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Crackdown On Bangkok Street Beggars


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That was very nice project by the government but again and again, they should track down the root cause of the problem. "POVERTY" is the root cause of the beggars anywhere. I think the best project they should do is: How to give proper education with those needy in every part of Thailand.  :D

Unfortunately, laziness and lack of work ethic is the cause of a lot of poverty here as well. How do you get rid of the root cause of that?


Thailand does not hold the patent on laziness and lack of work ethic. I would challenge any reader to say it doesnt exist in their own country. Poverty is the disease,and can lead to laziness etc,its pretty hard to get motivated when all you have to look forward to in a day is to cook a hand-full of rice and go catch some frogs etc to feed your family. Given the opportunity thais will work we farangs to a standstill.

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[Thailand does not hold the patent on laziness and lack of work ethic. I would challenge any reader to say it doesnt exist in their own country. Poverty is the disease,and can lead to laziness etc,its pretty hard to get motivated when all you have to look forward to in a day is to cook a hand-full of rice and go catch some frogs etc to feed your family. Given the opportunity thais will work we farangs to a standstill.

Can you relate some experiences you have had or things you have seen in Thailand that prompt you to state, "Given the opportunity thais will work we farangs to a standstill."? I am surprised that someone would say this. I have to say that my experience of Thai people is that they work a reasonable amount but no more than what is needed. My experience is that most Thais see working hard as a sign of failure. If you are successful you don't have to work hard. But I know that I see only a small segment of the population.

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That was very nice project by the government but again and again, they should track down the root cause of the problem. "POVERTY" is the root cause of the beggars anywhere. I think the best project they should do is: How to give proper education with those needy in every part of Thailand. 

Starting with English lessons perhaps?

...and yet another smart remark. This Forum would be much better without these sarcastic comments.


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I used to give to people whilst out walking with the wife, but she told me not too. :o She seems more switched onto who is real and who is a fake.

She never gives to anybody on tourist routes eg Beach Road in Pattaya, but if she thinks the person is geniune then she gives them something.

It's not only a problem in Thai society. I recently went to the UK (London) for a holiday and could hardly go to an ATM without somebody hanging around asking from change.

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I am reminded of an often repeated story in Chiangmai

Several years ago, the members of the Hash House Harriers, becoming p'd off at all the beggars entering the Hash House on meeting nights devised a scheme to test a theory.....

Hmmm, if only some authority could be as scrutinous with their observations of the various doubtful businesses and other nefarious enterprises undertaken by members of the Hash House Harriers…

Thankfully there are those who can still whistle, "Your day will come".

Edited by Thomas_Merton
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[Thailand does not hold the patent on laziness and lack of work ethic. I would challenge any reader to say it doesnt exist in their own country. Poverty is the disease,and can lead to laziness etc,its pretty hard to get motivated when all you have to look forward to in a day is to cook a hand-full of rice and go catch some frogs etc to feed your family. Given the opportunity thais will work we farangs to a standstill.

Can you relate some experiences you have had or things you have seen in Thailand that prompt you to state, "Given the opportunity thais will work we farangs to a standstill."? I am surprised that someone would say this. I have to say that my experience of Thai people is that they work a reasonable amount but no more than what is needed. My experience is that most Thais see working hard as a sign of failure. If you are successful you don't have to work hard. But I know that I see only a small segment of the population.

chownah, you are pulling the same smart alec stunt you got flamed for on a prior forum , instead of posting your view on the beggars/poverty debate you choose to go off topic and nit-pick. If the mods ok it I will give you an example but only with permission as I feel it is off topic.

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But then my seven-year-old daughter always asks for a few baht to give to the child beggars (or uses her pocket money, if any is left).

Her reasoning, as explained to me a few months age - "If I didn't have you and Maer, I would be like that." So what do you do?

WOW :o Amazing daughter you have raised . That just touched my heart .

I think english is a major Key here . So little people speak it , if tey had more education , upto maybegrade nine that would be alot better. Also work or taxes because i mean alchohol is not cheap here , give some of that tax to create jobs .

