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International Business Development / Visa

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Hi all, i'm a UK citizen with 10 years exp in international sales and marketing - large org's and a couple of consultancy gigs on CRM process, software and comms. Tech savvy, great trade contacts and know-how in the US, Europe and Middle East. Could anyone tell me how difficult it will be to work/Visa in Thailand, I speak a little of the language already but want to spend some more time getting to know the region. Any advice, hints, tips - greatly appreciated.

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I would say it shouldnt be to hard if you have great trade contacts.... find ourt what they want and then when you get hear try to find the goods they are looking for and give them some quotes.

If the proces are good then open up your own trading company and get rolling...

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I'm not really clear on what you mean by "how difficult it will be to work/visa in Thailand" ... do you mean "how difficult is it to find a job in Thailand", OR "how difficult is it to start a business in Thailand", OR "how difficult is it to secure a visa and work permit in Thailand" OR all of the above?

My tip would be to invest a few hours in flicking back through previous pages of discussion threads and reading the most relevant ones (also have a play with the Thaivisa forum search facility top right this page). All of the above questions are asked on just about a weekly basis, so there is a heap of info already available.

If you are relatively new to Thailand, then you may find the following book will provide you with a good general introduction to a range of useful topics:


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I would say it shouldnt be to hard if you have great contacts.... find ourt what they want and then when you get hear try to find the goods they are looking for and give them some quotes.

If the proces are good then open up your own trading company and get rolling...

Thanks, I hope it will work out that way! For the time being I thought I might be able to find some work in marketing management, setting up an opensource CRM system/approach for a small/medium B2B or just generally doing some copywriting, advertising or techie comms work. I would like to work for a bit while I get to know the country/region. Wondered if there is a requirement for this type of work from foreigners and how easy work permits are to come by?

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