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Men's gold medal game: This event is scheduled to start on: Feb. 28, 12:15 PM PST.

Vancouver (Canada - British Columbia) Sunday, 28 February 2010, 12:15:00 UTC-8 hours PST

Bangkok (Thailand) Monday, 1 March 2010, 03:15:00 UTC+7 hours


That's a 3:15am Monday start time here in Bangkok. Hmm time to start calling around to see who'll show this.

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USA vs Canada for gold will be on ESPN/UBC (red dish) at 0015 AM Monday morning or at midnight sunday Bangkok :)

Unfortunately, the bars with sports channels in Chiang Mai will be closed for a Buddha day. No place to watch in the area I live. Oh well, it's just a bunch of over paid professionals playing a game that is supposed to be amateur.

NOW WAIT JUST A MOMENT! Sunday, Vancouver time is Monday, Chiang Mai time. Maybe I can watch the game after all if I can convince my friendly bar tender at the Zoom bar to dedicate one channel for Olympic hockey live.

Edited by IanForbes
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I was at the Pelican today at 9:30 to try and watch the game but all that was showing was skating. Around 10:00AM the ESPN announcer said they were going to switch over to hockey in about 20 minutes but it never happened. I waited till 11:00AM then bailed. I'd love to watch the gold medal game but who knows what time it will actually be shown.

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Larry's Dive is on Sukhumvit Soi 22. About 75 meters or so from Sukhumvit on the right hand side as you go away from Sukhumvit. Honey House is right beside it. Red post office letter box across the street (that's what I use as a mark to tell taxis to stop).

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I agree with your time calculations, but would like to know when ESPN is showing the game. Their online schedule is haphazard at best. apparently they showed the Can slovak game around noon yesterday, but had shown the Fin game live. If there was a replay Monday evening that would make sense,

Go Canada!!!!!

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Not that it really counts :) but congrats to the women for beating the USA and winning the Gold.

It counts. The women are the only consistently performing national team we have, compared to their overpaid prima donna counterparts.

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heard that D' pelican is showing.. only from this thread though.

Larrys dive is nice.. so will these places still be up and running at 3 am? at least monday is a holiday.. i am still thinking whether to party at my friends house or hit soi 22 and get the crowd thing goin on.. hmm

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heard that D' pelican is showing.. only from this thread though.

Larrys dive is nice.. so will these places still be up and running at 3 am? at least monday is a holiday.. i am still thinking whether to party at my friends house or hit soi 22 and get the crowd thing goin on.. hmm

A pub atmosphere with a large mixed American/Canadian group of hockey fans would be fantastic. So either Larry's or D' Pelican, is that right?

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^Better go to Larry's, another poster's sure it's showing this game. I mentioned Pelican's for some earlier games but don't know if they're showing this or not.

Edit: oops didn't see northend's post, seems they both have it

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I can't watch the game but Go Canada! With Luongo in net I bet this will turn into a real goaltenders batter, the young kid against the veteran. Hopefully Lou can bring back some of that Olympic spirit and carry the Canucks into the playoffs.

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It was very close.... too close almost


That goal not only won the game, it gave Canada the record for most gold medals won in a Winter Olympics.


Respects to the US though, they were not expected to be in the top five and they almost won it all. :D

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The important thing is that two decades ago, Europe was dominant, with North American and Asian nations barely noticed, but now Canada and the US are consistently on the top of the medal standings and countries like Korea and China are climbing higher every games. That spells good things for the future of the Winter Olympics.

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Both were open. Larry's had a nice group of Canadians and a couple of Americans. Great game! Probably the best gold medal game I can remember (the US vistory over Russia in 1980 is the best game olympic hockey game I remember, but it wasn't for the gold). I think that score with 25 seconds left in regulation gave a couple of the Canadians a shock but they got back with the game winner. Great game, 5 great goals, no cheap scores, not a lot of penalties... great defense played by both teams. Congrats to both teams. That was one to remember.

Congrats to Canada. And the US too for a great effort. Did Larry's or Pelican actually open to show the game?
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Amazing game, pity any Canadians who didn't experience it live. Respect to the Americans they put up a good fight.

I didn't get to see it live cause the hotel I was at didnt have ESPN.

On a positive note however, it gave me good reason to pull out my 15 year old faded Team Canada Hockey cap and wear it around the pool / hotel in plain view of all the Team Russia wearing tourists. Funny how they didn't comment on how good my old hat looked.

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James, was that the short-time room upstairs at Lolitas Soi 8...or The Penthouse Hotel behind Soi 11??? :)

Can't believe they're not offering ESPN there...for their many farang guests...

Not quite John, according to the Mrs it was some place in Wongamat and the only thing that sucked was the lack of ESPN.

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