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chownah, you are pulling the same smart alec stunt you got flamed for on a prior forum , instead of posting your view on the beggars/poverty debate you choose to go off topic and nit-pick. If the mods ok it I will give you an example but only with permission as I feel it is off topic.

Oz, you better not be too hard on his attempts at postings, remember he once read a book - and a psychology one at that. :o

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... but a little question - are we allowed to generalise all loansharks who charge way above bank rates as parasites on society? :D

Nope. It would cause others to surmise: if all loansharks are parasites, then parasites are loansharks. Parasites are not at the top of the loanshark food chain. I know many parasites who would take great offense to being referred to as a loanshark. Just as politicians get lumped into the corrupt wastebin generated by the highly visible deeds of those who are caught, or their resultant scandals, so does the majority of corruption happen within the office or power of those not elected but employed by institutions whose leaders we love to label.

Parasites get a bad shake. I bought the best vehicle I ever drove from a very good, responsible parasite and even had a drink with him once. And, I might add, I've worked with many parasites throughtout the years. They can be quite civil at a distance as long as you don't get attached to them.


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Does this ban include Eurotrash cadging drinks in bars?

How about Brits who marry Thais in order to live in rural villages on their pitiful pensions (and try to act superior to the locals)?

Hi Kaojai

How many Brits married to Thais living in rural villages do you actually know. I am one and I must admit I dont remember meeting you at all, but when I come home to my village you must come to see me and how superior I am to all the local peasants. Ask around the village and see how many I beat with a stick every day. :o

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These beggars are a REAL nuisance.. You cross the flyover in front of Central World, on that one flyover inclusive it's stairs on both ends are at least 5 beggars. One of the guys has moved his "workplace" from the sidewalk leading to New Petchaburi Rd. now to the flyover at MBK (or is that a copycat??). I mean the guy who wears a long-sleeved sweater with the sleeves demonstrately empty, holding his cup with his mouth. Sometimes he lays down using half the available walking space. Once i saw this particular guy in "action", a cop approaching. The guy got onto his feet faster than i could when i was a sporty young lad (now i'm 30), ripped off the sweater (of course he has both arms, well functioning) and ran like it was for the championships in 100 meter sprint.

Another thing i have observed myself: Beggars, specially the disabled, are carried to their places by pickup truck, and are "collected" again from there. Money from their cups is taken by a certain guy every hour or so.

I have encountered a beggar in Si Lom road who was so fluent in english that he could speak it better than myself (i'm german). Why does this guy not work in some office?? Just because he's homeless?? (Wasn't disabled, just wearing dirty clothes and needed a bath urgently).

A true story, tough not from me, happened in Bangkok: A man in a suit is approached by a one-legged beggar. They got talking, and the businessman asked the beggar why he doesn't work a regular job, having a master degree and all. The beggar gave as a reason his missing leg, caused by an accident. The businessman smiled, and lifted the truser legs. He showed TWO full protheses. Then he told the beggar: If there's a will, then there's a way.

I give money only to people i think deserve it, like the guy sitting on the flyover near my apartment. He's sitting there all day, playing the "khaen" (that flute-like thing from isan). If i have some small note or coins, i give him, because at least he entertains pedestrians with his lovely music, unfortunately oversounded by the traffic underneath but if you sit beside him you can listen. And i'm not to fine to sit beside him. But i don't support the criminal, fake beggars who beg because they are too lazy to do a real job, or who are members of a criminal gang.

just my 2 cents.


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[Thailand does not hold the patent on laziness and lack of work ethic. I would challenge any reader to say it doesnt exist in their own country. Poverty is the disease,and can lead to laziness etc,its pretty hard to get motivated when all you have to look forward to in a day is to cook a hand-full of rice and go catch some frogs etc to feed your family. Given the opportunity thais will work we farangs to a standstill.

