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Glazer Takes Over

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is this the begining of the end for my team man utd or a new begining :o

he has now got 62% had heard he also that he has got 73.9%if this is so when he gets over 75%he can move his debt on to the club,so he gets the club moves his debt to man utd,which is over 300million quid.

also united will be able to sell there own tv rights which the other big clubs will follow and dictate what games are shown,this is not good for football.

i love my team i have followed them all my life went my first game in 1965 i will still follow united but my passion has gone. rip mufc.

we will never die.

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is this the begining of the end for my team man utd or a new begining :o

he has now got 62% had heard he also that he has got 73.9%if this is so when he gets over 75%he can move his debt on to the club,so he gets the club moves his debt to man utd,which is over 300million quid.

also united will be able to sell there own tv rights which the other big clubs will follow and dictate what games are shown,this is not good for football.

i love my team i have followed them all my life went my first game in 1965 i will still follow united but my passion has gone. rip mufc.

we will never die.

You just beat me to this thread. WOW. All the knockers on about Russian Roubles. I guess Chelsea's success has spurned some action,just like all of us that live in the real world knew it would. Man U for the Super Bowl. I love it. I suppose it's the only thing that to do now that we are so superior. And before anyone replies,that I am being just like our manager,i.e.supercilious & big-headed,just remember we have endured a year of total sh1t about foreign money. Funny thing is though, the team Chelsea put out on Tuesday could have been nearly bought for the money United paid for Van Wankleroy and tough-boy Rooney. Still maybe we'll get some competition from the red side of Manchester now, instead of only taking one point from the Blue side. Remember,it all comes back to those who give it.


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there is a difference between dirty money and a take over by an investor with banks money.

dont no if this will make united stronger he has said 25 mill be available for players for begining of the season,also united reservers are the best in the land they have won 4 tropheys this year,last night beat charlton in the final of the north v south reserve final 4-1, we have some great young players comming through one a italian boy named rossi scored a hatrick n one was a cracker,oh if only fergie would play them.

we are not far behind you dont come out with all this we are the greatest team in the world crap,arsenal was last year,lol.

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Too early to tell what is going to happen to United. It's the richest club in the world so I am sure it will be fine for some time to come. However, you DO need to beat Arsenal in the cup (which you probably won't as they are strong defensively again and will want revenge) and you do need to win something more substansive next year. Should you not, I think it's fair to say that your dominance of English football will have come to an end.

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According to the news and TV this morning the M.U fans are REVOLTING. :o

Seems that M.G. has got hold of something like 90% of the shares from .....loyal supporters like John Mag.and P.J.mcm and as said some of the fans dont like it.

It has also been suggested that manager Eck Feg.has been offered £20m to buy a couple of new boys to boost the outfit for next season which in this day and age cant be bad.

This is and must bee seen as just another money enterprise and he sure as ###### didnt buy it for the good of his health :D ...recon they will be on the up again. :D

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Bit more from todays Times :D

Angry fans fight £790m US takeover of Man Utd..By Ashling O'Connor

MANCHESTER UNITED, the world’s richest football club, yesterday became the property of a US billionaire in a £790 million takeover.

Malcolm Glazer, 76, whose family owns Tampa Bay Buccaneers, the NFL American football team, was close to taking the club private last night after securing more than 70 per cent of its shares under a controversial deal which has been in the offing for a year despite fierce resistance from supporters.

The American industrialist, who started in business at the age of 15, bought out J. P. McManus and John Magnier, the two biggest shareholders, for £227 million in cash.

By selling their 28.7 per cent stake, the Irish horseracing tycoons handed control to Mr Glazer, whose family owned 28.1 per cent of the club. Millions of shares were traded subsequently and Mr Glazer ended the day owning 71 per cent.

He requires a 75 per cent stake to delist the company. The remaining shareholders will today receive a formal offer of 300p a share, the price offered to the Irishmen, valuing the club at £790.3 million.

