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Uk 6month Tourist Visa For Thai Wife

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Hi. I married my thai wife in January after knowing her for 9 months. I visited her 3 times in that period. Obviously i have stamps in passport. I have e-mails, plane tickets, hotel receipts, photos of us both. I use payg phone so cannot prove contact that way. We talk together every day on MSN for maybe 2 hours, but unfortunately my history was lost when my laptop broke. We have been recommended by an agency to get tourist visa first rather than a full settlement visa. Then after 6 months, allow my wife to return to Thailand and then apply for settlement. Is this a good idea? Or would we have a strong enough case for settlement immediately. Many thanks

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Well if you are married and it is your intention to settle in the UK. I would say Go for the settlement Visa.

You will only have to Supply proof that you can accommodate your wife, And support her without public funds.

Not too difficult. Did the agent want you to use them to obtain the Visit Visa Then use them again to obtain A settlement Visa?

My advice do it yourself It's not that difficult. Lots of Free advice or here. Most of it Good. Best of Luck

Sorry just noticed you do not state your Nationality. I Took it you were From UK

Edited by kennkate
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As it is, presumably, you and your wife's intention to live together in the UK, why would she need or a visit visa first? OK, she may want to visit before committing to living in the UK, but that's a personal choice, not a settlement visa requirement.

It looks like the 'agent' is trying to screw an extra fee out of you; tell them to shove it.

In you sponsors letter explain that you use a PAYG phone and so have no phone records and that you have lost your MSN records.

For further information, see

Maintenance and accommodation

Settlement; Spouse

TB Certificate

For where and how to apply see Official UK visa application website in Thailand

I suggest that you read this topic first if you do want to use an agent.

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The agent we spoke to recommended that as we have only known each other for 9 months, we would be better gettng a tourist visa first, then when we applied for settlement visa, we will have lived together in Uk for 6 months and our case will be stronger. But obviously this means paying twice for everything including agents fees!

We really just want to be together here, and so want to be successful in whichever visa application we submit. Is it really so difficult to obtain a settlement visa?

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Is it really so difficult to obtain a settlement visa?

No; but it is all to easy to fall victim to 'agents' who try to convince you that it is so they can screw as much money in fees out of you as they can get away with.

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The agent we spoke to recommended that as we have only known each other for 9 months, we would be better gettng a tourist visa first, then when we applied for settlement visa, we will have lived together in Uk for 6 months and our case will be stronger. But obviously this means paying twice for everything including agents fees!

We really just want to be together here, and so want to be successful in whichever visa application we submit. Is it really so difficult to obtain a settlement visa?

Why ?

You may well qualify for a settlement visa why pay the fees twice is he regulated to give advice ?

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He thinks awe have only known each other 9 months a tourist visa is a better opton, and it will strengthen our later settlement visa application. But im not sure its the right option. Obviously my wife and i want to be togetheras soon as possible, and forever. But can we get a settlement visa this soon after meeting? Also if she comes over for only 6 months, it will be a huge wrench for her to leave again, thats not mentioning the financial aspect of payin for everything twice.

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If she applies for a visit visa then the ECO is going to want to know why she only wants to visit her husband and not live with him.

With respect, you have been given the opinion of an agent (who may or may not be qualified and regulated in the UK, you haven't said) and you have been given the opinions of 3 members here, one of whom is an agent who definitely is qualified and regulated in the UK. It is now up to you whose advice you choose to follow.

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recenty, someone I know got a settlement visa after being married for a week and knowing the girl for six months but spending only four weeks actually together, ten year age difference, guy doing normal job in UK with mortgaged house and not a lot of savings... so get the paperwork right and you will be okay, took about a week to get the decision.

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7by7 - thats exactly why i value the opinions of people on here. Good honest advice without being motivated by money.

greg - thats amazing. Thats gives me plenty of hope. Once decision is made, how long before visa is issued? And, what time limit is there on visa with regards flying to uk? Thanks

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Fair enough. Remember that to meet the requirements of the immigration rules it is sufficient to have only met, there is no minimum length of relationship laid down. However, you will need to show that this is a genuine marriage and a genuine relationship; so provide as much evidence of contact as you can. (If you couldn't satisfy the ECO that this was a genuine relationship, she wouldn't get a visit visa either!)

The visa will be issued on the same day as the decision is made.

Spouse visas are valid for 27 months. To qualify for the next step, Indefinite Leave to Remain in the UK, your wife will, among other requirements, need to have been in the UK for a minimum of 24 months, so she has 3 months from the start of the visa in which to put her affairs in Thailand in order and arrive in the UK for the first time as a resident. If she may need longer than this then she can ask when submitting the application for the start date to be postponed for up to a further three months; but remember that if she does so she cannot use the visa to enter the UK until the start date or later.

See here for how to apply for ILR as the spouse of a UK resident and here for the knowledge of language and life in the UK requirement. Please note that governments like to change things, so the requirements may not be exactly the same in 2 years time when your wife comes to apply (the fee certainly wont be!) so you should check again at that time for the current requirements.

