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Thai Dogs Vs Farang Rights. What Comes First?


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You may want to re-read past posts! for starters.

The only people i did call internet warriors was you and another 2 who brought their foolishness from another thread.

Most if not all your facts are incorrect. Dogs can not give humans FATAL desease, all others are easily treatable.Humans on the other hand can.

Do not know where you live (irrelevant to the discussion), but in my 7 years in Thailand, i have never been bitten by a dog nor do i know anyone who has(besides the OP) you need to meet more people then

So once again your facts are incorrect. My Facts stand

Your solution to the problem just to kill, if you not a hater then what are you? heavily medicated? If i kill something it does not mean I am a hater

Clearly neutering them would be ideal, but hence government will not do it nor will you, leaving wonder the streets hungry is hardly a solution is it? Yes it is a soltuion they will die out within 6 months there would be no dogs

Try to get your facts right, read what you post and what other post prior to posting more and more incorrect facts as you like to call it. Your facts arent facts they are the result of extreme "love" of dogs/animals

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I read the first page and jumped to the end....

However, if a dog can not be trusted as such, and the owner can not be bothered to take the steps to ensure public safety, than public safety trumps that dog's rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

And to the OP, make sure you take the full course of medicines; don't need you to go stark raving mad from rabies....

But why do we only blame the dog and not the owner? should not the owner be also punished?If someone takes the dog, they also take full responsibility for it.

As i mentioned before, even if the Thai woman did not own them, she had a responsibility as a human to help another human, while she chose to stand by and watch for a while-thats wrong no matter what country you in.

Kuffi we blame the dog here because Thais are often not an owner of a dog they take care of it in a whole different way then we are used in the west. They live on the street and they just give it some food. Then its not really your dog. Its different with my dogs if they bite someone they will know its my dogs because they are kept in my house allmost all the time (only get out a few times a day like i said here b4) So its pretty clear who is the owner.

If you give a stray some food a few times.. that does not make it your dog right away. Its just hard to punish owners here.

And rabies is fatal.. yes it can be cured if your fast but it is fatal.

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I read the first page and jumped to the end....

However, if a dog can not be trusted as such, and the owner can not be bothered to take the steps to ensure public safety, than public safety trumps that dog's rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

And to the OP, make sure you take the full course of medicines; don't need you to go stark raving mad from rabies....

But why do we only blame the dog and not the owner? should not the owner be also punished?If someone takes the dog, they also take full responsibility for it.

As i mentioned before, even if the Thai woman did not own them, she had a responsibility as a human to help another human, while she chose to stand by and watch for a while-thats wrong no matter what country you in.

If someone wants to feed the dogs they should take full responsibility for the FACT that they will live longer and therefore try and MATE creating more dogs.

I am not feeding the dogs therefore I do not have to take repsonsibility for them. You are so tell me how many you have fed and are now in the process of neutering?

If the answer is none that ,makes you irresponsible.

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You may want to re-read past posts! for starters.

The only people i did call internet warriors was you and another 2 who brought their foolishness from another thread.

Most if not all your facts are incorrect. Dogs can not give humans FATAL desease, all others are easily treatable.Humans on the other hand can.

Do not know where you live (irrelevant to the discussion), but in my 7 years in Thailand, i have never been bitten by a dog nor do i know anyone who has(besides the OP) you need to meet more people then

So once again your facts are incorrect. My Facts stand

Your solution to the problem just to kill, if you not a hater then what are you? heavily medicated? If i kill something it does not mean I am a hater

Clearly neutering them would be ideal, but hence government will not do it nor will you, leaving wonder the streets hungry is hardly a solution is it? Yes it is a soltuion they will die out within 6 months there would be no dogs

Try to get your facts right, read what you post and what other post prior to posting more and more incorrect facts as you like to call it. Your facts arent facts they are the result of extreme "love" of dogs/animals

Before they die out there will be a lot of problems from them first so its not really a realistic scenario. Also the tempels will care for the dogs. Its just like saying if we all lived in peace there would be a lot more wealth in the world.. true but its never going to happen.

I also don't know people who have been bitten by dogs in Thailand doesn't mean it does not happen. But i doubt its something that happens a lot. Also if your talking about Thai kids dont forget they are usually injured in many ways while growing up because of bad parenting and because its not a nanny state and many of us like to keep it this way.

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If someone wants to feed the dogs they should take full responsibility for the FACT that they will live longer and therefore try and MATE creating more dogs.

I am not feeding the dogs therefore I do not have to take repsonsibility for them. You are so tell me how many you have fed and are now in the process of neutering?

