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Thai Immigration To Collect Global Arrest Warrants In New Online System

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Well, this scares the shit out of me. Can anybody tell me if I have anything to worry about in the short or long term?

I am 'wanted' on a misdemeanor charge in California. I spit on somebody and they pressed charges calling it battery. I was just visiting for a wedding at the time and promptly came back to Thailand, ignoring my responsibilities to go to court etc. It is such a minor matter I figure I'll just deal with it whenever I go back to California again. The bail on it is just $2,500 (very low) and it is listed as a 'can cite' warrant - meaning that if I come in contact with law enforcement in the US they can give me a citation to appear in court, they do not have to arrest me. So if picked up in Florida, for instance, if they somehow discovered this warrant there is basically no chance they would extradite me over it and probably wouldn't even take me into custody.

If Immigration picks up on this are they likely to deny my Visa extension and/or actually deport me....?

Well what you do is quiet simple: Go back to CAL and fix your problem. Because if you get catched here you only get additional trouble and might be unable to come back to Thailand if everything goes wrong. As far as I can remember you must sit at least 6month in Thai prison to get blacklisted in Thailand. bit I am not sure if they catch you by warrant and you want to come back, how it is. I wouldn't take a chance. It could at least cause you trouble for work permit or any long stay visa in the future,

so: Fix it! =)

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Actually I think it would be very easy for the Thai Immigration to fix the problem in one day. Insist that any one coming to Thailand for more than a month provide proof from there home country that they have a clean criminal record.

Then all they need do is find jobs for all the newly unemployed girls and boys and for many of there own staff who would have nothing to do. :)

The Thai Immigration is not interested in criminal record history but in active warrants. There is no law which forbids people with criminal history to enter Thailand as long as they have no open warrants.

Even though implementation may be years away, I'm betting there are more than a few Pattaya residences that are a little nervous about it. :) Maybe their past will catch-up with them after all?

The crooks have not much choice: Leave Thailand or just stop the Visa runs. Leaving Thailand won't make much sense since most of the world is connected. Stop making Visa runs just prolongs the sweet time until the date they get their passport checked. One advantage does it have: Instead rotting in Thai Jail they get a free transport to were the warrant was ordered. :D

Only a matter of time before there will be no where to hide in the world. All the governments will be connected. Of course the honest folks have nothing to fear but it seems we are getting closer and closer to Orwell's 1984 where pervasive government surveillance is the rule. I am happy that some of the scum will be dealt with but fearful of government control over every aspect of our lives.

You make a very valid point. Like you, I could do with less scum as well, but also like you, I fear that there will be a huge downside, where there may be too much control over our daily lives, in the hands of "the authorities" and as we too often see, abuse of such power by "less principled" members of those same authorities. We only have to look at the current abuse and corruption, that still prevails our "modern society" today, both here and elsewhere. The low salaries paid out to these people combined with sheer greed, coupled with the potential for abuse, that such a system offers, will be too much for many to resist I fear. I for one, don't think this is all going to be good. Honest folks will still be in danger, more so in some ways, with the access this kind of system allows............thebom.

Only a matter of time before there will be no where to hide in the world. All the governments will be connected. Of course the honest folks have nothing to fear but it seems we are getting closer and closer to Orwell's 1984 where pervasive government surveillance is the rule. I am happy that some of the scum will be dealt with but fearful of government control over every aspect of our lives.

You truly believe in fairytales. The honest folks have nothing to fear..... Hmmm when did you came out of your egg? Honest folks have lots to fear, only lots of those are very ignorant or simply naif.


Mythbuster... Stop crying now!!!! first I agree, this guy will go back to sleep soon, so dont worry. But on the other hand, I think it is just great, catch the bad guys and take them away from here. They are doing no good for the rest of us.


Pattaya would be a good place to start. Although I've only been there once and will probably never go there again, it is one of the seediest places I've ever been. Just an observation... :)

Apparently you have never been to Phuket. It is a shit hole that makes Pattaya look good.

Pattaya would be a good place to start. Although I've only been there once and will probably never go there again, it is one of the seediest places I've ever been. Just an observation... :)

Apparently you have never been to Phuket. It is a shit hole that makes Pattaya look good.

