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Belgian Fugitive "Mad Dog" Gang Member Arrested By Thai Immigration

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I wonder if this good work would continue. There are many other places that need such clean up. For instance Koh Samui. Good riddence of trash that taints the rest of us.

Koh Samui??????????????/ What are you talking about? :)

Way to "hide out" -- strut around in a biker vest with the letters MAD DOG on the back. On a Harley Davidson, a ridiculous bike.

Good riddance to bad rubbish.

Tin box, 4 wheels. Riciculous mode of transport! :)

.....had his visa evoked?

Revoked - how can you evoke a visa? - poor journalism from the Pattaya Daily News.

I thought the same thing, and no, I am no "grammar Nazi", but to use "evoked" 3 times is embarrassing journalism to say the least.


after get rid of people in leather vests and harleys i recommend to get rid of:

people call themselves "business" man and running around in suits and bring drugs in this country...

people who look "innocent" in their clothings but had done crime in their countries like:

get high credit at the bank and flee to thailand after that to spent that money..

dont pay tax in this or their countries but make business there and here (and wear nice and expensive clothings and drive expensive cars)..

hide in thailand for crimes like rape and other cases of harming people

and give themselves and good look in good clothing but are dirty inside..

we all know.. the way somebody look have nothing to do with his inside thinkings and what he may done in his life...

motorcycle gang members are not all criminals..

i meet more people here in thailand who disguise themselve as "a good boy"... and they are really much more criminal than people who may have a leather vest and long hair and tattoos..

have you seen all the people who been arrested in the past in punk clothing or looking like they "are" criminals?

most of the people who commit crime and do drug smuggling give themselve a decent look and dont want to be suspicious because of their looking..

think about before you judge people in dresses you would not wear..with tattoos.. or the ones who drive harleys..

if you point with 1 finger on others... 3 fingers point back to you..

so... who drop the first stone..

and who sit in a glasshouse should not drop even a sandkorn...

hope to get rid of all people who think they are "better" guys bcos they wear business dresses!


Wonder on whose shoe he spat....or which imagined Puu yai he didn't obey...

"manufacturing of illegal substances" growing weed, maybe?

"firearms"... maybe a an 08/15 from the 2nd ww.

does anyone making these ridiculous comments on the arrest of the MC member,

know this guy and it's genuine story?

Has HE had a right, the possibility to defend himself here and explain...?


it's certainly not an infants nursery this particular MC, but then what are all these prejudicial comments about?

Is a story in the Pattaya News enough to nail someone like this on the virtual cross?


Or switch on brain befor use of keyboard!

Thank you!

Wonder on whose shoe he spat....or which imagined Puu yai he didn't obey...

"manufacturing of illegal substances" growing weed, maybe?

"firearms"... maybe a an 08/15 from the 2nd ww.

does anyone making these ridiculous comments on the arrest of the MC member,

know this guy and what it's the genuine story?

it's certainly not an infants nursery this particular MC, but then what are all these prejudicial comments about?

Is a story in the Pattaya News enough to nail someone like this on the virtual cross?


Or switch on brain befor use of keyboard!

Thank you!

100% agree... see my post above :)

Way to "hide out" -- strut around in a biker vest with the letters MAD DOG on the back. On a Harley Davidson, a ridiculous bike.

Good riddance to bad rubbish.


I am very very very upset when I read your comment! How can you have a general comment like this? What kind of ridiculous vehicle are you driving? Are you thinking all the bikers are rapist or drug dealer?

If you are a car driver and some bad guy get arrested driving the same car, can you accept we say all the owners of this ridiculous model are bad????

RESPECT the others please!

If this guy did what it is saying for sure he must pay but don't make general!

"behavior problems related to addictive substances" .... I think I must know that guy!! LOL!

But seriously, rape, assult etc., glade their getting him out of this country.

Wasn't Pattaya established for people like this? Oh no my mistake, it was for US servicemen!!!!!!


