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Double Coverage


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due date for premium is quickly approaching

got no response in insurance forum

thought i would try here

please leave in general, ok mai? :)

if someone is employed and covered by thai social security health insurance,

and, at the same job, they are offered BUPA in-patient coverage plan a,b or c

is it a good idea to choose one of those as well?

how would that work, having two insurance plans?

ss for govt hospitals, and BUPA for private?

doesnt SS cover emergencies in a private hosptial?

what are the advantages and disadvantages of having both or either?

in my mind it makes sense to have as much coverage as possible (both)

but i could be wrong and dont know enough

does one cancel the other?

if i end up in the hospital, should i call ss first and see if i am covered, then call bupa, or vice versa?

how can i be best informed about this and both programs being an english speaker and not very good with thai?


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If the company are offering both then take both.

The Thai Social Security system gets you free treatment and medicines at the selected government hospital for your region (or sometimes a private hospital may be on the list)

BUPA cover you can use at any hospital.

Yes, BUPA will give you more choice and the possibility of certain treatments that would cost more privately than similar treatments offered under the SSS. Having said that, the SSS will usually allow at least one private hospital option and is fairly comprehensive in coverage. In some private hospitals there are separate arrangements for SSS patients and private patients, and of course BUPA would put you in the 'VIP' stream. Remember though that in the provinces away from Bangkok the MoPH provincial hospital may be a safer bet than small private hospitals, which are often of dubious quality. So overall, if it doesn't cost much take both. The beauty of the SSS is that it is inexpensive to keep up membership even if you cease to be employed, and if you then want to retire in Thailand there is great value in a scheme that won't exclude you because you are old or have a pre-existing condition.

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better to play it safe and pay for the extra bupa

it isnt that much money for inpatient coverage for one year

better to be safe than sorry

i read many of the insurance threads at thaivisa

very helpful and useful

my head is spinning

information overload

great news about keeping ss after you work

is this correct:

you dont have to pay ss for up to 6 months after leaving work?

but still covered?

and then must register and pay every month only 400-500 baht?


and probably no one would ever tell me

it really pays to read thaivisa and research online

information is power


getting bupa at work is cheap but i think alone outside of work is a very different story


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