle every day. I know it and accept the inherent risks and consequences.

I was still hoping to see seanmoran justify how opening a car door without looking = murder. ((Granted --- opening a car door IF you look and see a motorcycle coming MIGHT be murder :))

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