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Where To Buy Refried Beans


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Hi all, I was wondering if anyone knew where I could buy refried beans in Bangkok. Been searching at all the major grocery stores and have had no luck! They have refried bean at all the big Mexican restaurants, so there has to be a place to purchase them!

Thanks for any help!!

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Where can you buy decent sized tortillas to make burritos with?

The ones at Villa are really more quesadilla sized.

You're new to shopping in Bangkok also! Carrefour, Villa and Tesco all carry what you need, there may be days when products are out of stock but they do stock them - try Emporium or Paragon, goodness me, between those two places you can find just about anything and everything.

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Pardon my ignorance being a Brit but why would you fry beans in the first place and then re-fry them?

just like when in the UK you got a dessert called 'spotted dick' an' there don't appear to be any genitalia involved... :)

seriously, the term derives from the spanish 'refritos'...don't know where that comes from...it's just beans cooked in lard...quite tasty and comfort food fer us US expats that hanker fer mexican cuisine...

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Pardon my ignorance being a Brit but why would you fry beans in the first place and then re-fry them?

What you are doing, if they are from a can, is warming them up again. Some people add a bit of lard during this process to add some additional flavor to it.

Often the people who manufacture the refried beans don't put enough of the "bad stuff" in it (trying to give in to the health freaks). So, many people like to give it more flavor by adding the lard.

If you are cooking them from scratch, you really only need to take the warm beans and put them in a food processor with some lard (or oil). You don't need to fry them......but many Mexican cooks do it anyway........tradition.

(As an aside: it is not that hard to make refried beans if you have pinto beans, come cumin, a bit of garlic, some lard, salt, pepper, and chicken broth.)

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Pardon my ignorance being a Brit but why would you fry beans in the first place and then re-fry them?

just like when in the UK you got a dessert called 'spotted dick' an' there don't appear to be any genitalia involved... :)

seriously, the term derives from the spanish 'refritos'...don't know where that comes from...it's just beans cooked in lard...quite tasty and comfort food fer us US expats that hanker fer mexican cuisine...

I played around with exactly the same thought and then I thought, naw, half the people here wont even know what a spotted dick is.

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Thanks for the information.

It was something I had no idea about and living way up in the boonies canned beans of any type are in short supply.

I too live in the "boonies." Virtually all Thai markets have the red kidney beans.

Soak them overnight (drain water till reddish color is gone).......cook several hours with pork fat, one clove garlic, small amount of chopped onions, cumin.

When done, separate beans from broth. Make chicken broth separate.

Put in blender. Add cumin, garlic, salt, pepper. Mix to smooth or like you like it. Just keep adding chicken broth.

Then take it out and fry it in lard oil or any oil or don't......up to you. Some people add chopped, cooked bacon at this point for more flavor.

It isn't the same as refried beans/frijoles made with pinto beans, but it is close.

The black beans in the markets are terrible if you ask me.........you could soak them one week and they would still be like tiny rocks.

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