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7 - thank you so much. I appreciate andvalue your advice and information. We have e-mails, photographs, some msn conversation, hotel receipts, passport stamps, currency conversion receipts etc. Hopefully tis will be enough to prove our relationship. It is a genune marriage basd on true love. Again im really grateful to you

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Go for settlement visa.

The agent is trying to scam you.

My 1st Thai wife. I met in Aug 2008 14 day visit, Married Nov 2008 28 day visit, Settement visa issued within 6 working days.

But must say this marriage only lasted a few months once in th UK.

We seperated in April 2009 brought her back to Thailand May 2009. She tried to scam me for money got none, Back Nov 2009 divorced and she go no money. I guess she found another man to scam.

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Mark - sorry to hear that. Im sure there are many people in all countries who do this, not just Thais. I have absolutely no qualms in this respect. I know that my wife loves me. So you found it easy to obtain he settlement visa? Did you use an agent? What were the total costs oobtaining the visa? Thanks Mark

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By the way the agency we have talked with is Keyvisathailand. They say they guarantee visas and take no money but a 5000bt deposit until visa is received. They say up to 6 weeks to obtain tourist visa and up to 6 months for settlement visa.

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I would not use an agent.

If you can fill in a form you are nearly there.

Then all your evidence together and set out neat with a contents etc.

Search this site. Lots of nformation. Download the application form fill it in now, You will then have a few questions and you will see by what questions asked what you need to provide.

My 2nd Thai wife and her daughter have just been granted settlement.

I was worried about her daughters application as not much to prove responsability. But I think as we submitted a lot of documents they must of trusted a both.

We had no interviews or telephone call. Settlement granted in 7 days.

Wifes application was 9kg and daughters was 3kg

I have done 3 settlement applications & 1 tourist application. No agents just this site. Very helpful.

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By the way the agency we have talked with is Keyvisathailand. They say they guarantee visas and take no money but a 5000bt deposit until visa is received. They say up to 6 weeks to obtain tourist visa and up to 6 months for settlement visa.

I do not know this agency, so cannot comment on their competence or otherwise. However, they are not on the OISC register of advisers, so are neither qualified nor regulated in the UK.

No agent can guarantee a visa, the decision is not theirs to make and they have no influence whatsoever over the ECOs at the embassy. The applicant either qualifies for the visa applied for or they don't; and if they don't there is nothing any agent can do to change that. I have heard that some 'agents' who 'guarantee' a visa and say no fee until the visa is received will, if the application is refused, hold onto the applicant's passport until their fee is paid! However, I have no reason to suspect that this company would do this.

Their advice that your wife needs a visit visa before applying for a settlement visa has no basis in the UK immigration rules.

Caveat emptor!

For a general guide to processing times in Bangkok, see here.

Mark- congratulations. Thats great news. Sorry but how do you mean applications were 9kgs and 3kgs?

I think he means the weight of the supporting evidence. A bit over the top, maybe, but it is better to provide too much than too little; better to provide something they don't need than to miss out something they do.

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7 - basically the agent i spoke with told me that as they pay the embassy fees upon submitting the application, they will not submit said application until they are satisfied that we meet all of the criteria, and therefore, visa is more or less guaranted. They told me that if we are refused, the agency will re apply and pay all fees. I only have his word for this. Again thank you for your invalable advice. I am tempted to do application myself to be honest. I did all paperwork for our marriagemyself after help here, so i guess its just fear of the unknown and being refused!!

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Dont think he will submit any application again out hs own pocket.

Tourist application is THB 3685

and settlement application is THB 32175

He will not submit the application until he feels you meet the criteria, OK. But you yourself woulf not submit until you thought you had supplied every document to meet the criteria. It sounds to good to be true. Do it yourself. Ask here many many people will help.

I paid more than this only a few weeks ago. So they can come down as well as up. (Exchange rate movements)

Any application can be refused agents or yours, If you meet the criteria and can prove you have done it.

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7by7 - thats exactly why i value the opinions of people on here. Good honest advice without being motivated by money.

greg - thats amazing. Thats gives me plenty of hope. Once decision is made, how long before visa is issued? And, what time limit is there on visa with regards flying to uk? Thanks

Hj Yanto I am also married to a Thai Lady I would like to put the following to you can your wife

read & write in English mine can not, unless your wife can you will not get a settlement visa only a 2 year multi enty visa this Costs in the uk £650 as for settlement visa your wife will have to take the UK Life test to obtain a settlement visa do hope this helps :)

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^^^^Sort of, but not quite.

There is no language requirement for the initial settlement visa, and successful applicants get the same visa regardless of their English ability.

For a wife this is a 27 month settlement visa as a spouse. After being in the UK for 24 months she applies for Indefinite Leave to Remain and it is at this stage that she needs to demonstrate her Knowledge of language and life in the UK. If she cannot do so, then she can apply for a 2 year extension, known as Further Leave to Remain., to give her more time to do so.

It can be confusing, as both the initial visa and ILR come under the heading 'Settlement' on UKBA websites and other publications.

If the couple have been living together outside the UK for four years or more, then the situation is slightly different; see Uk Settlement; Spouse Visa Or Ile?

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