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Visa Success

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Hi all, :o

Just like to say my wife has just been granted her settlement visa. :D

words cannot describe how i feel right now,

i like to thank everyone who has given me good advise and support,

and a special thank you! to the one and only SCOUSER, You have help me from the very start, YOU ARE THE MAN! :D i cant thank you enough!

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Hi all,  :o

Just like to say my wife has just been granted her settlement visa. :D

words cannot describe how i feel right now,

i like to thank everyone who has given me good advise and support,

and a special thank you! to the one and only SCOUSER, You have help me from the very start, YOU ARE THE MAN! :D i cant thank you enough!

What a moving letter...you just brought a tear to my eye mate! I am englishman in Germany working in switzerland trying to find a way to get to uk with residence for her...I am a Tattooist and the large part to the last 20 years have been forced to work on the black (not registered) This means a lot of problems when you want to invite your Thai girlfriend to the country you work in..as to guarantee her you need three wage slips and registered abode etc...you know it all already as you are there where i want to be! as a result i am working in the first legal job i have ever had and have managed to get her here with marriage applied for already.Now we are waiting for the high german Court to decide. This job lets me earn about a fifth of what i would earn in any of the other jobs i could take..but i need to be legal to prove that i can pay for her existence!!! truth is i would manage a lt better the other way, as with all the flights, translations pay tax as single man (not married yet) etc blah blah..i am now in debt. So nice to hear some Positive feedback. Everybody check out what bangkok bob has on this subject..i cant say the link i am not sure if this site allows me to give links. you can find it thiough for sure..sorry if i am breaking a rule, i only want to help us.

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