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Napa Valley wines are not better, but they are just as good. New York and Melbourne pizzas are far better than the rest! :)

coming from someone who's never eaten pizza and never been to Italy, is akin to, say, an expat living in Nigeria dissing Japanese sushi only because sushi bars in Lagos (run by locals and Indians) are worst than the sushi served in his home country ....... (fill in the blank with your nation) lol :D priceless. I think this continuously dissing of something you don't even know, let alone tasted, using generic and groundless statements, reflect on you personally, rather than your intended target. Kinda losing credibility, boomerang effect et all ..... now now getting back to your fav grub; greasy mahtzah, have you eaten your fill today? they're cheap, ya know...

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Napa Valley wines are not better, but they are just as good. New York and Melbourne pizzas are far better than the rest! :)

Well from a UK perspective I would say Italy has given us wonderful pasta, cheeses and wines. The US has invaded us with McDonalds and Subway. Case closed.

Napa Valley wines are not better, but they are just as good. New York and Melbourne pizzas are far better than the rest! :D

coming from someone who's never eaten pizza and never been to Italy,

I've spent heaps of time in Italia and the pizza there is rubbish. Pasta is quite another story though... :)

Napa Valley wines are not better, but they are just as good. New York and Melbourne pizzas are far better than the rest! :D

coming from someone who's never eaten pizza and never been to Italy,

I've spent heaps of time in Italia and the pizza there is rubbish. Pasta is quite another story though... :)

based on you remark, I doubt you've been to Italy and even eaten pizza. If you did, you'd know that there are slightly different type of crusts depending on the region and also different pizza type breads to suit different purposes. I guess all this is lost on you, so I won't bother expanding on. The thing is that people are used to what they find at home (brought by immigrants, who have no training or qualifications to operate a restaurant, and grossly distort the original recipe to suit local tastes and using local ingredients) so when they travel abroad and try the original, they're shocked to find it different. There is a little story of John Prescott, then deputy PM here in Britain, who travelled to China on an official visit. He was known to have a penchant for crispy duck, he loved eating at his local Chinese in Hull. So one night Chinese officials took him to an upmarket restaurant in Beijing to sample that famous Chinese delicacy. Guess what? He didn't like it one bit, he later complained to the press that the duck was so oh different to what he had always eaten in Hull, quite greasy and served with different trimmings :D

tell ya wot, I've been loads of time in Wales and always been disappointed with the bacon stew tatws pum munud, I found a much better version in Davao Philippines cooked and prepared as it should be. Rubbish in Wales but great in Philippines

coming from someone who's never eaten pizza and never been to Italy, is akin to, say, an expat living in Nigeria dissing Japanese sushi only because sushi bars in Lagos (run by locals and Indians) are worst than the sushi served in his home country .......

I've been to Japan, and sushi in the US and Thailand - that is made by a Japanese person - tastes exactly the same in all three places.

I have had pizza made by Italian people all over all over Thailand and it all sucks. As britmaveric - who is very honest - says, plenty of people have been to Italy and enjoyed most of the food, but felt that, in general, the pizza was more like cardboard than anything remotely resembling a good pizza.

I haven't met any honest person who has said that about either New York or Melbourne. All they do is rave about how delicious the pizza is there! :)


If it evens things up a little, many years ago when in Itally, I had a real shitty feed of thai, I can't remember the name of the place but it was the worst bowl of 'who flung dung' that I can ever remember eating. :)


So, pizza in italian restaurants in Thailand sucks, pizza in Italia sucks. Both are made by Italians.

I guess you don't like the italian pizza, but you like the different kind off food, wrongly called pizza, you eat in Melbourne and in NY.

But be fair, don't say in Italy pizza sucks, because is just you (and Britmaveric...) don't like it.

Just look a bit presumptuous and arrogant. C'mon.


Perhaps you should follow your own advice. You are perfectly happy to let people bash American pizza, but get all indignant when the tables are turned.

I have honestly never met anyone who thought that the pizza in Italy was anything but mediocre - although they loved the other food - and I am certainly not going to listen to a few American hating, internet troll's views on the subject. biggrin.gif


I don't hate America

I'm not a troll

I didn't say that American style pizza sucks (just different :) )

USA is not the center of the World (gastronomically speaking :D )


Given the size of the country called 'Italy',Italian Cuisine is undoubtedly the most popular in the world.