Can you relate some experiences you have had or things you have seen in Thailand that prompt you to state, "Given the opportunity thais will work we farangs to a standstill."? I am surprised that someone would say this. I have to say that my experience of Thai people is that they work a reasonable amount but no more than what is needed. My experience is that most Thais see working hard as a sign of failure. If you are successful you don't have to work hard. But I know that I see only a small segment of the population.

chownah, you are pulling the same smart alec stunt you got flamed for on a prior forum , instead of posting your view on the beggars/poverty debate you choose to go off topic and nit-pick. If the mods ok it I will give you an example but only with permission as I feel it is off topic.


You know.....I don't view my posting as a "smart alec stunt." You indicated that Thais were hard working and quite frankly I've never experienced that except for a few individuals on a couple of occasions. I don't pretend to be THE expert on Thailand. Like I said....I only see a small portion of it. If you say Thais are hard working then I guess I figure you got this from your observations so I'm wanting to learn from your experiences since they seem to be different than mine. Some people call this "open minded" or "interested in learning". But here on TV I get flamed for assuming that people post from their experiences and ask them to relate some of them. But I don't know...maybe they just make up these things out of thin air because when I ask they often don't come up wilth anything. If they flame me because I ask them to clarify or expand on their statements then shame on them. Its agains TV rules to flame someone. Mostly I don't mind if people say rude things to me. I consider that a rude response without content answering my question as an indication that the person has no real substance to back up what they have said and are just pulling their statements out of their....imagination. Unless you can relate something that indicates that you have experienced Thais working or something to show that "thais will work we farangs to a standstill"....which I assume means that Thais are hard working, then I'll assume that this comment is not grounded in fact but is entirely made up.....what else can I do.....I ask for something to substantiate and get nothing!!! I do not consider this a flame. I'm just asking for you to relate why you think Thais are so hard working like you claim.

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chownah, you are pulling the same smart alec stunt you got flamed for on a prior forum , instead of posting your view on the beggars/poverty debate you choose to go off topic and nit-pick. If the mods ok it I will give you an example but only with permission as I feel it is off topic.

Oz, you better not be too hard on his attempts at postings, remember he once read a book - and a psychology one at that. :o

shoulda tried "How to Make Friends and Influence People" :D

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[Thailand does not hold the patent on laziness and lack of work ethic. I would challenge any reader to say it doesnt exist in their own country. Poverty is the disease,and can lead to laziness etc,its pretty hard to get motivated when all you have to look forward to in a day is to cook a hand-full of rice and go catch some frogs etc to feed your family. Given the opportunity thais will work we farangs to a standstill.

Can you relate some experiences you have had or things you have seen in Thailand that prompt you to state, "Given the opportunity thais will work we farangs to a standstill."? I am surprised that someone would say this. I have to say that my experience of Thai people is that they work a reasonable amount but no more than what is needed. My experience is that most Thais see working hard as a sign of failure. If you are successful you don't have to work hard. But I know that I see only a small segment of the population.

chownah, you are pulling the same smart alec stunt you got flamed for on a prior forum , instead of posting your view on the beggars/poverty debate you choose to go off topic and nit-pick. If the mods ok it I will give you an example but only with permission as I feel it is off topic.


You know.....I don't view my posting as a "smart alec stunt." You indicated that Thais were hard working and quite frankly I've never experienced that except for a few individuals on a couple of occasions. I don't pretend to be THE expert on Thailand. Like I said....I only see a small portion of it. If you say Thais are hard working then I guess I figure you got this from your observations so I'm wanting to learn from your experiences since they seem to be different than mine. Some people call this "open minded" or "interested in learning". But here on TV I get flamed for assuming that people post from their experiences and ask them to relate some of them. But I don't know...maybe they just make up these things out of thin air because when I ask they often don't come up wilth anything. If they flame me because I ask them to clarify or expand on their statements then shame on them. Its agains TV rules to flame someone. Mostly I don't mind if people say rude things to me. I consider that a rude response without content answering my question as an indication that the person has no real substance to back up what they have said and are just pulling their statements out of their....imagination. Unless you can relate something that indicates that you have experienced Thais working or something to show that "thais will work we farangs to a standstill"....which I assume means that Thais are hard working, then I'll assume that this comment is not grounded in fact but is entirely made up.....what else can I do.....I ask for something to substantiate and get nothing!!! I do not consider this a flame. I'm just asking for you to relate why you think Thais are so hard working like you claim.

