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Monday, 9 May, 2005, 23:07 GMT 00:07 UK

Exercise 'slows prostate cancer'

Prostate cancer can be a killer

Regular vigorous physical activity could slow the progression of prostate cancer in older men, a study has found.

The findings suggest working up a real sweat may help prevent men over 65 dying from the disease.

But the team from Harvard School of Public Health found men had to work out vigorously for at least three hours a week for it to have a positive effect.

The 14-year study, reported in the Archives of Internal Medicine, focused on data on 47,620 men in the US.

Regular exercise throughout life has benefits and this could be yet an example where steady and prolonged application is 'money in the bank' later in life

Chris Hiley

Prostate Cancer Charity

Previous research has suggested more physically active men may be at lower risk of prostate cancer.

However, the link has never been shown to be particularly strong.

The 47,620 men involved in the latest study were followed from 1986 to 2000.

Each was asked to provide information about how much exercise - such as hiking, jogging, cycling, swimming and racket sports - they took.

During 14 years of the study, 2,892 new cases of prostate cancer were diagnosed, including 482 advanced cases.

Advanced cases

The researchers found that older men - aged 65 and over - who did regular, vigorous exercise were at a lower risk - almost 70% - of advanced and fatal cases of the disease.

However, no such association was found in younger men.

The researchers say that more work is needed to determine just how vigorous exercise may benefit prostate cancer patients.

Henry Scowcroft, of the charity Cancer Research UK, said it was not clear whether the study had shown a "cause and effect", or whether men who took more exercise were simply more health conscious.

He said: "This group might be more inclined to report symptoms to their doctor earlier and thus have their disease diagnosed before it becomes advanced.

"Given the well-documented benefits of a healthy lifestyle, we recommend that you take at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise five times a week.

"Having said that, older men should consult with their GP before embarking on any particularly vigorous exercise regime."

Chris Hiley, of the Prostate Cancer Charity, agreed.

She said: "We would caution that men with prostate cancer, many of whom might have other health problems associated with getting older, should seek advice from their GP before suddenly making such a change.

"What is clear is that regular exercise throughout life has benefits and this could be yet another example where steady and prolonged application is 'money in the bank' later in life."



5 times a week........for 30 minutes? :o

I'm too old for that much "fun". In fact, couldn't even do it when I was half my present age.

Besides, my gf would slap me silly if I even tried it.



This is why the "Crat-ur" is known as the water of life :D

Whisky can beat cancer

: Sunday, May 08, 2005

Single malt whisky can beat the threat of cancer, thanks to high levels of a powerful antioxidant that kills cancer cells, a medical conference in Scotland was told Sunday.

Jim Swan, an independent consultant to the global drinks industry, said that, according to research, single malt whisky contains "more ellagic acid than red wine".

Swan, a doctor, told the EuroMedLab 2005 conference explained that ellagic acid is an effective "free radical scavenger" that "absorbs" or "eats up" rogue cells that occur in the body during eating.

Prevents rogue cells

"The free radicals can break down the DNA structure of our existing cells, which then leads to the risk of the body making replacement rogue cancer cells," he said.

"So, whether you indulge in the odd tipple, or you are a serious connoisseur, whisky can protect you from cancer -- and science proves it."

Lesley Walker of Cancer Research UK was dubious. :o

"There is considerable data documenting the link between drinking excess alcohol and the increased risk of a number of cancers, particularly in smokers," she said.

But don't hit the bottle :D

"Ellagic acid is a powerful antioxidant, but that does not mean it is necessary to hit the bottle," she said, noting that the ellagic acid can also be found in soft fruits.

The EuroMedLab 2005 conference in Glasgow, hosted by the Association of Clinical Biochemists, runs until Thursday, with more than 3,000 researchers, doctors and science and technology companies expected to attend. (Sapa-AFP)


Monday, 9 May, 2005, 23:07 GMT 00:07 UK

... Regular vigorous physical activity could slow the progression of prostate cancer ...


OK, I've slowed down the prostate issue, but now I have a bad back ...

Actually great advice, thanx.

They're discovering more and more, daily exercise yields benefits across the board from hypertension, diabetes, and even Alzheimer's. :o


An Australian doctor once told me that a daily zinc tablet (for men over 40) would help minimise the possibility of having prostate problems later in life.

I've been religiously taking my daily tablet ever since I turned 40... don't particularly like the idea of problems in my nether region... :o

Any one else hear of this "preventative measure"?

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