If the answer is none that ,makes you irresponsible.

It makes him Thai. Your not going to change the Thais so ....

I don't see it as a problem if someone feeds the dogs it does not bother me one bit. Here they feed the dogs too still i don't see them overrunning the village here. I think a lot of them are neutered.. but cant be sure.

Edited by robblok
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Clearly neutering them would be ideal, but hence government will not do it nor will you, leaving wonder the streets hungry is hardly a solution is it? Yes it is a soltuion they will die out within 6 months there would be no dogs

Again and again, they will still find food, the difference is they eat food full of vitamins or crap that makes then sick, this does not mean they die,they still breed and new born pups are sick from birth and circle never ends.

Also since you know so many people who have been biten, do you think its a good idea to let them wonder for 6 months(as you predict) hungry attacking people?

Let me ask you this. What dog is more likely to attack? the one fed by human, so dog knows human is not a threat, or the one kicked away and ignored?

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NO, if you take the shots! and you can only get it if you bitten! in which case again shots will take care of it.

It is only fatal if left untreated.

So now IT IS FATAL? but you have been telling us dogs give us NO FATAL DISEASES, please make your mind up?

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Clearly neutering them would be ideal, but hence government will not do it nor will you, leaving wonder the streets hungry is hardly a solution is it? Yes it is a soltuion they will die out within 6 months there would be no dogs

Again and again, they will still find food, the difference is they eat food full of vitamins or crap that makes then sick, this does not mean they die,they still breed and new born pups are sick from birth and circle never ends.

Also since you know so many people who have been biten, do you think its a good idea to let them wonder for 6 months(as you predict) hungry attacking people?

Let me ask you this. What dog is more likely to attack? the one fed by human, so dog knows human is not a threat, or the one kicked away and ignored?

No let me ask you this has a dead dog ever bitten anyone?

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There once was a buffoon young man called Kuffki,

Whose soi dog was named Ruffy,

Young Kuffki died of Rabies,

Old Ruffy, of scabies,

Now the headstone reads "here lies Ruffki".

and once again stupidity knows no limits

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Clearly neutering them would be ideal, but hence government will not do it nor will you, leaving wonder the streets hungry is hardly a solution is it? Yes it is a soltuion they will die out within 6 months there would be no dogs

Again and again, they will still find food, the difference is they eat food full of vitamins or crap that makes then sick, this does not mean they die,they still breed and new born pups are sick from birth and circle never ends.

Also since you know so many people who have been biten, do you think its a good idea to let them wonder for 6 months(as you predict) hungry attacking people?

Let me ask you this. What dog is more likely to attack? the one fed by human, so dog knows human is not a threat, or the one kicked away and ignored?

No let me ask you this has a dead dog ever bitten anyone?

your response hardly justify's the questions raised, sadly i do not expect anything better.

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If someone wants to feed the dogs they should take full responsibility for the FACT that they will live longer and therefore try and MATE creating more dogs.

I am not feeding the dogs therefore I do not have to take repsonsibility for them. You are so tell me how many you have fed and are now in the process of neutering?

If the answer is none that ,makes you irresponsible.

It makes him Thai. Your not going to change the Thais so ....

I don't see it as a problem if someone feeds the dogs it does not bother me one bit. Here they feed the dogs too still i don't see them overrunning the village here. I think a lot of them are neutered.. but cant be sure.

It makes him Thai and irresponsible.

If you dont see it as a problem I hope when the next stray dogs attacks someone you know or runs out in front of your car/ bike trashing you it or both you will get back to us. I have witnessed both outside of Temples where they rejoice in feeding them, one Bike one car. Hua Hin oiutside of town top of the hill near the Elephant Sanctuary.

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Clearly neutering them would be ideal, but hence government will not do it nor will you, leaving wonder the streets hungry is hardly a solution is it? Yes it is a soltuion they will die out within 6 months there would be no dogs

Again and again, they will still find food, the difference is they eat food full of vitamins or crap that makes then sick, this does not mean they die,they still breed and new born pups are sick from birth and circle never ends.

Also since you know so many people who have been biten, do you think its a good idea to let them wonder for 6 months(as you predict) hungry attacking people?

Let me ask you this. What dog is more likely to attack? the one fed by human, so dog knows human is not a threat, or the one kicked away and ignored?

No let me ask you this has a dead dog ever bitten anyone?

your response hardly justify's the questions raised, sadly i do not expect anything better.

Your question implies I should only answer in 1 way hence my response. Again I have NOT insulted you but you seem to like to do this to anyone you dont agree with.