In the end it doesn't really matter 'where' because as soon as you enter or exit Thailand your done =)

Ronnie Biggs spent most of his adult life evading capture by living in Brazil, which had no extradition agreement with the UK.

He was about to get extradited but as he had a Brazilian hild he was solely responsible for, this enabled him to beat the system .. thankfully IMHO.

Pattaya would be a good place to start. Although I've only been there once and will probably never go there again, it is one of the seediest places I've ever been. Just an observation... :)

Hmmmm if you think Pattaya is seedy, obviously you dont get out much. :D

Err? Don't get out much, perhap's he's been out 'too' much, where else in the world is seedier than the P-town?

Drugs, gambling, prostitution, murderers, scamers, pedophiles, corruption..... name one place in the world (with the exception of cities in war torn nations and those in extreme poverty) where these things are as rife, and as easy-to-come-by for the average 'Joe'? Before you say Cambodia (with which I would have to agree), think about the 'types of tourist' and the shear numbers that visit Pattaya...well worth toning down the rough underbelly don't you think?

Well that would pretty much reduce the population of Pattaya by a GREAT % !!!!



I think that it would be a good idea if Western governments help to finance this system, afterall it is beneficial for them to do so.

For those who have concerns that in future they will have nowhere to hide, providing you behave should have no worries.

If this system helps get rid of the foreign trash in Thailand then I am all for it. My gf was stalked/harassed by a Norwegian ex boyfriend who even got violent at one stage. he grabbed her violently and then when she screamed he smacked her in the face. Thankfully a heap of Thais came running over so like the dog that he is, he ran away. She called the cops and had witnesses but they did nothing. She went to the immigration dept and they went to see him to tell him to leave her alone but did not deport him??? Apparently he needs to hit her again or get caught with drugs to be deported.

He has a history of dealing in drugs but until he gets caught he is free to stay. If this system starts up then maybe there will be a chance that it will pick him up and the other low lives that pray on Thailand

The pending changes would not do anything to help your girlfriend have him deported faster - unless he had arrest warrants in Norway.

Thai's don't take domestic violence as seriously as we do in the west. I would go so far as to say it is nearly acceptable for a man to hit his girlfriend or wife. It is not surprising the police didn't do anything. To them that is like you turning somebody in for spitting on the sidewalk or littering.

Why would they deport him on heresay? (not trying to diminish what he did. Domestic Violence is not considered a big no no here. Look at how some parents beat the absoloute S*it out of their kids and not unusual for husbands to do the same... (makes us look good anyhow if not unfairly a bit weak in the eyes of some Thais) Having him Charged with anything will likely just cause him to have to hang around for court appearances etc etc also for an indefinite period of time.

Wonder if he is reading this thread?

Good point.

As for him reading this thread, it would not bother me either way. He is a dog who I would gladly put down if he had the balls to approach when I am around but the sad thing about people like him is that they will never take the chance of harassing someone who will fight back. Instead preferring instead to bully women and children as it makes them feel powerful. As we all know they usually are inadequate in most aspects of their life so women and children are all that they are capable of over powering.

In regards to the original topic, the world already has this information so why not use it to remove the imported oxygen thieves from the country and then they can concentrate on their home brewed scum.

Thailand is full of foreign pimps; drug dealers and paedophiles. Of course the pimps refute that they are anything but bar owners but we all know the truth.

I wonder if they would think the same of some one making money off their daughters bodies?

the world is full of pimps, drug dealers and paedophiles


Pattaya would be a good place to start. Although I've only been there once and will probably never go there again, it is one of the seediest places I've ever been. Just an observation... :)

Maybe fr you, For me it's one of the best place on the world. Better than in the boring california, where all young peaple must go to Tjuana to get fun.

It would probably now be a stroke of genesis

A stroke of Genesis? When did Immigration get all biblical on us?

We knew what he meant, we knew what he meant, its not what he said but we knew what he meant :)

Only a matter of time before there will be no where to hide in the world. All the governments will be connected. Of course the honest folks have nothing to fear but it seems we are getting closer and closer to Orwell's 1984 where pervasive government surveillance is the rule. I am happy that some of the scum will be dealt with but fearful of government control over every aspect of our lives.

you got it man!! Just think they have traffic cameras everywhere, then the ATM cameras and general security cameras, we are now being watched more than ever.

satellite surveillance, monitoring phones calls and email for "key" words. I have been ignoring the facts and keep thinking that a one world government will never happen, but things like this start to push me to think this is just another step closer. Europe already banned together and use the Euro, I guess it's only a matter of time before the world comes together and have one world currency..

