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Belgian Fugitive "Mad Dog" Gang Member Arrested By Thai Immigration


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Why all the hatred? Just a man who has been unlucky and been caught out. Should of sat back and kept quiet.

Not everybody is 100% innocent. Even some of you people have done something wrong both in Thailand and at Home in your own country. Everybody breaks the laws. You might not of been caught, but you have.

But in a right, violent people should not be allowed into Thailand, same with people who are drug users.

Thailand should have a system like the USA.

If anyone is destroying Thailand reputation, its not these wanted criminals, because they have to pay the way like the rest of us.

The only people destroying Thailand reputation, is the media companies that publish much of the BS.

Edited by earlbrownuk
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Yes but the report came from the PATTAYA DAILY NEWS... they always distotrt the news, I think just to spice things up a little, to piss good people off and just create hatred generally. Its Pattaya Daily News that should be locked up.

This fugitive was a member of Mad Dogs for only about a year ....he is not representative of bikers in Thailand or in fact the Mad Dogs who are represented in about 5 countries in Asia. The Mad Dogs are not a gang but an MC and Tom Leber the President is a respectable business man and a respected member of Pattaya society as any check will quickly show.

This guy could just as easily been a golfer but he just happened to ride a Harley. If anything what this indicates is that bike clubs in general should be more interested in quality rather than quantity when accepting members who should by rights be vetted over at least a year as a "prospect". Incidentally I am not a member of the Mad Dogs!

Lord Snooty

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"behavior problems related to addictive substances" .... I think I must know that guy!! LOL!

But seriously, rape, assult etc., glade their getting him out of this country.

Just your standard daily routine for the average Outlaw Bikie Member

I hope you are not thinking all the bikers in Thailand are like this! They are not and lot of us are doing a lot of charity over the country, you should know this. About this guy, for sure his behavior is having a bad impact for the rest of us farangs and also bikers.

Believe me, despite the jackets tattoos and so on, there is only a few clubs (I don't say gang!) with a bad reputation..

Joslan, every well-thinking person knows, that most bikers (99.9999999%) are decent guys and only the rest is giving the majority a bad reputation............

..........the same for moslims, BG's, and other groups with a bad reputation.

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Don't forget the bad-apples from Asia, Africa, the Middle-East, etc., also. I like the cockroach analogy...so true.

Why do so many assume he will be sent back to Belgium, or even find his way to a long stay in the 'Bangkok Hilton.' I would not be surprised if this dirtbag buys his way out of police custody, and then disappears into the woodwork or sewer (in Thailand or elsewhere). Justice here usually comes only to those with no means to to grease the many open palms.

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"behavior problems related to addictive substances" .... I think I must know that guy!! LOL!

But seriously, rape, assult etc., glade their getting him out of this country.

Wasn't Pattaya established for people like this? Oh no my mistake, it was for US servicemen!!!!!!

Poor guy you are! Slander. Where are you living? I have a house in Pattaya in a quiet area, I am working, I have a work permit, I pay my taxes and.....I am a biker so? From you point of view I am a raper, drug or weapons dealer because I live in Pattaya AND I am a biker???

don't get upset if some poor boy who can only afford to live in a hut with a thatched roof located somewhere in Thailand's wilderness slanders Pattaya. it happens all the time in this forum :)

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"behavior problems related to addictive substances" .... I think I must know that guy!! LOL!

But seriously, rape, assult etc., glade their getting him out of this country.

Just your standard daily routine for the average Outlaw Bikie Member

I hope you are not thinking all the bikers in Thailand are like this! They are not and lot of us are doing a lot of charity over the country, you should know this. About this guy, for sure his behavior is having a bad impact for the rest of us farangs and also bikers.

Believe me, despite the jackets tattoos and so on, there is only a few clubs (I don't say gang!) with a bad reputation..

There is a difference between those that drive bikes and those that done vests with mother or affiliate/hangaround clubs logos and the rest of the package...the latter is known to have set up a nice racked of criminal activity here, even if they seem to be mostly focused on Phuket (since many of the members first traveled there for vacation and later bought houses). Are they all bad? No, but if you are a part of a criminal organisation, you aren't good either...

