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Frigging Internet


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I had to laugh at the Police suggestion that they can clean up internet crime in Pattaya by using international cross referencing between other world's police forces. The can't even run a high speed internet in Chiang Mai that actually runs continuously. I can't recall all the times my hotel service goes down for no explanation. It is down again ALL today and I had to finally go out to an internet site in a different part of the city. And, it NEVER runs close to ADSL speeds. It's more like dial up back home in Canada about 10 years ago.

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While it sounds like a lot of ISPs here do indeed deliver flaky service, I've also noticed that many establishments just don't know how to set up a network. They try to jam 70 people on the crappiest routers you can buy. Even if they buy decent routers, they may not configure them correctly. Definitely don't expect shared connections at hotels or apartment complexes to perform like a dedicated line.

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No complaints here. This is with 3BB's standard 590 Baht package. Rocking!


nice one!

do you use skype on that package? And if so how is it?

Ive heard the std package is good for mainly thai webpages and slow for international. Is that correct?

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Thanks for the replies. Although the hotel I stay at is cheap, comfortable and suits my needs, the internet server has been terrible since day one. I could put up with it if I only spent one month a year here, but after 5 months it gets a bit annoying having to save every word I type for fear that at any time I might lose everything. It's happened so often I am thinking of paying 2000 baht more a month and moving to another place next year. As it is now I'm only here for another 7 weeks.

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Were we to clump all the crabs and complaints about Thai broadband availability and dependability into one thread, the magical number of a terragazillion may become a reality right here in River City.

There are SO many variables that this issue will never be resolved so, here we sit, a-pissin-and-a-moanin..

Being an experienced kinda guy with this stuff, having spent 20/7 at my computer for nine years here in CM (my wife keeps a noose around my neck, hoping that I will eventually fall over), I can tell you that it is about location, politics, providers selling service to more customers than they can support, competition for (and/or damage to) undersea cables, whether you are paying the big bucks or on a Cheap-Charlie or 'Promotion' package..

(not gonna tell you about my impressive 'package')... :)

Why, I can tell you whippersnappers a thing or two. Started here on dialup (Internet Thailand) that met my meager needs as a newbie to Thailand then moved up to TOT and they installed one of them there broadband wires right to my house which worked okay for a year or so but it seems they sold to lots of other folks who kinda crowded me out.

I moved to KSC and it was brilliant but 1970 THB/month for only 1024/512. Then they sold out to True and that very DAY, my service fell right into the crapper.

Not wanting to fish it out, I opted for AIG 3G less than a month ago and I have never been less satisfied - even sex with my ex-wife after she had been deceased for six months (or more - hard to tell) was better than this!

Now what..?

I have no idea.

I still have the TOT line but already know how disappointing THAT is going to be (thinking about digging up the ex) and TT&T (have they changed names to avoid responsibility?) who are apparently installing lots of new lines in my Moo Ban (Wang Tan).

Maybe I just need to climb on my motorcycle/microlight and go get a life, eh? :D

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There is a great fast service that lots of people talk about, it gets oversubscribed and thus becomes a slow unreliable pain in the butt. And then it happens again and again and again............With a few hardware/software blips tossed in to keep things amusing. Get used to it.

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Were we to clump all the crabs and complaints about Thai broadband availability and dependability into one thread, the magical number of a terragazillion may become a reality right here in River City.

There are SO many variables that this issue will never be resolved so, here we sit, a-pissin-and-a-moanin..

Being an experienced kinda guy with this stuff, having spent 20/7 at my computer for nine years here in CM (my wife keeps a noose around my neck, hoping that I will eventually fall over), I can tell you that it is about location, politics, providers selling service to more customers than they can support, competition for (and/or damage to) undersea cables, whether you are paying the big bucks or on a Cheap-Charlie or 'Promotion' package..

(not gonna tell you about my impressive 'package')... :D

Why, I can tell you whippersnappers a thing or two. Started here on dialup (Internet Thailand) that met my meager needs as a newbie to Thailand then moved up to TOT and they installed one of them there broadband wires right to my house which worked okay for a year or so but it seems they sold to lots of other folks who kinda crowded me out.

I moved to KSC and it was brilliant but 1970 THB/month for only 1024/512. Then they sold out to True and that very DAY, my service fell right into the crapper.

Not wanting to fish it out, I opted for AIG 3G less than a month ago and I have never been less satisfied - even sex with my ex-wife after she had been deceased for six months (or more - hard to tell) was better than this!

Now what..?

I have no idea.

I still have the TOT line but already know how disappointing THAT is going to be (thinking about digging up the ex) and TT&T (have they changed names to avoid responsibility?) who are apparently installing lots of new lines in my Moo Ban (Wang Tan).

Maybe I just need to climb on my motorcycle/microlight and go get a life, eh? :D

You do have a way with words, Dustoff :)

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[quote[ You do have a way with words, Dustoff :)


Agreed! Humourously put, Dustoff. All good humour has a good element of truth. If it wasn't so bad I'd be laughing instead of trying to pull the remainder of my hair out.

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Agreed! Humourously put, Dustoff. All good humour has a good element of truth. If it wasn't so bad I'd be laughing instead of trying to pull the remainder of my hair out.

Might have to start an over under betting line on when Ian snaps a fuse.

Seriously though TOT has improved a lot recently. Their overseas bandwidth seems a lot better.

I just got this at 1pm. Not to shabby


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do you use skype on that package? And if so how is it?

No matter what the speed, I always seem to have Skype issues with TTT Maxnet. When Skype doesn't work, Gmail's built in video chat has always worked better for me. You might try that instead.

Edited by mnbcm
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