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Why Being A Dj Is Not Cool Any More

DJ Pat

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When I was a youngster they had DJ's because music was only found on small round black discs and different songs were found on each side of these discs.  If someone wanted to hear a particular song then first the correct disc had to be found and then it had to be oriented so the proper side was up and it had to be placed on a phonograph....a phonograph is a device for retrieving the data from the disc and converting it into sound....we called t his data retrieval "playing the music".  This process of finding, orienting, and playing the disc was not automated so a human had to performed all of these tasks.  This person was called the "discjokey" which was sometimes shortened into "DJ".  I know this seems very strange to all of you who have digital music which can be manipulated electronically.  DJ's are no longer needed.....hooray that it can be done so easily now.  But old habits die hard and the DJ is still with us.  DJ's are like dinosaurs, perhaps thats why they are so strange.

Well said and very good point .

Old gits unite :o

The problem nowadays is that there's so much music around with many different generes, but exposure to all these different styles will always remain limited.

The job of a (good) DJ nowadays is to select a certain genere then pick out the tunes that appeal to them specifically, hence the reason people have different tastes in DJ's, just as they have different tastes in the tunes themselves.

And so on and so forth...

OLD GITS ? Listen sonny , I was around when dj's Were cool . Now their not :D

While it is still good to have someone to pick out music for the evening , it should not be trusted to just anybody . First and foremost it should never be about the dj as he could be easily replaced by a party cd or two .

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Pat, this is just downright retarded.

The original article, funny as it is, can be found HERE...


It's not "retarded", Insight, it's "plagiarism", copying someone else's idea and presenting it as your own. Do it again Patrick and you'll be leaving us for a holiday.

Having said that, it is a bl00dy excellent article (by Alex Blagg)! (Next time, just make a reference to it, OK?).

The worst are those that -often pretentiously- draw attention away from the music&atmosphere towards themselves.

The best are those who are not pretentious/over-ambitious with the music, and simply do their job.

Those two lines are the best and most accurate descriptions of the DJ.

I'm the second line!!



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Pat, this is just downright retarded.

The original article, funny as it is, can be found HERE...


It's not "retarded", Insight, it's "plagiarism", copying someone else's idea and presenting it as your own. Do it again Patrick and you'll be leaving us for a holiday.

Having said that, it is a bl00dy excellent article (by Alex Blagg)! (Next time, just make a reference to it, OK?).

He's a total rip off. Not the first time he's done it. Is it really that hard for you to think up anything new or creative Pat? I guess that's what DJs mostly do, play 'other people's songs.' Sorry arse y'izz. :D

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He's a total rip off. Not the first time he's done it. Is it really that hard for you to think up anything new or creative Pat? I guess that's what DJs mostly do, play 'other people's songs.' Sorry arse y'izz. :o

Show me where I said that I wrote it and I will accept that I stole it.

Otherwise just piss off.

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He's a total rip off. Not the first time he's done it. Is it really that hard for you to think up anything new or creative Pat? I guess that's what DJs mostly do, play 'other people's songs.' Sorry arse y'izz. :o

Show me where I said that I wrote it and I will accept that I stole it.

Otherwise just piss off.

Listen up dillet head. If you post something without a link or giving credit to who wrote it, then you are letting us to believe that you wrote it.

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Being a musician, I particularly liked #2.

Your post clearly expresses what I've been thinking

Case in point. :D . Let me add. You do fine movie reviews as well. :D:D

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He's a total rip off. Not the first time he's done it. Is it really that hard for you to think up anything new or creative Pat? I guess that's what DJs mostly do, play 'other people's songs.' Sorry arse y'izz. :o

Show me where I said that I wrote it and I will accept that I stole it.

Otherwise just piss off.

Having read your original post I though that you wrote it, either way as The Smiths once sang(?) - Hang the DJ Hang the DJ Hang the DJ.

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Pat, this is just downright retarded.

The original article, funny as it is, can be found HERE...