OH,HO,trying a bit of amatuer psychology are we,you should have finished the book. and you are still off topic .Get mod ok and you will get answers your crave

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You know.....I don't view my posting as a "smart alec stunt."  You indicated that Thais were hard working and quite frankly I've never experienced that except for a few individuals on a couple of occasions.  I don't pretend to be THE expert on Thailand.  Like I said....I only see a small portion of it.  If you say Thais are hard working then I guess I figure you got this from your observations so I'm wanting to learn from your experiences since they seem to be different than mine.  Some people call this "open minded" or "interested in learning".  But here on TV I get flamed for assuming that people post from their experiences and ask them to relate some of them.  But I don't know...maybe they just make up these things out of thin air because when I ask they often don't come up wilth anything.  If they flame me because I ask them to clarify or expand on their statements then shame on them.  Its agains TV rules to flame someone.  Mostly I don't mind if people say rude things to me.  I consider that a rude response without content answering my question as an indication that the person has no real substance to back up what they have said and are just pulling their statements out of their....imagination.  Unless you can relate something that indicates that you have experienced Thais working or something to show that "thais will work we farangs to a standstill"....which I assume means that Thais are hard working, then I'll assume that this comment is not grounded in fact but is entirely made up.....what else can I do.....I ask for something to substantiate and get nothing!!!  I do not consider this a flame.  I'm just asking for you to relate why you think Thais are so hard working like you claim.

I'll come to Ozzydom’s defence, not necessarily because I disagree with everything you write on TV (which I do) but because I have recounted this story before and it, in the vox pop manner we all prove our points, confirms Ozzydom’s experience.

Two years ago I decided to help the rest of the lads in the village cut the sugar harvest. Now I'm no spring chicken, but I am fairly fit, running between 5 and 10K every day.

I worked with them from 6 in the morning until 6 at night, with a half an hour break for lunch.

I was so knackered trying to keep up with them; I had to spend the next 3 days in hospital.

So if you want to prove or disprove Ozzydom's statement for yourself, I can arrange for you to join our work gang next January. Just let me know.

If you can't wait that long, have a go a rice picking. The effects are reported to be quite similar.

You could even, depending on your sexual preference, join the boys or girls in Pattaya, if you want to see what real hard work is.

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I am in full agreement with a campaign against begging, where it is being organised by gangmasters. But why isn't it made illegal to do this organising?. Many forms of exploitation are difficult to legislate against, but 'gangmasterism' would not fall into that category. If it was an offence that automatically brought a jail sentence, it would be totally unattractive since it would be very easily picked up by the local police.

However, in a land with no Social Security system, I am reluctant to automatically shun all beggars. I have no problem if my wife is with me, as she 'sees' clues as to whether the need is genuine or not and tells me when not to give.

If I am alone, I give if I see Thais giving. If there are no Thais around, but it is well away from the 'tourist trail', I will usually give.

On another point that has been raised (albeit off topic) I know quite a few farangs who have Thai wives and live in villages quite well on rather small Western pensions. None of them "lord it" over their Thai neighbours. I am not saying that it may not happen anywhere, but it certainly is not universal!

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That was very nice project by the government but again and again, they should track down the root cause of the problem. "POVERTY" is the root cause of the beggars anywhere. I think the best project they should do is: How to give proper education with those needy in every part of Thailand.  :o

Not so true these days.

A lot of the beggars are imported from Cambodia, Burma etc.

Outside the scope of the Thai government.

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Does this ban include Eurotrash cadging drinks in bars?

How about Brits who marry Thais in order to live in rural villages on their pitiful pensions (and try to act superior to the locals)?