On “pattayadailynews”, I saw the man still had an old id-card issued in Belgium, not one issued by the Royal Belgian Consulate in Bangkok.

That means he probably never registered with the Royal Belgian Consulate in Bangkok, as Belgian citizens permanently living in Thailand are expected to do.

after get rid of people in leather vests and harleys i recommend to get rid of:

people call themselves "business" man and running around in suits and bring drugs in this country...

people who look "innocent" in their clothings but had done crime in their countries like:

get high credit at the bank and flee to thailand after that to spent that money..

dont pay tax in this or their countries but make business there and here (and wear nice and expensive clothings and drive expensive cars)..

hide in thailand for crimes like rape and other cases of harming people

and give themselves and good look in good clothing but are dirty inside..

we all know.. the way somebody look have nothing to do with his inside thinkings and what he may done in his life...

motorcycle gang members are not all criminals..

i meet more people here in thailand who disguise themselve as "a good boy"... and they are really much more criminal than people who may have a leather vest and long hair and tattoos..

have you seen all the people who been arrested in the past in punk clothing or looking like they "are" criminals?

most of the people who commit crime and do drug smuggling give themselve a decent look and dont want to be suspicious because of their looking..

think about before you judge people in dresses you would not wear..with tattoos.. or the ones who drive harleys..

if you point with 1 finger on others... 3 fingers point back to you..

so... who drop the first stone..

and who sit in a glasshouse should not drop even a sandkorn...

hope to get rid of all people who think they are "better" guys bcos they wear business dresses!


On "pattayadailynews", I saw the man still had an old id-card issued in Belgium, not one issued by the Royal Belgian Consulate in Bangkok.

That means he probably never registered with the Royal Belgian Consulate in Bangkok, as Belgian citizens permanently living in Thailand are expected to do.

Why would you register at our consulate if you know that our governement is looking after you? :)


"Mr. Verdickt fled his country to hide out in Thailand, establishing a Harley Davidson gang with his friends calling it "MAD DOG". "

Why not tattoo your forehead saying dumb smuck, here i am come ge me?

PS if no one wants the bike I bags it first!!!

"behavior problems related to addictive substances" .... I think I must know that guy!! LOL!

But seriously, rape, assult etc., glade their getting him out of this country.

Wasn't Pattaya established for people like this? Oh no my mistake, it was for US servicemen!!!!!!

Poor guy you are! Slander. Where are you living? I have a house in Pattaya in a quiet area, I am working, I have a work permit, I pay my taxes and.....I am a biker so? From you point of view I am a raper, drug or weapons dealer because I live in Pattaya AND I am a biker???

On "pattayadailynews", I saw the man still had an old id-card issued in Belgium, not one issued by the Royal Belgian Consulate in Bangkok.

That means he probably never registered with the Royal Belgian Consulate in Bangkok, as Belgian citizens permanently living in Thailand are expected to do.

Why would you register at our consulate if you know that our governement is looking after you? :)

Because he is Belgian :D , No sorry, it's a bad joke, I like the Belgians, they are my neighours :D


This fugitive was a member of Mad Dogs for only about a year ....he is not representative of bikers in Thailand or in fact the Mad Dogs who are represented in about 5 countries in Asia. The Mad Dogs are not a gang but an MC and Tom Leber the President is a respectable business man and a respected member of Pattaya society as any check will quickly show.

This guy could just as easily been a golfer but he just happened to ride a Harley. If anything what this indicates is that bike clubs in general should be more interested in quality rather than quantity when accepting members who should by rights be vetted over at least a year as a "prospect". Incidentally I am not a member of the Mad Dogs!

Lord Snooty


I have to stick to my own ppl. here cos the rest of you are just ridiculous , hiding behind your computers and screaming like old ladies! 555 :D

Tell me what have you done in your home countries to stop people like this and their activities?

My gues is NOTHING! :)

Nice logo BTW. 555

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Sex drugs and rock n roll.. Harleys goatee shaved head.. He really blended in well..

