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Shools Of English


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I asked about education :D

Actually, the focus of your question was indeed visas. :)

Anyway, still a particularly random question. Do you really expect someone to know which schools will/will not provide a legit visa?

Thankfully, you will not be pretending to educate anyone close to me or my loved ones!

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I asked about education :)

Is it possible for you to restate your question?

Are you a student thinking of entering the Thai education system. for example a university.

Are you thinking of a job as a teacher?

Are you looking for a means to stay in Thailand for a year? For example by doing a Thai course and getting an education visa.

A few more details may help you to get the answer you are looking for. :D

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I asked about education :)

Is it possible for you to restate your question?

Are you a student thinking of entering the Thai education system. for example a university.

Are you thinking of a job as a teacher?

Are you looking for a means to stay in Thailand for a year? For example by doing a Thai course and getting an education visa.

A few more details may help you to get the answer you are looking for. :D

Actually I think his question is perfect

He wants to know what schools he can attend in Thailand

that will issue him with a student visa

Too many people on this site prefer slamming than answering

questions on this site ...

OP = site sponsor here "Walen" offers you student visa

12 months for about 25K THB

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I asked about education :)

Is it possible for you to restate your question?

Are you a student thinking of entering the Thai education system. for example a university.

Are you thinking of a job as a teacher?

Are you looking for a means to stay in Thailand for a year? For example by doing a Thai course and getting an education visa.

A few more details may help you to get the answer you are looking for. :D

Actually I think his question is perfect

He wants to know what schools he can attend in Thailand

that will issue him with a student visa

Too many people on this site prefer slamming than answering

questions on this site ...

OP = site sponsor here "Walen" offers you student visa

12 months for about 25K THB

Walen teaches Thai language --- do they also teach English?

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I asked about education :)

Is it possible for you to restate your question?

Are you a student thinking of entering the Thai education system. for example a university.

Are you thinking of a job as a teacher?

Are you looking for a means to stay in Thailand for a year? For example by doing a Thai course and getting an education visa.

A few more details may help you to get the answer you are looking for. :D

Actually I think his question is perfect

He wants to know what schools he can attend in Thailand

that will issue him with a student visa

Too many people on this site prefer slamming than answering

questions on this site ...

OP = site sponsor here "Walen" offers you student visa

12 months for about 25K THB

Walen teaches Thai language --- do they also teach English?

Walen and Callan (English) seem to operate from the same office in Times Sq. When you go past you can her the recording of the 1950s BBC English they teach.

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There are many schools teaching English, from Prathom to Matayom level, even at Kindergarten. Universities have English studies as well.

If you meant "What schools teach Thai?" then check out the sites already mentioned or do a google search.

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I asked about education :)

Is it possible for you to restate your question?

Are you a student thinking of entering the Thai education system. for example a university.

Are you thinking of a job as a teacher?

Are you looking for a means to stay in Thailand for a year? For example by doing a Thai course and getting an education visa.

A few more details may help you to get the answer you are looking for. :D

Actually I think his question is perfect

He wants to know what schools he can attend in Thailand

that will issue him with a student visa

Too many people on this site prefer slamming than answering

questions on this site ...

OP = site sponsor here "Walen" offers you student visa

12 months for about 25K THB

Speaking as an English teacher I can say his question is perfect and, yes, I understood what he meant the first time as well. Maybe some of you posters could use some English lesons?

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Speaking as an English teacher I can say his question is perfect and, yes, I understood what he meant the first time as well. Maybe some of you posters could use some English lesons?

I disagree. I don't think his intent is clear. He asked which schools offer documents for a 1 year visa. His subject lines says "Shools of English." This usually implies a school in which a person learns English. Is that even possible? To get a visa in order to live in Thailand to study English? I think that is what is causing the confusion. Some people understood the OP to mean that he wants to teach in a school of English, others that he wants to study English, and others that he wants to study Thai at a school for English-speakers. I don't think it's clear at all.

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I wish to continue to learn English language, but most of schools dont provide documents for visa. If i want to ask about teaching I think that I have to ask about work permit at first, and I didnt write about thai language :)

sorry for my english

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Speaking as an English teacher I can say his question is perfect and, yes, I understood what he meant the first time as well. Maybe some of you posters could use some English lesons?

I think you'll find you spell it lessons.. sorry couldn't resist :)

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I wish to continue to learn English language, but most of schools dont provide documents for visa. If i want to ask about teaching I think that I have to ask about work permit at first, and I didnt write about thai language :)

sorry for my english

Ok, that clears it up. I have never heard of anyone getting a visa to stay in Thailand in order to study English, only for Thai. But, maybe someone else will know of something. If it doesn't work out here, maybe you could go to an English-speaking country and try to get a visa there.

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I have never heard of anyone getting a visa to stay in Thailand in order to study English, only for Thai.

Unfortunately just because you’ve never heard of it, doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist :) (but at least you admitted you had no clue, so you get some points for that :D )

A foreigner can get an E/D visa to study just about ANY Language in thailand that isn't your mother tongue and is by no means limited to just learning thai. I know americans here studying japanese, koreans studying russian, czechs studying french, along with various and sundry other nationalities and language combinations with all the students holding a valid E/D visa.

Mac Walen's division the "Callan Method of English" in the Times Square building can and does issued the supporting documents to acquire an E/D visa for studying english in thailand for non-native english speakers as do several other private language schools in that building. It is totally up to the school on whether they offer the supporting documentation to get the visa or not. Most if not all the schools want a year’s tuition paid up front to offer the documentation from them and the Ministry of Education so a student can get the E/D visa. (I am talking strictly about PRIVATE language schools NOT universities.)

Go to as many schools as you can, talk to as many as you can, and take the free lesson offered (if they do that), DON'T pay a single baht until you are sure both the school and the method they teach english will work for you.

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I have never heard of anyone getting a visa to stay in Thailand in order to study English, only for Thai.

Unfortunately just because you've never heard of it, doesn't mean it doesn't exist :) (but at least you admitted you had no clue, so you get some points for that :D )

I am fully aware of that. :D That's why I made sure to say I have never heard of it. That's also why I also went on to say:

But, maybe someone else will know of something.

Thanks for the points, though. :D

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