While is true that you might find bad pizza in Italy,if you want to enjoy a proper pizza in Thailand,you've better look for Italian Chefs.

I had nice American fellows who told me that my pizza is comparable to the best in N.Y.

I have to trust them :)

I have honestly never met anyone who thought that the pizza in Italy was anything but mediocre

Maybe it's time to change your friend's circle......if the rest of the world decided to give italian food the place where is currently staying it must to be a reason for it, you can go against it but that's not going to change the way it is i am afraid, just to say you don't like the stuff would be more fair on you, anyway is up to you to choose what you like to be, mine is only a quick suggestion.

Just yesterday on one of the 2 italian tv channels which are broadcasting in Asia was a well documented story about the damage the REAL italian F&B is going trough, the problem is that anybody at the moment can cook anything they likes and say "here is the authentic italian food", so obviously a person that never try the real stuff will end up with a very bad opinion of it, i think they said that every 10 italian products sold abroad, just 2 are genuine (great!), even here in the semi-jungle there are street markets where they sell pizza, i gave it a try........disgusting! and i guess the many newbies(to the italian food) will very likely end up with the same opinion, unaware that this is just a VERY absurdly bad copy of the real thing, my suggestion to anyone that wish to get a good experience and avoid the fakes around, go to a real italian restaurant, a good sign that the place is real would be an italian national working in it, because as you can imagine there are many fake italian restaurants too around (even one in my area! which is not exactly a touristic zone....), i have personally been in many REAL italian restaurants here in Thailand where the food is excellent! so don't be pulled off by the many "food scammers" around, by looking carefully you can get a great meal! ...and no i am not one of the "gourmets" here, i just like to eat well :)

So, pizza in italian restaurants in Thailand sucks, pizza in Italia sucks. Both are made by Italians.

I guess you don't like the italian pizza, but you like the different kind off food, wrongly called pizza, you eat in Melbourne and in NY.

But be fair, don't say in Italy pizza sucks, because is just you (and Britmaveric...) don't like it.

Just look a bit presumptuous and arrogant. C'mon.

anguid, you and i dont see eye to eye very often but on this topic we do - nothing beats a proper Pizza margherita!


So, in your own words, how would you explain the popularity it gots around the globe if what you say is right? we all got it wrong? :)


Happy I'm not like a Dom Quixote alone defending the italian pizza...

PS: for Ulysses, I'm an honest guy, although you doubt it, I don't know why.


American style pizza is more popular globally. In fact, no one outside of Italy would have every heard of it if it had not been improved considerably by innovators in other countries.


Let's see.... Venice, Rome, Florence, Pordenone, Sardinia, Naples, Milan - you see I have been all over Italia and I am quite aware of differences in bread w/pizza. My opinion is unchanged and Italia pizza is crap. Now the pasta, wine, coffee is another story as I have stated previously.

American style pizza is more popular globally. In fact, no one outside of Italy would have every heard of it if it had not been improved considerably by innovators in other countries.


Let's see.... Venice, Rome, Florence, Pordenone, Sardinia, Naples, Milan - you see I have been all over Italia and I am quite aware of differences in bread w/pizza. My opinion is unchanged and Italia pizza is crap. Now the pasta, wine, coffee is another story as I have stated previously.

Yes and Myanmar should be the leading country in teaching how to make a pizza for the rest of the world! :D:)

American style pizza is more popular globally. In fact, no one outside of Italy would have every heard of it if it had not been improved considerably by innovators in other countries.

well, one thing is marketing and another is quality....my opinion is that the so many copies of the original stuff(remember, is called "pizza"...not marshmallows or whatever else) are not even close, in terms of quality/taste to the real pizza, not just the round shaped ones, even the square pizzas have nothing to be worry about, if then someone likes more the frozen pizzas you find at Tesco or similar, well that's another story, to each one his owns :)

Wine & Food Feature

The World's Best Pizza?