I like a Ducati.. wear a comb over toupee and a French goatee... my drugs are Nam Falong, hash browns, 2 eggs over easy, and a small can of vegie beans.. and 3 strips of fish... Ben and Jerrys vanilla ice cream, with a six pack of A&W root beer...

"behavior problems related to addictive substances" .... I think I must know that guy!! LOL!

But seriously, rape, assult etc., glade their getting him out of this country.

Just your standard daily routine for the average Outlaw Bikie Member

I hope you are not thinking all the bikers in Thailand are like this! They are not and lot of us are doing a lot of charity over the country, you should know this. About this guy, for sure his behavior is having a bad impact for the rest of us farangs and also bikers.

Believe me, despite the jackets tattoos and so on, there is only a few clubs (I don't say gang!) with a bad reputation..

There is a difference between those that drive bikes and those that done vests with mother or affiliate/hangaround clubs logos and the rest of the package...the latter is known to have set up a nice racked of criminal activity here, even if they seem to be mostly focused on Phuket (since many of the members first traveled there for vacation and later bought houses). Are they all bad? No, but if you are a part of a criminal organisation, you aren't good either...

I have to stick to my own ppl. here cos the rest of you are just ridiculous , hiding behind your computers and screaming like old ladies! 555 :D

Tell me what have you done in your home countries to stop people like this and their activities?

My gues is NOTHING! :)

Nice logo BTW. 555

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i would go and stop it but i am too busy enjoying myself. i can still speak bad about bad people if i want. Catch me if u can :D Also who is going to pay me to catch them or stop. them maybe through me a wad of money and i will go out a round up as many as i can. if not i am happy just to randomly comment as i please


I agree with Shotime....lots of judging. If you people knew what the gov't officials gets involved with and what they do behind closed doors in many countires, especially the U.S and U.K....they make fellows like Mad dog look like a choir boy. Just because the crims. in gov't don't get caught or when they do(scapegoats are sometimes needed)..who is going to report it?..who? The mainstream media jackals? Need to get the sleep out of your eyes...the system breeds crims. and the like and this system is always supported by who else?...YOU judgmental ones and the corrupt-elite-class. So, instead of attacking the real problems...let's attack each other like the rabid sheep we are.

(I have to hold back my anger and searing insults to the stone-throwers..not good to do that here)


I ran into a big pack of the "Mad Dogs" at my local watering hole in Ban Chang last week. They had members there for an annual get-together of all their Asian Chapters (Vietnam, China, Singapore, etc.). Overall, they seemed like a decent group of guys who enjoyed big bikes and hanging out with their friends. Don't paint them all with the same brush just because this one fellow may be a criminal...


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read the forum rule

7) Not to post slurs or degrading comments directed towards any group on the basis of race, nationality, religion, gender or sexual orientation.

Way to "hide out" -- strut around in a biker vest with the letters MAD DOG on the back. On a Harley Davidson, a ridiculous bike.

Good riddance to bad rubbish.

....and your particular 'horse' is....SB ?



Way to "hide out" -- strut around in a biker vest with the letters MAD DOG on the back. On a Harley Davidson, a ridiculous bike.

Good riddance to bad rubbish.

....and your particular 'horse' is....SB ?



+ vroooom, vrooom, naturally :)

I ran into a big pack of the "Mad Dogs" at my local watering hole in Ban Chang last week. They had members there for an annual get-together of all their Asian Chapters (Vietnam, China, Singapore, etc.). Overall, they seemed like a decent group of guys who enjoyed big bikes and hanging out with their friends. Don't paint them all with the same brush just because this one fellow may be a criminal...


I ride Harley as well and know a lot of fellow farang HD riders in Pattaya and other places. Yes we dress up a bit (HD life style), but 99.9% are very decent people who can afford to buy a Harley and enjoy it here in LOS. :)


and this is just plain frickin' terrifyin' ...."me for one is only positive over the police that are picking up all these Britons,


err....b from cM....kinda, like......

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