Shareholders United, a fans group that successfully fought off a takeover by Rupert Murdoch six years ago, said that it would attempt to halt the deal. It estimates that 20,000 fans may boycott games and club merchandise. A recent survey suggested that this could reduce commercial income by £18 million a year.

After a bitter takeover, United’s fate was sealed by a single telephone call. Bankers at N M Rothschild, acting for Mr Glazer, rang advisers to Mr Magnier and Mr McManus in Dublin on Wednesday night with a non-conditional cash offer. The Takeover Panel had set a May 17 deadline for a bid.

The deal, codenamed Project Hampstead, was done by the following morning and cash for 75.74 million shares was exchanged immediately. Mr Glazer is backed by J P Morgan, the US investment bank, which has lent him up to £275 million. A further £300 million is to be raised through the issue of preference shares, secured against the family’s assets, which supporters argue are akin to debt.

Although he is worth $1 billion (£536 million) on paper, Mr Glazer’s assets are tied up in other businesses, and NFL rules prevent him from using the Buccaneers franchise as collateral. Supporters believe his business plan will mean higher ticket prices and the United board also refused to recommend it a fortnight ago.

The deal will make United the world’s most valuable sports franchise, eclipsing the New York Yankees, which is worth $950 million, according to Forbes magazine.

Fans burnt season ticket renewal forms outside Old Trafford in protest last night.

Nick Towle, the chairman of Shareholders United, said: “The fight continues on all fronts. My wife and I will not be renewing our season tickets and a lot of people will do the same. We will still love the club but not the company.”

The Glazer family are unfazed by the reaction. The chairman, will be invited to stay on, as will Sir Alex Ferguson, the manager.

Sir Alex may be tempted by a £20 million transfer budget, but insiders said that it was unlikely that Mr Gill and Sir Roy would remain. :o

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Its about time all these "FANS" realise they are a liability to these big clubs and the sooner they stop going to matches and start buying more over priced football shirts made by underpaid people two or three times a year the better it would be for the finances of the club.

I own some property near the old Manchester City Maine road stadium it was a pleasure seeing these nitwits on a Saturday afternoon pissed wet through wearing trainers that cost less than the entrance fee.

Our club, yeah I'm sure, serves the lot of them right.

Lets see whos club it is now.

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is this the begining of the end for my team man utd or a new begining :o

he has now got 62% had heard he also that he has got 73.9%if this is so when he gets over 75%he can move his debt on to the club,so he gets the club moves his debt to man utd,which is over 300million quid.

also united will be able to sell there own tv rights which the other big clubs will follow and dictate what games are shown,this is not good for football.

i love my team i have followed them all my life went my first game in 1965 i will still follow united but my passion has gone. rip mufc.

we will never die.

I doubt that he can simply sell uniteds TV rights, they have signed up to a contract that has two years left and I doubt the other 19 clubs would vote in favour of such a move (united were defeated 19-1 the last time they voted on this issue).

The deal doesn't seem to stack up the club will aquire more interest on the loan than profit on the club - whats the point?

As for United fans revolting and waving 'not for sale banners' this is laughable , United have been for sale since the earlt 90's when they became a PLC.

If I were a United fan I would be concerned that in a few years they may end just like Leeds.Its certainly going to make for an interesting summer at OT.

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According to the news and TV this morning the M.U fans are REVOLTING. :o

Seems that M.G. has got hold of something like 90% of the shares from .....loyal supporters like John Mag.and P.J.mcm and as said some of the fans dont like it.

It has also been suggested that manager Eck Feg.has been offered £20m to buy a couple of new boys to boost the outfit for next season which in this day and age cant be bad.

This is and must bee seen as just another money enterprise and he sure as ###### didnt buy it for the good of his health :D ...recon they will be on the up again. :D

I wouldn't get to excited the Wigan chairman is reported to have made £25 million available for next season - Wigan to have a greater buying power than Man Utd would you believe it?

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