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Dogs are territorial. The more dogs there are, the less "territory" there is for them. The less territory means more dog fights. Combine humans into this equation & you end up with more humans being needlessly savaged. Further combine the <deleted> who feed these rabid beasts & you end up with a huge dog population, which will fight anything for the ever decreasing lump of turf it requires.

The solution is simple...reduce the human population & the dog population should also decrease. Since this is not easily "do-able", stop feeding the dogs & let them die off naturally.

By far the best suggestion, primarily due to the number of humans sharing the same space as the dogs, is to instigate some sort of control measures...like dog catchers, sterilisation etc based upon RSPCA principles of course.

If you feed a dog, take it in as your pet & pay to get all of the vaccinations etc. By letting it live on the street, you are simply a 50% carer & adding to the already HUGE dog problem.

In the last 6 months, I student died as a result of a dog running across the road. At least 20 other students have been in hospital with broken bones & other various injuries, all related to the excessive number of dogs.

Edited by elkangorito
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NO, if you take the shots! and you can only get it if you bitten! in which case again shots will take care of it.

It is only fatal if left untreated.

So now IT IS FATAL? but you have been telling us dogs give us NO FATAL DISEASES, please make your mind up?

7th time, i said fatal that can not be treated. rabies can be treated making it not fatal.

AIDS can not be treated-making it fatal.

Hep B( i think it is, ) can not be treated-making it fatal

and again for the 10th , you can only get rabies if you bitten, you can not get rabies by being in the same room with the dog.

Question i raised was what desease can dogs give us, ie not by biting but by just being there.

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If someone wants to feed the dogs they should take full responsibility for the FACT that they will live longer and therefore try and MATE creating more dogs.

I am not feeding the dogs therefore I do not have to take repsonsibility for them. You are so tell me how many you have fed and are now in the process of neutering?

If the answer is none that ,makes you irresponsible.

It makes him Thai. Your not going to change the Thais so ....

I don't see it as a problem if someone feeds the dogs it does not bother me one bit. Here they feed the dogs too still i don't see them overrunning the village here. I think a lot of them are neutered.. but cant be sure.

It makes him Thai and irresponsible.

If you dont see it as a problem I hope when the next stray dogs attacks someone you know or runs out in front of your car/ bike trashing you it or both you will get back to us. I have witnessed both outside of Temples where they rejoice in feeding them, one Bike one car. Hua Hin oiutside of town top of the hill near the Elephant Sanctuary.

I have seen people drink and drive.. lets ban all alcohol because when there is no alcohol people won't drink

I have seen people without helmets die.. lets enforce helmets

Just because something happens does not mean you have to go to extreme measures. Some risks are not that big and going extreme in solving a problem does more harm then good.

Think the risks i mentioned before rank much higher and cause more deaths and mayhem then a few stray dogs.

Still because you don't like dogs you want to go to extreme measures like starving them. Has it ever come into your mind you are sharing the planet with other beings and animals. Its just like the teetotalers who go after all alcohol because they don't like it themselves.

Im not defending all the dogs when they bite they should be taken care off (shot killed if it was unprovoked). Im just stating that the others who are not dangerous have a right to live. What your saying is kill em all just because some are bad.

I just factor animals crossing roads into my driving and yes its Thailand not a nanny state.

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Your question implies I should only answer in 1 way hence my response. Again I have NOT insulted you but you seem to like to do this to anyone you dont agree with.

No it does not. my question implies to present sense not future sense.

I guess calling me an idiot is not an insult in your opinion.

Its not about agreeing or not, its about being rational and not speaking in some idealistic terms.

As much as i love dogs, i did agree that something should be done and human Euthanasia should be introduced, but it is not going to happen.

not only that i personally witnessed Thai Vets skills at Euthanasia, and i only hope when his time comes, he will go same as as he made this dog go!

Edited by kuffki
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I have to work now Kufkki so Ill let you look at this, Robblok for you too http://www.hkmj.org/article_pdfs/hkm0706p247.pdf

Can show the same pictures for alcohol and driving.. lets ban all alcohol

Can show the same pictures from football hooligans.. lets ban football

Can show the same for car drivers without alcohol.. lets ban cars

Can show the same of peodofiles molesting kids.. come lets kill all humans because we are capable of evil

I don't contest that something has to be done but killing them all instead of killing the bad ones is a bit crazy.

Just accept some things bring risk with them you cant live in a risk free world.. or go back to nanny state UK

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Dogs are territorial. The more dogs there are, the less "territory" there is for them. The less territory means more dog fights. Combine humans into this equation & you end up with more humans being needlessly savaged. Further combine the <deleted> who feed these rabid beasts & you end up with a huge dog population, which will fight anything for the ever decreasing lump of turf it requires.