Pattaya would be a good place to start. Although I've only been there once and will probably never go there again, it is one of the seediest places I've ever been. Just an observation... :)

Hmmmm if you think Pattaya is seedy, obviously you dont get out much. :D

Err? Don't get out much, perhap's he's been out 'too' much, where else in the world is seedier than the P-town?

Drugs, gambling, prostitution, murderers, scamers, pedophiles, corruption..... name one place in the world (with the exception of cities in war torn nations and those in extreme poverty) where these things are as rife, and as easy-to-come-by for the average 'Joe'? Before you say Cambodia (with which I would have to agree), think about the 'types of tourist' and the shear numbers that visit Pattaya...well worth toning down the rough underbelly don't you think?

Well that would pretty much reduce the population of Pattaya by a GREAT % !!!!


Las Vegas...

Pattaya would be a good place to start. Although I've only been there once and will probably never go there again, it is one of the seediest places I've ever been. Just an observation... :)

Then you have never travelled my friend if you think Pattaya is seedy, you only have a short journey to Cambodia from here and Vietnam,you have blinkered vision

Pattaya seedy! I find that hard to believe. Don't all tourist resorts have wall to wall go go shows, transvestites, touchy feely bars and prostitutes walking up and down the beach day and night?


Ok I have read all the replies and comments.

Don’t get mad ok !

This is the system and how it works.

Each country has a list of outstanding arrest warrants on their books. Those warrants are for the most part are without extradition orders. The ones with extradition request and or orders(the orders are to the countries respective state departments not Gov. To Gov.) are part of Interpols database and not made readily available.

This is what the system will show, “John Doe, DOB 13/1/1955, ID# 123456789 Passport #123456789 Warrant outstanding #121345 cause #, cause Child Support or DWI or Bond Issue not completed. :)

This is a Real sample

County SID No. : 10126854


Cause No. : 05005969 - 3 Age : 46

Date of Birth : 08/12/1964

Degree of Off. MB


Arrest Date 07/16/2005

Complaint No. 000000

Bond Req. $ 500.00

Court Date

Fine $ 800.00

Court Cost $ 186.00

Sentencing Time 15 Days

Probation Time

Sentence Date 07/25/2005


Entry No. Comments Entry Date

0001 s:COURT 3 computer assigned 07/19/2005


0003 GLTY: 15DYS INSTANTER W/CRD,$800 FINE $186.CC DUR /I 07/25/2005

0004 s:COMMITMENT ISSUED 07/25/2005


0006 OWED INCLUDED KL 08/10/2005

So that’s what they get public information,

can they use it ? Yes,,

is it legal? Yes

Oh Can it cause you problems Oh hel_l yes! :D

This is not a NEW system the computers they use may be new but this data has been available for the public use all around the world for some time. THE ONLY EXCEPTION IS Interpol, CIA and a few Euro countries that is not public.

Just so you know...

I guess it's only a matter of time before the world comes together and have one world currency..

of course, dont you watch startrek ? :)

global recourses, economy, currency and law management.

and the best ... Global exchange of Informations (today it called google) :D

this is why we not build spaceships in 2010 ... because governments are too busy financing other goverments war's.

or fighting themselves for own personal benefits instead of contribute to the public.

many years ago little no names have stated that money isnt the future ..its informations !

and this are the only words i did agree right away.

the problem is the commercial aspects will firstly stop this development/evolution and also peoples will abuse it (like we can see here in the country we all love) but this things will happen ! .. well not in our generation .. but not so late after.

and of course ... it will cost a few million peoples of Collateral Damage during a zivil war to make this happen because of commercial and govt. abuse

Yes humans are that stupid :D

It would probably now be a stroke of genesis

A stroke of Genesis? When did Immigration get all biblical on us?