Let me explain to you: I love the bikes, during the week I work as a managing director for a reputable company (500 employees) and I wear that it could be for you "normal" clothes. When the week end is coming, I dress a jean, my jacket with the colors of my club for which I am proud to and run my Harley because it's my pleasure and a passion for almost 30 years (yes I am no more young). So, if you see me at this time, what kind of judgment you will have? I have a lot of friends (Thais, Farangs) in many MC from north to south Thailand and we enjoy

To come back to Mad Dogs, I know some of them and they are respectable and we must avoid to make general. As one of the posts says they did a mistake accepting this guy quickly as a member. When you speak about Hang around and so on, do you know the meaning? It's exactly to try to avoid to have "bad members". The purpose is to let the new coming to be Hang around (no colors) in order to be able to evaluate his behavior and then (the time is depending on the clubs, could be a few month, 1 year or more) the new coming can become Prospect (can wear a part of the colors) for months or years before to become full member.

May be you can think this process is ridiculous, up to you, I don't mind, but for us it's to be able to see if the new coming can represent the club wearing our colors when we travel or go for charities. You can smile but when it's done we are more than friends, we are brothers. But in any case, we will never protect a member doing something wrong and doesn't respect Thailand, it will go out immediately.

Maybe the Mad Dogs didn't respect this process or did it to quickly but furthermore, we cannot judge a guy only reading "Pattaya News", let the police and the justice do their job. If he really did what it is written, for sure there is no excuse and he deserves us a lot but let the Belgian justice do what it has to do. :)

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Belgium National’s visa cancelled by Immigration due to extensive criminal history

On Wednesday Afternoon we attended a press conference at the Chonburi Immigration Office, located in Soi 5 off Jomtien Beach Road, held by Police Colonel Atisawit, the Chief of the Station who announced the arrest of a Belgium national at his house here in Pattaya. The Colonel announced that information was received about Mr. Robert Verdickt aged 53 who is known to be affiliated with a local Motorbike Club. Based on the information received, the Colonel ordered cancellation of his visa back on 25th November 2009. He was arrested on Wednesday at his house located at the Classic Village located East of Pattaya. Information from Belgium officials confirmed that Mr. Verdickt had a criminal record dating back to 1985 with his last conviction dating back to 2008. All related to firearms, narcotics, theft and assault. The visa cancellation was ordered due to his extensive criminal history despite the fact he is currently not wanted back in Belgium. He will be deported and has now been placed on Thailand’s Immigration Black List which will not allow him to re-enter Thailand for the foreseeable future.










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I've done my fair bit as a "farang"and without going into details, the bike"gangs" are doing more than their fair bit of contributing to the local people than any wannabies.

Fair enough the deadbeats will be around and I'm convinced you'll have them back home as well.

Just look in the mirror every morning after ya shower, look into ya own eyes and if it looks good I will accept the grieve you want to put on to others. :)

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The visa cancellation was ordered due to his extensive criminal history despite the fact he is currently not wanted back in Belgium. He will be deported and has now been placed on Thailand’s Immigration Black List which will not allow him to re-enter Thailand for the foreseeable future.

Criminals on the run, who think they can live anonymous in a place like Pattaya are real dumb! Sooner or later a countyrman on holiday, gonna recognize them.

He is not on the run. It says in the last news post he is "currently not wanted" in Belgium. So are they going to be running criminal checks on every farang in the kingdom and deporting them for having a history? I doubt it. What's the real story here? I think the coppers just don't like the fact that some farangs are organizing themselves into groups which might prove difficult to harass.

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Poor guy... can't get away from hia past.

All of you so quick to comment, generalise and criticise... shame on you...

Poor guy probably wanted to make a new start... what happened to forgiveness.. sounds like he has already paid his debt to society.. he is not wanted anywhere as a criminal.


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I wonder if this good work would continue. There are many other places that need such clean up. For instance Koh Samui. Good riddence of trash that taints the rest of us.

Koh Samui??????????????/ What are you talking about? :)

A lot of people bought government land on Samui with fake chanotes made up by the land registry office who where threatened or bribed by a gang of ferang gangsters to draw them up. Samui's no cleaner than anywhere else.

Edited by Jirapa
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"behavior problems related to addictive substances" .... I think I must know that guy!! LOL!

But seriously, rape, assult etc., glade their getting him out of this country.