The solution is simple...reduce the human population & the dog population should also decrease. Since this is not easily "do-able", stop feeding the dogs & let them die off naturally.

By far the best suggestion, primarily due to the number of humans sharing the same space as the dogs, is to instigate some sort of control measures...like dog catchers, sterilisation etc based upon RSPCA principles of course.

If you feed a dog, take it in as your pet & pay to get all of the vaccinations etc. By letting it live on the street, you are simply a 50% carer & adding to the already HUGE dog problem.

In the last 6 months, I student died as a result of a dog running across the road. At least 20 other students have been in hospital with broken bones & other various injuries, all related to the excessive number of dogs.

Their injury's would have nothing to do with reckless driving, lack of driving schooling, overtaking turning vehicle on the side where it is turning, driving at high speeds in dark alleys, driving with a salad bawl for a helmet, driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol, driving irresponsibly, doing wheel spins, making u-turns in the middle of the road, not indicating, never using mirrors or even bothering to check for oncoming traffic.

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No it does not. my question implies to present sense not future sense.

I guess calling me an idiot is not an insult in your opinion.

Its not about agreeing or not, its about being rational and not speaking in some idealistic terms.

As much as i love dogs, i did agree that something should be done and human Euthanasia should be introduced, but it is not going to happen.

not only that i personally witnessed Thai Vets skills at Euthanasia, and i only hope when his time comes, he will go same as as he made this dog go!

No its not an insult I believe now its a FACT but that is just MY opinion. I suggest you go back and take a look at your pages of insults.

Robb you are steering the topic away at diverse angles, we could bang on about banning motorcycles too which would save counltless lives. Dogs in Thailand are a menace because they roam free.

If Kuffki is so worried have a poll on it.

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In the last 6 months, I student died as a result of a dog running across the road. At least 20 other students have been in hospital with broken bones & other various injuries, all related to the excessive number of dogs.

Their injury's would have nothing to do with reckless driving, lack of driving schooling, overtaking turning vehicle on the side where it is turning, driving at high speeds in dark alleys, driving with a salad bawl for a helmet, driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol, driving irresponsibly, doing wheel spins, making u-turns in the middle of the road, not indicating, never using mirrors or even bothering to check for oncoming traffic.

No it would be to do with an unleashed dog being where its not supposed to be ON A ROAD.

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I am not steering the subject away.. i'm putting things into perspective.. something you seem to have lost.

You are the one who wants to kill all stray dogs because they MIGHT pose a risk to someone.

Im telling you there are other things that put people in much bigger risk then a few dogs and you would not think of going into extremes there. So i show you that you only go into extremes because you don't like dogs.

I'm pointing out your prejuiced to dogs.

You don't want to go into those valid arguments that i have because you know you cant counter them.

Its easy to discuss with kuffi because his arguments are not that good.. but my arguments your not touching because you know its hard too.

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We had a street dog bite the face off a little Thai kid not too long ago. They Thais beat it once or twice with a stick, but it was still around afterwards. One of the falang on the street took care of the dog a few days later, out of fear the beast would attack his own children.

Sometimes mai pen rai just doesn't cut it.

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We had a street dog bite the face off a little Thai kid not too long ago. They Thais beat it once or twice with a stick, but it was still around afterwards. One of the falang on the street took care of the dog a few days later, out of fear the beast would attack his own children.

Sometimes mai pen rai just doesn't cut it.

of course not and a dog like that should be killed. Unless the kid was torturing the dog b4 but i don't think that is the case here.

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We had a street dog bite the face off a little Thai kid not too long ago. They Thais beat it once or twice with a stick, but it was still around afterwards. One of the falang on the street took care of the dog a few days later, out of fear the beast would attack his own children.

Sometimes mai pen rai just doesn't cut it.

This is sad for the kid, but lets not forget Thai parenting is not the best at times. and teaching kids how to play/approach the dog is the last thing on their mind.

In my soi there are a number of thai kids who use to come to play with my pups, after seeing how they play(pulling dogs tongue out, or the tail or simply kicking it because they felt like it) i no longer allow those kids to play with my pups

While one neighbor, who actually bothered to educate her 2 kids, are always welcome and kids come around every day after school to play with pups and sometimes take them over to their house over night

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Yep and word breaks is not in Thai vocabulary also.or even bother to slow down seeing as there are dogs all over the place.

or keep eyes on the road not doing make up or talking on the phone.

Did you search for the word "brake"? If so, you might have found this:


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