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Unwanted Inbound Web Site Links


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Cotact the owner of the website linking to yours and ask that the links are removed from his/ her site. Apart from that there is not a lot you can do.

That is what I thought but was hoping someone had an idea I was not aware of. Thanks anyway.

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Inappropriate inbound links, what do you mean ???

If your website is linked from an iappropriate website it's not your problem I guess, personally I only do not allow people í-framing' my website into, what happened a few times, after one email they removed it, no bog deal. And yo can implement an ánti i-frame-code' in your site.

sorry for errors but my corsor has been sdisappeared...very annoying...

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The issue here I think is not that someone is using the OP's content within an iFrame for example, but rather that some inbound links that are from sites that Google (for example) considers 'bad' could have a negative impact on your SE rankings, bringing your whole website down in the rankings. As long as the links are not reciprocal though, I don't believe you need worry about it at all if it is rankings that are your concern.

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The issue here I think is not that someone is using the OP's content within an iFrame for example, but rather that some inbound links that are from sites that Google (for example) considers 'bad' could have a negative impact on your SE rankings, bringing your whole website down in the rankings. As long as the links are not reciprocal though, I don't believe you need worry about it at all if it is rankings that are your concern.

google will of course not penalize you for "bad sites" linking to you. Otherwise you could bring down all your competitors by making bad sites and linking to all of them. You have no way of controlling who links to you, neither does it matter anything (negatively) for SE rankings.

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Thank you for all your replies. It is the efftect on SE ranking that was my concern. We had an issue a few years ago where we were using a Thai based Hosting Company and they were hosting some dodgy sites in China and we found that being associated with this Hosting Company had a negative effect. Once we discovered this we changed Hosting immediately and the problem went away. So I am somewhat wary of what other people do and how it can negatively affect your business. Appreciate the comments.

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