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Chances Of A Job? (my Skills Are Listed)

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Does anybody in the company hold a degree?   :o  :D

phastmike & gnthl_2: I work in Thailand for my own offshore companies, but i've had job offers from Thai companies in the past, quite good offers. Keep looking, the openings are out there, you just need to find them.

If you have the industry contacts then it's easy or easier but searching and applying through the internet is almost impossible. From the hundreds of applications i've sent i only received a couple of replies.

Never thought it would be so difficult, anywhere else i have good qualifications but here it's the Thai rak Baht policy, they want farangs to spend money, not earn it. After 6 months i'm tired of trying and fighting to lower my life quality/style. I'll stay a couple of months more and fly back to europe where i can live a lot better than here.

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i am currently self-employed outside thailand, but will be moving to thailand. i have a few job opportunities i am looking at, with internet companies in thailand.

* i am an expert with both linux/windows operating systems

* 4 major programming languages and 2 database application languages

* experienced with network security

* experienced with graphic designing (photoshop, flash, etc)

* excellent (speaking and writing perfect, no accents) in english, german and spanish, and a little bit of thai.

in all of the IT sections, i have 6+ years of experience. i realize that different companies have different needs but what are the chances of employment in thailand with these specifications? i am visiting next month (have been in thailand before) for two job interviews (one with an IT company, one with a 'translation' company) but may be looking for more. thanks for your input :o

I met a fellow like you a few years ago -- he was from Antartica and he was going to the Sahara desert to find some ice.

We had a nice chat.

In the end he decided to just stay in Antartica and vist the Sahara twice each year.

That was a very memorable brainstorming session. :D


Been there , done that.... you stand no chance.

If you have the industry contacts then it's easy or easier but searching and applying through the internet is almost impossible. From the hundreds of applications i've sent i only received a couple of replies.

Never thought it would be so difficult, anywhere else i have good qualifications but here it's the Thai rak Baht policy, they want farangs to spend money, not earn it. After 6 months i'm tired of trying and fighting to lower my life quality/style. I'll stay a couple of months more and fly back to europe where i can live a lot better than here.

Hear Hear

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If you have the industry contacts then it's easy or easier but searching and applying through the internet is almost impossible. From the hundreds of applications i've sent i only received a couple of replies.

Never thought it would be so difficult, anywhere else i have good qualifications

Which probably means you have skills & qualifications, but perhaps not the ones needed here in Thailand. Not your fault, perhaps, but certainly not the fault of anyone here either.

...but here it's the Thai rak Baht policy, they want farangs to spend money, not earn it.

It is the same as anywhere else - if you have what they want, they will buy it. Tens, if not hundreds of thousands of foreigners are living and working in Thailand, many on quite good wages. Sure, the Thais love money - most people do, and do not want to throw them away on paying someone top dollars for what is either 1) not needed, or 2) a local could do for a fraction of the price. Is your country any different?

After 6 months i'm tired of trying and fighting to lower my life quality/style. I'll stay a couple of months more and fly back to europe where i can live a lot better than here.

Well at least you tried - and I respect that. Better to have tried and failed, than never to have tried at all. And be advised that it is probably more fun to visit Thailand while on holiday, than living & working here. As anywhere else, life soon becomes a routine - no matter where you live.

Go somewhere else where you can get a good job, and come back to Thailand visit when you can. You may actually be better off. Hope everything workes out for you.

PS - I don;t know if you tried it, but one way to get a foot inside here is to sell yourself dirt cheap. You may work at a loss for a while, but over time you will build up contacts, and if you are any good at what you are doing, it is more than likely that you will be offered both better positions & terms. It worked for me!

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Phastmike: I believe that the minimum salary requirements you posted are for 1 year visas. I think you can earn less than 50K and still get a WP, if you don’t mind leaving the country every 3 months or so. Maybe someone can clarify this?

The requirement is that you will get paid a sum equal or larger than the sum you specified in your work permit application. This sum can very well be lower than 50K.

There are further minimal salary requirements for an "extention of stay" (1-year stay visa).

Edited by ~G~
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PS - I don;t know if you tried it, but one way to get a foot inside here is to sell yourself dirt cheap.  You may work at a loss for a while, but over time you will build up contacts, and if you are any good at what you are doing, it is more than likely that you will be offered both better positions & terms.  It worked for me!