MMM Sounds like the green eyed monster appearing here :D . Obviously an opinion from those not in receipt of one of the those pitiful Brit Pensions. Or perhaps not have a worked hard enough at school and university :o to be in employment that provides an occupational pension to sit around once retired. I am not brit but will get a pitiful pension for all my hard work. I for one will continue to treat everybody with the courtesy and respect they deserve. :D Hope I do not have to listen to such biggoted attitudes, certainly never heard them from Thais I have met :D Many of these people provide anonimous help to people identified as needy through schools and village "elders". Anyway this for another forum I think.

Edited by maprao
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[Thailand does not hold the patent on laziness and lack of work ethic. I would challenge any reader to say it doesnt exist in their own country. Poverty is the disease,and can lead to laziness etc,its pretty hard to get motivated when all you have to look forward to in a day is to cook a hand-full of rice and go catch some frogs etc to feed your family. Given the opportunity thais will work we farangs to a standstill.

Can you relate some experiences you have had or things you have seen in Thailand that prompt you to state, "Given the opportunity thais will work we farangs to a standstill."? I am surprised that someone would say this. I have to say that my experience of Thai people is that they work a reasonable amount but no more than what is needed. My experience is that most Thais see working hard as a sign of failure. If you are successful you don't have to work hard. But I know that I see only a small segment of the population.

chownah, you are pulling the same smart alec stunt you got flamed for on a prior forum , instead of posting your view on the beggars/poverty debate you choose to go off topic and nit-pick. If the mods ok it I will give you an example but only with permission as I feel it is off topic.


You know.....I don't view my posting as a "smart alec stunt." You indicated that Thais were hard working and quite frankly I've never experienced that except for a few individuals on a couple of occasions. I don't pretend to be THE expert on Thailand. Like I said....I only see a small portion of it. If you say Thais are hard working then I guess I figure you got this from your observations so I'm wanting to learn from your experiences since they seem to be different than mine. Some people call this "open minded" or "interested in learning". But here on TV I get flamed for assuming that people post from their experiences and ask them to relate some of them. But I don't know...maybe they just make up these things out of thin air because when I ask they often don't come up wilth anything. If they flame me because I ask them to clarify or expand on their statements then shame on them. Its agains TV rules to flame someone. Mostly I don't mind if people say rude things to me. I consider that a rude response without content answering my question as an indication that the person has no real substance to back up what they have said and are just pulling their statements out of their....imagination. Unless you can relate something that indicates that you have experienced Thais working or something to show that "thais will work we farangs to a standstill"....which I assume means that Thais are hard working, then I'll assume that this comment is not grounded in fact but is entirely made up.....what else can I do.....I ask for something to substantiate and get nothing!!! I do not consider this a flame. I'm just asking for you to relate why you think Thais are so hard working like you claim.

This is not a flame, merely a statement of fact. chownah,upon re-reading your post directed at me I am of the opinion that you are suggesting I am a liar.

Congratulations,you are the only person to ever walk away after doing that,but only because you use the anonimity of a keyboard for your stupid remarks.

Iwould suggest you go back and read your previous postings carefully and you may come to the realisation that you are a habitual stirrer and see the error of your ways.. Meanwhile I will treat your postings with the contempt they deserve


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We have a lot of new housing construction going on where I live and I tell I would not work that hard for any body expecially in that heat.I am really surprized to see women working with them side by side.I also had many things done on my house and I can honestly say they are very hard working people.

I was a superintendent over a construction company in the STATES, so I know a little bit what I am talking about.

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Oz, you better not be too hard on his attempts at postings, remember he once read a book - and a psychology one at that. :o

How very Christian of you Tom!

I'm glad they are clamping down (again). The men who benefit from these drop off- beggars surely have their dirty little fingers in many other illegal pies.

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You give your daughter a big hug and tell her what a kind heart that she has and you try not to cry.

ditto from me.....from the mouths of babes....priceless.and congrats on the attitude you have instilled in your daughter....an A1 role model.