Wasn't Pattaya established for people like this? Oh no my mistake, it was for US servicemen!!!!!!

Poor guy you are! Slander. Where are you living? I have a house in Pattaya in a quiet area, I am working, I have a work permit, I pay my taxes and.....I am a biker so? From you point of view I am a raper, drug or weapons dealer because I live in Pattaya AND I am a biker???

don't get upset if some poor boy who can only afford to live in a hut with a thatched roof located somewhere in Thailand's wilderness slanders Pattaya. it happens all the time in this forum :)

OK Naam, I come down, thanks :D

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I wonder if this good work would continue. There are many other places that need such clean up. For instance Koh Samui. Good riddence of trash that taints the rest of us.

Koh Samui??????????????/ What are you talking about? :)

I don't know Koh Samui today, but i went there in 1995. So far as i rmember i saw only Back Packers and Druggies, Marinuana and Haschisch Peaple. Therefore i never traveled there again.
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Peopel really should refrain from such easy judgements... even the original post only mentions 'charged with" it makes no reference to guilt.

The second 'update' does make this reference however but states he is 'not on teh run'.

Unbelievable what did he do wrong? Overstay?

Does this mean we can no longer get our 500thb a day or 20,000 overstay?

The poor sod obviously upset someone either here or backhome.

I wish him well.

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after get rid of people in leather vests and harleys i recommend to get rid of:

people call themselves "business" man and running around in suits and bring drugs in this country...

people who look "innocent" in their clothings but had done crime in their countries like:

get high credit at the bank and flee to thailand after that to spent that money..

dont pay tax in this or their countries but make business there and here (and wear nice and expensive clothings and drive expensive cars)..

hide in thailand for crimes like rape and other cases of harming people

and give themselves and good look in good clothing but are dirty inside..

we all know.. the way somebody look have nothing to do with his inside thinkings and what he may done in his life...

motorcycle gang members are not all criminals..

i meet more people here in thailand who disguise themselve as "a good boy"... and they are really much more criminal than people who may have a leather vest and long hair and tattoos..

have you seen all the people who been arrested in the past in punk clothing or looking like they "are" criminals?

most of the people who commit crime and do drug smuggling give themselve a decent look and dont want to be suspicious because of their looking..

think about before you judge people in dresses you would not wear..with tattoos.. or the ones who drive harleys..

if you point with 1 finger on others... 3 fingers point back to you..

so... who drop the first stone..

and who sit in a glasshouse should not drop even a sandkorn...

hope to get rid of all people who think they are "better" guys bcos they wear business dresses!

Yeah but wearing a vest, having long hair and tatts does make you look like one of Village People and you deserve to go down just for that.

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Yeah but wearing a vest, having long hair and tatts does make you look like one of Village People and you deserve to go down just for that.

Idiotic posts like this will not be tolerated on the forum.

Please re-read the forum rules that you agreed to abide by when you first joined the forum... and stick to the guidelines posted there.


Any further posts of this nature will result in temporary suspension and/or posting rights revoked from the forum.

Please behave...

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Yeah but wearing a vest, having long hair and tatts does make you look like one of Village People and you deserve to go down just for that.

Idiotic posts like this will not be tolerated on the forum.

Please re-read the forum rules that you agreed to abide by when you first joined the forum... and stick to the guidelines posted there.


Any further posts of this nature will result in temporary suspension and/or posting rights revoked from the forum.

Please behave...

Oh come on that village people jibe is the funniest post on the thread~!

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This topic is not about a certain nationality nor EUROPE, USA, CANADA, ASIA, RUSSIA; CHINA, AFRICA, AUSTRALIA .............

Back on topic, stay on that topic or take the risk to have your posts deleted or being suspended.


Finally there's something worth reading here. Seems like the bigger part of the commentators forget the topic after reading 5 posts.

On my behalf : it's good they arrested this guy. The Belgian gouvernment has been working together now for a few years to get all those fleeing

criminals and it seems to pay off well. More countries should be doing it this way.

One problem though : the Belgians don't have a sufficient courtsystem, don't have enough prisons (btw thank you holland for renting a prison to Belgium --> yes, yes, your reading it good), and police are prosecuted for firing at criminals.