It worked for me too, although it took many years. Thais prefer to hire people through personal contacts, so building up some good contacts to vouch for you is essential.

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Stay in England -- don't bring any more scams here! There are enough degreeless, offshore scammers & jammers here. :o

What a clueless little man you are. You are clearly not a businessman, or someone who knows anything about running real companies, employing staff or doing anything positive or constructive in business.

If you think that having a company 'offshore' means you are a 'scammer' etc it just proves what an ignorant, clueless fool you are. It seems EVERYONE else contributing to this thread knows what a waste of space your replies are - how about replying with something constructive to help these people looking for jobs like posting web sites or companies looking for such people?

Back to the thread, there ARE jobs available for 'farangs' working in IT with good skills, in fact there is always a good demand for mobile IT workers with good technical skills and experience. And, as for not needing more than two languages as you state, you are wrong there too (no suprise there) - as being fluent in Cantonese, German, French and Italian etc is a real advantage in the IT business.

Maybe you can enlighten us on your vast corporate IT experience and let us know how you seem to be such an expert in this field? Your replies so far have just shown you to be a silly little man who thinks he knows everything, but in fact knows nothing.

You <deleted>!


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Don't let Harmonica upset you. If you look through his posts, they can be divided into two. Either putting someone down or boasting. That's it.

At a recent TV meeting he was unanimously voted as TV's biggest arse-hole (I'm sure he'll feel pleased with that).

I have a feeling that he's a sixteen year old spotty, frustrated teenager that has yet to get laid.

Here's one for you Harmonica:-

"In a battle of wits I refuse to fight an unarmed man".

Edited by Sir Burr
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Don't let Harmonica upset you. If you look through his posts, they can be divided into two. Either putting someone down or boasting. That's it.

At a recent TV meeting he was unanimously voted as TV's biggest arse-hole (I'm sure he'll feel pleased with that).

I have a feeling that he's a sixteen year old spotty, frustrated teenager that has yet to get laid.

Here's one for you Harmonica:-

"In a battle of wits I refuse to fight an unarmed man".

:o Well said Sir Burr, Oh how I larfed!!!

I can understand Palm reaction to the <deleted>, (loving that word) He obviously knows what he's talking about, in fact I think I'm falling hopelessly in love with him:-)

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Don't let Harmonica upset you. If you look through his posts, they can be divided into two. Either putting someone down or boasting. That's it.

At a recent TV meeting he was unanimously voted as TV's biggest arse-hole (I'm sure he'll feel pleased with that).

I have a feeling that he's a sixteen year old spotty, frustrated teenager that has yet to get laid.

Here's one for you Harmonica:-

"In a battle of wits I refuse to fight an unarmed man".

Absolutely thrilled with this delightful vote! :D

You would have insulted me deeply had you voted me in the #2 slot. :D

Its working! :o

So many wildebeast, so little time! :D

>>>>>> "In a battle of wits I refuse to fight an unarmed man". <<<<<<

You wouldn't get very far if you showed up for battle dressed in a skirt; sword notwithstanding! :D

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Stay in England -- don't bring any more scams here! There are enough degreeless, offshore scammers & jammers here. :o

What a clueless little man you are. You are clearly not a businessman, or someone who knows anything about running real companies, employing staff or doing anything positive or constructive in business.

If you think that having a company 'offshore' means you are a 'scammer' etc it just proves what an ignorant, clueless fool you are. It seems EVERYONE else contributing to this thread knows what a waste of space your replies are - how about replying with something constructive to help these people looking for jobs like posting web sites or companies looking for such people?

Back to the thread, there ARE jobs available for 'farangs' working in IT with good skills, in fact there is always a good demand for mobile IT workers with good technical skills and experience. And, as for not needing more than two languages as you state, you are wrong there too (no suprise there) - as being fluent in Cantonese, German, French and Italian etc is a real advantage in the IT business.

Maybe you can enlighten us on your vast corporate IT experience and let us know how you seem to be such an expert in this field? Your replies so far have just shown you to be a silly little man who thinks he knows everything, but in fact knows nothing.

You &lt;deleted&gt;!