They are in need, so help them, it's only smalll money to you, could mean a lot more to them, don't be a " cheap chalr :o ey

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Oz, you better not be too hard on his attempts at postings, remember he once read a book - and a psychology one at that. :o

How very Christian of you Tom!

I'm glad they are clamping down (again). The men who benefit from these drop off- beggars surely have their dirty little fingers in many other illegal pies.

Finding a Christian who does not offend you, sweet OxfordWill, is as difficult as finding one of your postings that:

1) displays wit

2) shows an understanding for the difficulties of earning a baht in LOS when you have not been born with the advantages of privilege and wealth ( generously at least 80% of Siam) in a society that has no social net and where until less than a hundred years ago these disadvantaged were actually slaves of the upper class.

Edited by Thomas_Merton
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Hmmmm, I notice something here. No one is discussing on what they are going to do to the foreigners who are literally stuck here and have no person to go to if their embassy does not help. Did you read it!!!!!


How do you like that folks. Yet they say give jobs to the Thai people and take care of their own.

What a frickin low down kind of thinking showing just how PREJUDICED THEY REALLY ARE AND OF HOW THEY THINK.


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Oz, you better not be too hard on his attempts at postings, remember he once read a book - and a psychology one at that. :o

How very Christian of you Tom!

I'm glad they are clamping down (again). The men who benefit from these drop off- beggars surely have their dirty little fingers in many other illegal pies.

Finding a Christian who does not offend you, sweet OxfordWill, is as difficult as finding one of your postings that:

1) displays wit

2) shows an understanding for the difficulties of earning a baht in LOS when you have not been born with the advantages of privilege and wealth ( generously at least 80% of Siam) in a society that has no social net and where until less than a hundred years ago these disadvantaged were actually slaves of the upper class.

A lot, lot less than a hundred years ago. In fact, if one turns on the telly at a certain hour and is lucky enough to tune into certain soap operas, one could be forgiven for thinking that bonded slavery isn't still alive and kicking in certain households. :D

Even if a certain proportion of beggars are "controlled by gangs", is this an excuse to refuse charity to every sad case on the streets one comes across? It reminds me of the tight-arsed people in Britain I used to come across who refused to buy lottery tickets in aid of worthy causes abroad, justifying themselves by saying "charity begins at home; I don't think we should give to foreign countries until we've sorted out the poor people in Britain". :D

So, next time you try to sell a lottery ticket for a British poverty -action charity or a Big Issue to the same dude, and he's got another excuse why he can't put his hand in his pocket and help someone less fortunate in society. "They're too lazy to work"; "<deleted> me, my mate told me that beggars pull in 50 quid a day"; "it's the government's job to help them"; "would love to, but it's against me religion"; etc...The simple matter is he believes the only charity worth helping is ........ himself. :D

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i wish they would do something about those guys that crawl along the pavement like lizards. filthy dirty with mangled limbs such an appalling sight when you see these blokes.

of course they are like this to invoke pity and cash but it does not look good to tourists

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... Even if a certain proportion of beggars are "controlled by gangs", is this an excuse to refuse charity to every sad case on the streets one comes across?...  :D

Fully agree,

Many threads on the street beggar issue before and it seems it falls into two camps, tough love or chartable.

The Thai Gov's crack down may have more to do with city aesthetics and tourism, we all know the problems not going away anytime soon.

I have and will continue to give what loose change I have, knowing full well most of it will end up in the pockets of their handlers, but by hook or crook I'm sure the beggars will keep a small portion for themselves.

And I'm talking about the truly wretched and unfortunate, the ones with missing limbs, gross deformities, it's not a case of laziness with these, nor are you going to place them in the job market easily.

Now the young and fit, albeit dirty-faced, I don't reach so deeply in my pocket, a lot of these truly are scammers. :o

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Are there any beggars on the streets who are not recruited by gangs? How can you tell them apart? I see beggars with horrific disabilities on the streets of Bangkok - it is hard to just walk by and give nothing. People who exploit beggars like these are so sick .......

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