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When Was The Last Time You Went Back To Your Country


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never been back in 4 years.

Bring my family out here when I miss them. Looking forward to seeing them next month. Much more fun for them and much less of a drag for me. Britain is boring for me. I'm not into going backwards. My folks love it here. The Heat is great for their aches and pains that come with old age. Even my brother found the odd distraction on his last trip!

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I am back 'home' now. Will be going back 'home' on Saturday :)

That was the first time in a year and I only went because someone close to me died. It honestly made me question my decision to live in Thailand. It really sucked to not have seem someone close to you for over a year and then they die and you can't meet them ever again. I am lucky to have real friends still here.

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I go home every year.

I enjoy spending time with my family and being an anonymous person. I like driving on the good roads, enjoy the lightning fast internet, eating food I can't get in Thailand. (dr Pepper!) but most of all, it keeps me in touch with my family, whom I love dearly and miss terribly.

Never understand these people who feel that to praise one thing must mean you have to denigrate the other.

Yah see, there are SOME things where we think the same, sbk! :):D:D

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When Was The Last Time You Went Back To Your Country
is the heading, it would appear that some live in Thailand but still call where they were born Country home.

Myself born in the UK, last visit 2003, before that 1991, before that 1976

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Was back in my home town Aug 2009, it was nice to catch up with the lads.

Since I left there in 2001 my mother and brother have moved to different places.

Usually stay in London with my brother, I like the London buzz, bars, trains etc...

It's nice to be there without a care in the world.

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More than a decade since I've been back to the states. Been through 2 passports since I've been here so I don't have the original one, but I think it was '98 when I last went.

Better question is why would you want to go.

For me, I'm waiting until America implodes similar to the Soviet Union and the currency becomes worthless. Shouldn't be long now. Less than 10 years for sure. Then I might head back to see what bargains can be had, and if the country has made any progress at becoming culturally rational. I see no reason to head back while the entitlement/consumer culture is still in full swing.

I miss my family of course, but until they experience the collapse first hand it doesn't make sense to go see them. Just an expensive waste of money.

Sure would be nice to see some snow again though. Miss that over here.

last 2005 next 2010 to register my kid.

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2002. Since my mother passed away, there is not much of a reason anymore to go there. I left my home country 19 years ago, and contacts with friends and relatives have faded away pretty much. But every once in a while it happens somebody I still know from back home decides on spending a few days in the hotel I am running, and then I greatly enjoy talking about days gone by. Sometimes I miss hardly being able to talk about things in the past with people who were there.

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I enjoy spending time with my family and being an anonymous person. I like driving on the good roads, enjoy the lightning fast internet, eating food I can't get in Thailand. (dr Pepper!) but most of all, it keeps me in touch with my family, whom I love dearly and miss terribly.

Never understand these people who feel that to praise one thing must mean you have to denigrate the other.

Ah, you haven't been reading the Western Food forum.  Dr. Pepper is available at Vila Market and at the JUSMAG canteen.  :)

Actually, I enjoy the same things as you.  I was in the US this January/February, primarily to attend a trade show in Atlanta, but then I had a week back home in San Diego (with two days in Vegas.)  I gorged myself on things I cannot get or are diffficult to get here:  great burgers, guacamole, aged prime steaks, good Chinese, pastrami, my own BBQ ribs (we had them for a Super Bowl party), heirloom tomatoes, carnitas, etc.

I love Thailand, but I eagerly look forward to my three or four trips a year back.  And I always bring back 210 pounds of luggage, mostly with food, but with the occasional meat slicer, Vitamix, All-Clad cookware (I brought a Le Creuset pot this time).  And I don't forget the Diet Dr. Pepper!  48 cans this trip.  :D

And my next trip will include a family visit as well.

Of course, when I am in the US or Europe or wherever, I also eagerly look forward to returning to Thailand.

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1 month ago i went for a week, but i dont plan on returning for a very very long time after 2 days i couldnt wait to get away from the freezing cold totalitarian govt run place. Driving alongside polite drivers and the supermarkets with their well priced good quality food is about all i'll miss.

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Feb, 1991, but I've been to Australia a number of times and that reminds me of America in the 1950s.

that's so true, kinda entering a time machine and setting the clock back to 50 years, socially & culturally (if I can use this word) with a twist of Orwell's 1984 added to it

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 And I always bring back 210 pounds of luggage, mostly with food, but with the occasional meat slicer, Vitamix, All-Clad cookware (I brought a Le Creuset pot this time).  And I don't forget the Diet Dr. Pepper!  48 cans this trip.  :)

interesting ..... and how you manage to get past the airline's luggage allowance policy, airport check in, security scans and immigration controls (US & Thai) with almost 100kg luggages full of food, drinks and equipments, every time you travel

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I left Southern California the day before Xmas 2004 and haven't returned. The only thing I miss is Mexican food at a place called El Indio near the San Diego airport.

Hey fellow San Diagen, I know what you mean, El Indio was great mex food, here Mex is total garbage.

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I have not been back to the UK on over 4 years, since I moved to Thailand. It may be more, have been saying 4 years for a so long now, may be over 5. Love my home country and the people, Hate the di*kheads in charge. Am trying to plan a trip home to see family. When? Who knows.

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A couple of years ago - and it was a v bad mistake! Whilst I was away my ex discovered how easy it was to find a woman that "loved him too much"!

Anyway, home is great when you need to get back to reality and normal people who think the way you do. Otherwise, its great here, as long as you can find the few people that aren't out to scam you!!

Not as easy as it sounds, unless you don't have enough moery to attract them...

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I left Southern California the day before Xmas 2004 and haven't returned. The only thing I miss is Mexican food at a place called El Indio near the San Diego airport.

Hey fellow San Diagen, I know what you mean, El Indio was great mex food, here Mex is total garbage.

Hi Lizard, I taught my Filipina wife how to cook Mexican food. Lucky we can get almost all the ingrediants here in Malaysia, all except those great El Indio corn tortillas (gotta settle for some cardboard flour ones). I make the killer refried beans and she cooks up the beef just right. Yum!!!

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In the US now and studying again. I get to come back to Thailand in July for the summer.

Normally I would visit the US once a year in october during the school break.

I always looked forward to driving my Mustang and having real internet, two things that always seemed insanly fast after 11 months in Thailand haha.

I think I will be back in THailand for good in 5-8years, but I will always visit the US. For now, I just get to visit Thailand.

I agree with the idea that you don't have to hate one just because you like the other. I love the US, but I would rather live my life in Thailand.

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I went to Philadelphia in 2007 to get a work permit from the saudi embassy in DC in order to get an iqama (saudi residence permit) back in saudi where I was workin'...was already resident in saudi at the time...the previous time was in 1999 in CA to renew my CA driver's license so I could get a local license in Abu Dhabi...dem arabs got you comin' an' goin'...the time before that was in 1993 to see my dad before he died of cancer; just bein' the dutiful son, I didn't like him that much...I pretty much called it quits with the US in 1987...

in Phila. I didn't sleep...there was gunfire at night and other sounds of brutality...an' I was just one block from the Drexel University campus...the deli sandwiches downtown near the office were quite nice as well as the pizza, however...

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