Now let's get to you son -- don't get hung up on the words "offshore" and "scammer" -- they are not related; they just happened to occur in the same sentence -- coincidence, that's all.

This does not change my opinion of you though; a broad who whisked out her tampon and just threw it at me! Some f*ckin class! :D

But, let me explain my position and why I've been so blunt: :D

This site is 110% Brit -- but I've been to Britain and I can assure you that what's here and what's coming here from there -- is the absolute bottom of the barrel -- I mean, from what I've seen in the short time I've been here, this site is scraping bottom w.r.t. the quality of Brits visiting it.

Am I the only one saying or thinking this? There are Brit lurkers, some of whom I have met and they abhor this place for identical reasons. It bothers them, but I'm livin with it. I can handle it and as you can see, I can take you all on singlehandedly! :D:D

As for Business, don't even go there; you'd lose, all of you put together -- rank amateurs, bordering on a perennial state of glee! And I mean that! :D

So let's cut to the chase:

The threads in question -- I believe that one has to see WHO is asking the question -- much more so than WHETHER the said business has opportunities or is going to work.

The key is NOT whether the business is bad or undoable or daunting or just plain impossible.

The KEY is the fella who is asking and who is attempting to enter the arena.

A talented, tough, mentally equipped individual can do ANYTHING! But only a very tiny %age of you cats would be in that cateory. And for your info, the statistics ineluctably validate my postulate!

Guerrila deduction: 99.99% of you jokers are walking f*ckups.

There you have it chiefs -- that's what I think. It is MY opinion and I stand by it 100%.

Your court, sweethearts! :D

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Your ripostes (if you can dignify them with that word) pretty much prove my point.

You are a sad, spotty, teenage virgin with a superiority complex. Prove me wrong.

Oh, by the way, you are one of those rare people that think they have a sense of humour, but, you don't. You have as much wit and humour as a house-brick.

Here's something you will understand:-

Nana nana na na! (blows raspberry).

Here's a good English word for you. Tosser!!!

Oh yeah, here's a tip for you Harmonica. If you want to make a 'snappy comeback' to this post, ask a friend. Your just not capable to do it on your own.

Edited by Sir Burr
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Your ripostes (if you can dignify them with that word) pretty much prove my point.

You are a sad, spotty, teenage virgin with a superiority complex.  Prove me wrong.

Oh, by the way, you are one of those rare people that think they have a sense of humour, but, you don't. You have as much wit and humour as a house-brick.

Here's something you will understand:-

Nana nana na na! (blows raspberry).

Here's a good English word for you. Tosser!!!

Oh yeah, here's a tip for you Harmonica. If you want to make a 'snappy comeback' to this post, ask a friend. Your just not capable to do it on your own.

OK guys, best of luck to all, especially those that hate me so! :D

Sir Burr, thank you for your compliments. Next time I'm in Phuket I'll buy you a beer at the Tamarind bar -- how's that? :D

Here are some more short, badder than bad jokes for you: :o

If a Moron & an Idiot fell off a building, who would land first?

The idiot...the moron would stop and ask for directions!

Why did it take the Moron an hour to eat breakfast?

Because the orange juice carton said Concentrate!

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Obviously, you don't have a friend. Hardly surprising.

Lions & wildebeast can never be friends!

That's just the way it is!

If you didn't know this, I would not recommend that you start learning now!

But we could dine together if I happen to catch a Thompsons Gazelle -- we could chat while I dine on it; whilst you nibble green nourishment. Would that be acceptable to you, my Lord?


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Obviously, you don't have a friend. Hardly surprising.

Lions & wildebeast can never be friends!

That's just the way it is!

If you didn't know this, I would not recommend that you start learning now!

But we could dine together if I happen to catch a Thompsons Gazelle -- we could chat while I dine on it; whilst you nibble green nourishment. Would that be acceptable to you, my Lord?


Sue-aa song dtua yoo tham diao-gan mai dai! :D

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Obviously, you don't have a friend. Hardly surprising.

Lions & wildebeast can never be friends!

That's just the way it is!

If you didn't know this, I would not recommend that you start learning now!

But we could dine together if I happen to catch a Thompsons Gazelle -- we could chat while I dine on it; whilst you nibble green nourishment. Would that be acceptable to you, my Lord?


What are you waffling on about?

This is your best attempt at being clever and witty?