'Carla Ranicki

...But what if the tradition being defined never really previously existed? Robert Sietsema, the Village Voice's food editor and restaurant critic, says, "The joke's on them. Pizza was invented in the U.S." The Italians are mounting a rearguard action, trying to claim pizza as their own, but it's all a marketing ploy, he said. He says pizza as we know it was invented in New York, by Italian immigrants such as Gennaro Lombardi, whose pizzeria Lombardi's, on Spring Street, opened in 1905. "I'm not a patriotic guy, except when it comes to pizza," said Sietsema.


If you google, "Which country makes the best pizza"? or "Who makes the best pizza", nothing but American pizzas or Australian pizzas come up for page after page. :)


Where Google come from?? Europe??

Please, stop climbing on glass walls. Please.

Ah, almost forgotten, California sushi much better than the Japanese one. :):D


Edit to say: I love this thread!!

I've been to Japan, and sushi in the US and Thailand - that is made by a Japanese person - tastes exactly the same in all three places.

I have had pizza made by Italian people all over all over Thailand and it all sucks. As britmaveric - who is very honest - says, plenty of people have been to Italy and enjoyed most of the food, but felt that, in general, the pizza was more like cardboard than anything remotely resembling a good pizza.

I haven't met any honest person who has said that about either New York or Melbourne. All they do is rave about how delicious the pizza is there! :D

so you base your opinion on having eaten what you think it was pizza in NY, Melbourne & CM but crucially not in Italy, where the pizza was invented and successfully exported around the world. You diss pizza based on what? hearsay from friends and Thai baked bread offering .... lol :D the irony of it all. Again read the analogy of expat in Nigeria, it suits you fine. The trouble with your biased opinion is that what you're used to is not pizza, but baked, spongy fried crust overloaded with lurid amount of toppings. Quantity over quality. Based on that is normal you will feel disappointed, you think of NY baked spongy bread crust, we talk about pizza. Two different things altogether. Also in Melbourne, If you really spent any quality time there, you'd know that pizza is hit and miss, it's more like focaccia type of crust. Carlton is place where to go, full of cafe and restaurants. Few of them use proper wood fired oven or even make their own tomato sauce, relying on imported tinned semi-prepared thick sauce (sometimes from China, no kidding!). I don't know where you eaten electrical oven baked spongy crust in NY, Melbourne and Thailand. I'd curious to know as I know the scene in all these places. Finally, turning the table on you, I've never ever met anyone who referred to NY oven baked spongy crust as pizza worth its name, and def none ever heard of Thai & Australian pizza outside those countries.

Perhaps you should follow your own advice. You are perfectly happy to let people bash American pizza, but get all indignant when the tables are turned.

I have honestly never met anyone who thought that the pizza in Italy was anything but mediocre - although they loved the other food - and I am certainly not going to listen to a few American hating, internet troll's views on the subject

therefore, we all shouldn't pay attention to a single Italian pizza hating internet troll's views on the subject, given that geezer has never been to Italy, let alone tasted pizza. How worth is his opinion? :)

American style pizza is more popular globally. In fact, no one outside of Italy would have every heard of it if it had not been improved considerably by innovators in other countries.

in American they'd characterise this statement of yours as B***S***, you know it, we know it and you know we know it :D


I've had plenty of Italian made pizzas right here in Thailand and none were anything but mediocre.

When I was a child, I used to make my own "pizzas" with English muffins and tomato sauce. Seems like they would win prestigious awards in Italy. I could be their greatest pizza chef!

I believe Piizza Company cheese is a mixture of sawdust and babys vomit.

Pizza company is a Thai pizza restaurant and no one in the US eats at Pizza Hut other than children and people who are in a real

hurry. :) I am talking about real pizza (like at the Duke's in Chiang Mai).

"The joke's on them. Pizza was invented in the U.S."

The part where it say "Joke" it's self explanatory i believe :D

In Italy we have a very famous movie, where one of the best italian comedian of all the times(Toto'), claim the famous Trevi's fountain it's his property and then he sell it to an american tourist, now reading this kind of stories i think i understand from where he got inspiration for this gag, an italian emigrant of those times would say lots of things to create his fortune abroad and we can see he's been succesfull on it and i am glad for him, however, there are well documented sources easily accessible to all, where you can see that even the ancient romans (translate as italians) were eating their version of the pizza, doing a bit of maths you will easily see that this is way ahead before the american continent would even appears on the world's maps :)

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