We knew what he meant, we knew what he meant, its not what he said but we knew what he meant :)

Hahaha :D ...genius isn't far from insanity and spelling errors can possibly be a stroke of insanity. Nevertheless, it is an insane idea for the Thai gov't to track illegal activity with the outdated network in place nationally at the present. The world is connected with advanced technology but the Thai gov't will have to come up to speed if they expect to be effective with their expectations. :D

Interpol has an office in Bangkok with full access to outstanding warrants for all European countries well i guess everyone that has to worry should,

as cooperation between the bib and Interpol is there. :Dinterpol

Ok I have read all the replies and comments.

Don’t get mad ok !

This is the system and how it works.

Each country has a list of outstanding arrest warrants on their books. Those warrants are for the most part are without extradition orders. The ones with extradition request and or orders(the orders are to the countries respective state departments not Gov. To Gov.) are part of Interpols database and not made readily available.

This is what the system will show, “John Doe, DOB 13/1/1955, ID# 123456789 Passport #123456789 Warrant outstanding #121345 cause #, cause Child Support or DWI or Bond Issue not completed. :)

This is a Real sample

County SID No. : 10126854


Cause No. : 05005969 - 3 Age : 46

Date of Birth : 08/12/1964

Degree of Off. MB


Arrest Date 07/16/2005

Complaint No. 000000

Bond Req. $ 500.00

Court Date

Fine $ 800.00

Court Cost $ 186.00

Sentencing Time 15 Days

Probation Time

Sentence Date 07/25/2005


Entry No. Comments Entry Date

0001 s:COURT 3 computer assigned 07/19/2005


0003 GLTY: 15DYS INSTANTER W/CRD,$800 FINE $186.CC DUR /I 07/25/2005

0004 s:COMMITMENT ISSUED 07/25/2005


0006 OWED INCLUDED KL 08/10/2005

So that’s what they get public information,

can they use it ? Yes,,

is it legal? Yes

Oh Can it cause you problems Oh hel_l yes! :D

This is not a NEW system the computers they use may be new but this data has been available for the public use all around the world for some time. THE ONLY EXCEPTION IS Interpol, CIA and a few Euro countries that is not public.

Just so you know...

told ya so. :D

Don't worry about this system, UK will not release its arrest data information to overseas, due to Data Protection Act, when UK issue a Euro Warrant, it is submitted to europol. For international warrants they still have to be extradition orders which are filed through the British Embassy to the Thai Ministry of Foreign Affairs. And according to sources there are only 8 extradition orders from the UK.

UK will not give information out about domestic arrest warrants, as this breaks data protection laws and international laws. And the arrest warrant is only valid in the UK.

For the UK warrant to become valid abroad, they have to apply through the Home Office, and to Thailand they need 100% evidence to Extradite you, and cannot just extradite just on hearsay.

And it still has to be filed via the British Embassy in Bangkok to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

So if its just minor offences for theft, shoplifting, minor fraud etc, you will not be extradited.

If the offences include aggravated features, drug smuggling, drug dealing, rape, child offences, assault, manslaughter or murder you can guarantee the police will be looking for you, that is if an extradition order has been filed.

80% of failed to appear in court cases, never get extradited, and just wait till you get processed through the criminal system again.

Easiest way out of this is to change your name by statory declaration before June 2011, and change your british passport. After this date all name changes will be recorded against all government databases for Identification purposes.

And for those who had funds swiped under POCA who have not been to court, and its nearly 6 years. Write to your bank saying the POCA order has now expired and you want your funds returning, due to no arrests or court appearances. And mention that you will take legal action. Address it to the compliance manager at the branch. Guaranteed within 14 days you'll get your money back.

I helped a lad get over 400K back, and he gave me 25k for helping him.

Yes I have legal knowledge.

You seem to be well versed on all the twists and turns on the darker side of life and then............you even have legal knowledge - h-m-m-m-m-m :) Must get to know you sometime, just in case they find out about my speeding fine in Spain - o-o-ps did I say that!! :D


I know the case of a Belgian “businessman” who could not be arrested on a warrant, which was issued by the Provincial Court on Thappraya Road, because nobody knew the address where he was hiding.

So, IMO, they better start putting all warrants issued by Thai courts in their database.

Of course the honest folks have nothing to fear

Unless errors occur?

or nless the cops need the money anyway .. regardless you good or bad :)

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