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Whats Funniest Thing Your Wife Has Done Or Said ?


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One day a friend of her offer to take her motobike for the day so we went to take the motobike and she said "you put wind in motobike" so I had to kick on the lost in translation central unit to understand that I needed to inflate the tires. :D

In Isaan if it's walking, swimming or flying you can eat it "arroy" but I made myself a disgusting farang saying in front of the family that we eat rabbit back home, for them they are only pets and no eat pets, she even tried to make me promess I will not eat rabbit again :)

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While my wife was living in Oz we went to the local for drinks and met up with about a dozen friends,the evenings progressing nicely,quite a few in,the daughter of an old friend arrived and the wife was asked

"Meo do you remember my daughter? to which she replied "Sorry no, you all look the same."

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Present wife, Noi made me laugh yesterday.

"Me lub yoo long tam" which cracked us both up as I have just been diagnosed with terminal cancer and have a week to live.

<deleted>?! Dude, are you serious? If you are, I am so sorry to hear that. Please say that is a joke.

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The other day went shopping with my GF. I bought some donuts and counter girl gave me change some coins.

My GF speaks fluent English and very often we mix the languages in conversation, ie 1 word thai next english

So i got my change and my hands were full with bags, so she pulls my pocket and says "Put si"

Put -English

Si- Thai, means here

Together putsi or also heard as pussy. It was so funny, that even the counter girls started to laugh, not to mention passing-by foreigners.

Same gf loves watching Dr House the tv show. Only it is no longer Dr House. Its "honey Mr Houwa is on tv now".- lol

Edited by kuffki
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On one of our trips to see the outlaws , The wife says " oo my bruder he grow Rhubarb now you wanna go look ?" Now this I gotta see , fields full of Rhubarb , after walking for what seemed miles we come to a big plantation of trees , " There look mak mak , make good money you know " " Where,s the Rhubarb fields at ? " then the penny drops f---ing rubber trees not Rhubarb , " They Rubber trees not f---ing Rhubarb !!! " "Yeh Rhubarb " she say,s :D .

Back in U.K. the wife picks up our 18mth old son Harry and say,s " I think Hally get very hairy now , wot you think "? " He,s not hairy what you talking about"? " Here you feel , he hairy now " She meant Heavy ! I tell you man its sometimes hard work living with Thai,s bit you do have a laugth . :D:)

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We got a phone call from Leong nok tha in the middle of the night to tell us my thai mate of 45 years had been killed in a motorbike accident,this was the message !!Nignoy you sleeping already?? Kamol him have accident, hit truck with head ,now head back to front, mai pen rai him die him very old(he was 51)and then she rung off, 30 minutes later she rang back, sorry nignoy I forget to say sleep good, isaan folk you got to love em!! :)

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Two things. "l don't need any money". Second, planned her dream trip to England to meet mum and dad (God rest their souls). The land of milk and honey, streets paved with gold and everyone is a millionaire, three days in she said, " l want to go home, no pok pok here". I must point out that there is a very thin line between very funny and wanting to cry.

whats pok pok mean?

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I asked my girlfriend what were we going to do for New Year. She seemed to have it all organised because she said, "We go and meet khun Jo and then we go Khao Dao". I had never heard of that place and didn't fancy driving anywhere, so asked if it was far. She said, "No not far".

My experience told me that I was missing something in the translation and I decided to ask her again later.

Anyway the time drew nearer so I asked again. "Where are we going tonight"? " I tell you already we go with Khun Jo to Khao Dao". I must have looked puzzled because she said, " You see on TV, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, Happy New Year".

All I need is an example and then I know exactly what she is talking about.

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I asked my girlfriend what were we going to do for New Year. She seemed to have it all organised because she said, "We go and meet khun Jo and then we go Khao Dao". I had never heard of that place and didn't fancy driving anywhere, so asked if it was far. She said, "No not far".

My experience told me that I was missing something in the translation and I decided to ask her again later.

Anyway the time drew nearer so I asked again. "Where are we going tonight"? " I tell you already we go with Khun Jo to Khao Dao". I must have looked puzzled because she said, " You see on TV, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, Happy New Year".

All I need is an example and then I know exactly what she is talking about.

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About 15 years ago, when our first son was born, my mother was arriving at Don Muang to see her new grandchild. My wife and I were about to leave the house to go to the airport when my wife said "wait I have something to take" She rushed into the spare room and produced a big piece of white card and a felt marker. I asked her what it was for and she said "Oh you write your mother's name on the card and hold it up. I seen people doing this at the airport!"

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A few years ago there was a news item about a guy whose brother worked for NASA and he had developed a cream which apparently helped skin rejuvination to the extent that it might help a finger "grow back"!! Anyway, with that in mind, I was talking to my wife about a dear friend of ours who I had been to visit in hospital and who was in danger of possibly having his leg amputated at which point my Thai wife, in all honetsy, said "never mind darling, he can buy some of that cream and his leg will grow back"!!! I fell about laughing and she immediately realised her mistake/naivety and sarted laughing too!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

when i was in america, i called my girl and she was about to cry. i asked her what the problem was and her reply was, "i'm so lonely right now! i just want to stay in or go out!" i paused for a second and started to laugh. she hung up.

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Girlfriend came to stay with me for a few months is aust there was no hose next to the toilet so after a couple weeks I asked how she was going without a hose , she said no problem i use cup on shelf , trouble was the cup she was using was the rinsing cup I use after i've cleaned my teeth.

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Dinner with guests from abroad last night. My friends wife is wearing a really nice silky shirt. My GF leans over, smiles and says "You soo nice bacteria"

Material, honey. Material...!

wow! a bilingual girlfriend? :)

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When my wife came to Canada in September, she took a look in the bathroom, saw no bum gun, and said ( btw, she knows about T paper).." honey how to clean your ass??"

congratulations! a wife with culture! perhaps you should listen more often what she has to say.

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  • 3 weeks later...

we were watching discovery,,anyhow MAN VS FOOD just finished.

the fat bloke who is on it who eats loads,,forget his 1st name but his surname is RICHMAN.

my wife,bless her said i think he have lots of money,,me being slow(no im not thai) why do u think that dear?

'LOOK HE RICHMAN",,,unbelievable i know.

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After our 1st trip to Perth (my home) TW's 2nd trip to Aust was to Brisbane to visit my parents. When asked what she would like for dinner Lek replied "Beef in a cup"! Mum, Dad and myself scratched our heads for a while. -- Turns out she wanted a "4 and 20" (Australian brand name) Meat Pie! Something she had gained a likeness for on our first trip.

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