I think your post pretty much proves my point Mr. House-brick.

Stick to what you know best, charts and trend-lines. Wit and repartee is beyond your ken.

Edited by Sir Burr
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Don't let Harmonica upset you. If you look through his posts, they can be divided into two. Either putting someone down or boasting. That's it.

At a recent TV meeting he was unanimously voted as TV's biggest arse-hole (I'm sure he'll feel pleased with that).

I have a feeling that he's a sixteen year old spotty, frustrated teenager that has yet to get laid.

Here's one for you Harmonica:-

"In a battle of wits I refuse to fight an unarmed man".

Congrats Hormonica! I bet your folks must be mighty proud.

Hormonica (on the phone): Dad! You never guess what happened.

Dad: What, son. You’re off diapers already?

Hormonica: Noooo dad. Don’t be silly.

Dad: What then.

Hormonica: I won, dad! I finally won something (almost out of breath). You know that forum thingy I told you of? On the Interweb?

Dad: Yeah?

Hormonica: Well, I been voted the BIGGEST a-hole of them all. I won!

Dad: The biggest what?

Hormonica: The biggest a-hole, dad. A-HOLE!

Dad: I always thought you was one, son. I’ll alert the family.

Mom (sobbing): Is it true son? Is it really true? Ahhh. My darling little a-hole.

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Don't let Harmonica upset you. If you look through his posts, they can be divided into two. Either putting someone down or boasting. That's it.

At a recent TV meeting he was unanimously voted as TV's biggest arse-hole (I'm sure he'll feel pleased with that).

I have a feeling that he's a sixteen year old spotty, frustrated teenager that has yet to get laid.

Here's one for you Harmonica:-

"In a battle of wits I refuse to fight an unarmed man".

Congrats Hormonica! I bet your folks must be mighty proud.

Hormonica (on the phone): Dad! You never guess what happened.

Dad: What, son. You’re off diapers already?

Hormonica: Noooo dad. Don’t be silly.

Dad: What then.

Hormonica: I won, dad! I finally won something (almost out of breath). You know that forum thingy I told you of? On the Interweb?

Dad: Yeah?

Hormonica: Well, I been voted the BIGGEST a-hole of them all. I won!

Dad: The biggest what?

Hormonica: The biggest a-hole, dad. A-HOLE!

Dad: I always thought you was one, son. I’ll alert the family.

Mom (sobbing): Is it true son? Is it really true? Ahhh. My darling little a-hole.


Outstanding humor, Godot. Nothing like seeing an Englishman lighten up. You're alright, Godot!

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Obviously, you don't have a friend. Hardly surprising.

Lions & wildebeast can never be friends!

That's just the way it is!

If you didn't know this, I would not recommend that you start learning now!

But we could dine together if I happen to catch a Thompsons Gazelle -- we could chat while I dine on it; whilst you nibble green nourishment. Would that be acceptable to you, my Lord?


What are you waffling on about?

This is your best attempt at being clever and witty?

I think your post pretty much proves my point Mr. House-brick.

Stick to what you know best, charts and trend-lines. Wit and repartee is beyond your ken.

I already know this about you: :D

The fifth grade was referred to as "your senior year."

Your dad used to walk you to school because you were both in the same grade.

Jack Daniels makes your list of "most admired people".

You think that Dom Perignon is a mafia leader.

You think a Volvo is part of a woman's anatomy.


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You're ok too Harmonica. Just different opinions, that's all. Take care and chok dee!

Yep. God forbid a topic should ever get off. Fortunately, that rarely happens here at TV. The OT police must be getting sloppy.

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You have to give Harmonica credit, he accomplished exactly what he set out to accomplish. That is to see if he could rile you guys. By insulting him, you played right into his hands. I think he does it for simple amusement and he really does think you're ######s for actually being dumb enough to fall for his teasing. Probably best to move along with the OP's thread and ignore this type of tangential input.

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You have to give Harmonica credit, he accomplished exactly what he set out to accomplish.  That is to see if he could rile you guys.  By insulting him, you played right into his hands.  I think he does it for simple amusement and he really does think you're ######s for actually being dumb enough to fall for his teasing.  Probably best to move along with the OP's thread and ignore this type of tangential input.

You can't say w*nkers on this board???

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