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Just Stupid Question But Need Advise

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how do you do, if your lovely husband or love wife come home with big kiss mark. if were you,what can you you do?

its happened to me. I never do nothing wrong, I'm not augry person quite beauty, worrking women and dood takecare just like thai person but still happen to me. I sad sometimes but I still love my husband. pls give me you opion, if were you? I just want to know. ( its doesn't make me don't love my husband. )

Thank you.


On the basis this is a serious question, I would honestly forget about it.

Many times women kiss men, even in the street, when you can do nothing about it, but especially in a bar. Assuming the kiss marks are not anywhere incriminating (as unfortunately happened to a married friend of mine recently), I would forget about it. Or talk about it to your husband, but try not to keep it in and let it worry you too much.

With your stupid question, do you want my stupid answer?

What stupid question? A Thai woman is worried about the possibility of her husband straying... simple as that. Not much she can do about it other than have someone tail him when he goes out. Once she is positive that he is cheating on her then it's time to design a plan to fit the situation. It's no different than a man whose wife is cheating on him. However, there are ALWAYS extenuating circumstances. As someone already mentioned, there IS the possibility that some lady kissed him in fun. It's happened to me many times where there was no hanky panky going on.


Look in the mirror.... so what you see? Be happy that he came home to you again and love him more than before.......

Ask him if he wants to play the belty game hard.........sure he will :) ....and he will join more time with you.


I disagree with the majority here. Plenty of times girls go around kissing guys on the cheek because hey think it's funny/sexy. It was only just last weekend my friend was walking around with kiss marks on his cheek.

With your stupid question, do you want my stupid answer?

No...... but perhaps you may notice she has been here on the forum two years longer than you.

While her English may not be as explicit as you would like...You could try to ask her in Thai the details you did not understand..

Poothai..... Sorry for your distress.

Only you know your sammii & only you can decide if this is the first time or the last.

Chok Dee


sammi is thai or farang?

did you ask about he kiss? If not why not?

what was his asnwer?

You are thai, you know women do not usually go around kissing married man (if they know he is married)

but also

Is it a full on kiss mark or the freindly kiss on the cheek greeting marks? (you know, the farang style peck peck greetings).


Good question,

Look at it and remember the colour, sniff on it and remember the smell.

Buy the same lipstick and maybey for 1 week he doesn't go with other woman, if he does you do SAME SAME "Look and sniff" again.

Hopefully for you, he is using condoms, if i was you stop having sex with him from this day on.


Kiss mark brings to mind a lipstick smudge or a hickey and of course the location of same. The former on face/neck area may be the result of a night of karaoke with the boys. I have actually seen this happen and the response of the wife upon arrival home. "you boys been running traps again?" The lady was astute and self confident enough not to be worried. Knowing both parties I would not want to guess the outcome of if she would have noticed hickeys on his/her private regions.


Bin him!!

plenty of farang men are looking for a nice thoughtful wife. Find one who doesn't think its okay to be getting kissed by other women. You will be happier for longer.

Chok dee dee na krup!

I disagree with the majority here. Plenty of times girls go around kissing guys on the cheek because hey think it's funny/sexy. It was only just last weekend my friend was walking around with kiss marks on his cheek.

And which set of cheeks got kissed? :)


I'm not good in english I don't know how to start to make the question, that is why I start with "stupid question" I do really knew thats its very serious question.

he have many good things then bad things, I just need sometimes to thinking about.

Thanks for the good advised

thanks again. :)


Oh, God help me if my wife thought I was cheating! She is serious when she tells me that she will cut my "son" off if I have sex with another lady. Goes both ways however. Well, kind of. I mean...she doesn't have anything to cut off, but...well...you know what I mean.

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