All countries should take responsability and take care of there criminals instead of infesting others. :)

BTW : i've just read some other parts of this topic and as i didn't see the following update : "The visa cancellation was ordered due to his extensive criminal history despite the fact he is currently not wanted back in Belgium. He will be deported and has now been placed on Thailand’s Immigration Black List which will not allow him to re-enter Thailand for the foreseeable future."

I hereby appologize for being too prejudice.

Edited by marioDC
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I wonder if this good work would continue. There are many other places that need such clean up. For instance Koh Samui. Good riddence of trash that taints the rest of us.

Koh Samui??????????????/ What are you talking about? :)

I don't know Koh Samui today, but i went there in 1995. So far as i rmember i saw only Back Packers and Druggies, Marinuana and Haschisch Peaple. Therefore i never traveled there again.

Well your loss I guess. Samui won't miass you, even as it has changed greatly.

Seem you have not, since yuou wouldn't recognize the places based on your very dated description.

You can find "Back Packers and Druggies, Marinuana and Haschisch Peaple"

within one lilometer of you in most ANY section of Thailand. Oh and that's hashish.

But curiously enough these canabis smoker people are actually MUCH mellower

and laid back than the pub drinkers. Few if any fights, or in your face arrogance issues.

Prejudice against back packers... my we are hi so, what pray tell is wrong with backpacks,

I own one, and there are times it is quite practical. Or maybe you are just prejudiced against

The Young, doing international travel on a shoe string budget,

and learning about the world and not just their home corner of it...

There are a few guys with bikes and some with colors and I don't see them causing trouble.

I dod see them doing charity runs and raising money for good causes.

But hey, can't be all good, eh? There must be something you can hate about

publicly active people on motorcycles.

As some one above said 99.1 percent are great guys,

maybe a little macho, but that's not criminal,

and only a small percentage are bad apples,

there are far more totally crooked business men in suits here than bikers.

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I ran into a big pack of the "Mad Dogs" at my local watering hole in Ban Chang last week. They had members there for an annual get-together of all their Asian Chapters (Vietnam, China, Singapore, etc.). Overall, they seemed like a decent group of guys who enjoyed big bikes and hanging out with their friends. Don't paint them all with the same brush just because this one fellow may be a criminal...

I believe I passed a bunch of them on Sukhumvit in NaJontien presumably on their way to this gathering of their clans. My initial reaction was the usual one of how ridiculous they looked in their 'uniforms', wondered whether they had not left their wild young days in the past or had they regressed, why they had not invested in crash hats of contemporary design that offered greater protection, why they did not ride on something with infinitely better performance and handling etc etc. However as road users they displayed exemplary good manners and road sense that the vast majority of Thais could with benefit aspire to, they rode two abreast in the left hand lane thus not disrupting the traffic flow and at a sedate 60 kph. I decided that this was not a bunch of ne'er do wells but just a collection of law abiding guys acting out. My heart warmed to them as it seemed that they were just being who they wanted to be. No harm in that. However why they should present themselves in such a manner escapes me, but then I still dream of driving a Coronation class locomotive hauling the 'Royal Scot' express train non-stop between Euston and Glasgow. :)

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Way to "hide out" -- strut around in a biker vest with the letters MAD DOG on the back. On a Harley Davidson, a ridiculous bike.

Good riddance to bad rubbish.


I am very very very upset when I read your comment! How can you have a general comment like this? What kind of ridiculous vehicle are you driving? Are you thinking all the bikers are rapist or drug dealer?

If you are a car driver and some bad guy get arrested driving the same car, can you accept we say all the owners of this ridiculous model are bad????

RESPECT the others please!

If this guy did what it is saying for sure he must pay but don't make general!

Yeah, please don't make general :)

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I went to grad school with him.

Lots of pre-judgents here. The Mad Dog I knew was a lot of fun, but nothing dangerous. I never thought he'd lose his hair, but he doesn't look too bad.

nice to hear somthing from the horses mouth.

i dont wish to side with anyone as hemight be the scum he is made out to be..but what is certain is that when cops make charges thy normally trump things up to make things sound as horrible as possible.. so to ract with a "lynch 'em!" attitude is also not the way.. this is the typical proletarian mob reaction frenzy which we sheep-like humans are so often subdued with.

read some trumped up story in the news and then go stand outside the prison shouting "hang him!"

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