It's not "retarded", Insight, it's "plagiarism", copying someone else's idea and presenting it as your own. Do it again Patrick and you'll be leaving us for a holiday.

Having said that, it is a bl00dy excellent article (by Alex Blagg)! (Next time, just make a reference to it, OK?).

:He's a total rip off. Not the first time he's done it. Is it really that hard for you to think up anything new or creative Pat? I guess that's what DJs mostly do, play 'other people's songs.' Sorry arse y'izz. :D

D :D:D:D:D The old 'copy and paste syndrome' will always be present on forums. Some guys just get carried away I guess.. :D

Edited by Wanderer
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It would have taken you another 10-20 seconds to add the link to the source.

Cheers for sharing though.

Some DJ RÖV (DJ ARSE) for your pleasure (copyright 1997 Simon Gärdenfors, David Liljemark and Calle Thörn) [my translation]


1: I spin exclusively 12 inch.

2: Imported directly from London by yours truly. Only the best is good enough.

3: Apart from that, I am also a paedophile.


1: I'm not only *down*, mate.


3: I'm also down with gonnorhoea.


1: CD is totally off.

2: Vinyl is da shit.

3: Vinyl, and beastiality, mark my words.


1: I view myself as a musician.


3: The chicks view me as an arse.


1: When I am out spinning my tracks, people sometimes request songs.

2: And I am always open to suggestions...

3: In my arse.


1: It's all about creating the dance floor.

2: I achieve this with my funky breakbeats.

3: Nerve gas also works.


1: I am the king of cut-backs.

2: During my last gig I repeated the same sample for half an hour.

3: Until I discovered the pubic hair that had jammed the pick-up.


1: I did this battle of the DJ's last weekend.

2: Came in second.

3: Chapped me sphincter during the finals.

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You know who you are. Standing behind that deck of turntables, holding one headphone to your ear, being pretentious and aloof as you play with knobs and shuffle through records. You can just settle down, because nobody cares that you're a DJ.


1. Rave DJ -- Dude, first of all, raves were never even cool to begin with. The fact that you're still trying to "keep the party going" ten years later is bordering on The Most Pathetic Thing Ever. You can pile up all the lasers and lights and disco balls and glo sticks and pacifiers you want, but all you'll have is a big heap of Who Gives A Shit. And quit passing out all those stupid glossy promo cards announcing your latest weekly "Bliss-Chillout-Ambient-House-Electro-fest". You're 35 now -- isn't that a little old to be handing out postcards with psychadelic robots all over them? Also, your "DJ Name", whatever it is, is stupid.


2. Hipster DJ -- You silly scenesters can stand there and look as jaded and above-it-all as you want, but you're not fooling me into thinking you're some kind of ######ing rock star. Say it along with me, "I am not a musician". No matter how many obscure bands you know or how big your record collection is, you're playing someone else's music. So stop acting like Mick ######ing Jagger at every retarded party and gallery opening I go to. I have a pretty impressive DVD collection and know quite a bit about film history, but if I show up at your house and play Taxi Driver for you, does that make me Martin Scorsese? No, it doesn't. Also, whatever you're wearing right now, it looks ridiculous


3. Celebrity DJ -- Hey Carlos D, Danny Masterson and every indie rocker in the world -- you're already a star. You're already rich, already famous, already spreading your "love" (and herpes) far and wide with all the groupies you could possibly want. Do you seriously need more attention? Do you need to show us that you have really excellent taste in music? Do you need to throw in an ironically bad song to show us you also have an adorable, self-deprecating sense of humor? Really, you do? Well turn off the ######ing lights when you're done, <deleted>.


4. Angry Hip Hop DJ -- Sup dude, you're cool, honest!


5. Angry Music Snob DJ -- I don't really care if you have rare original first-press Joy Division vinyl, you're still just a douchebag with a record player. Don't you get tired of lugging around 400 pounds of vinyl just to be ignored by bars and clubs full of people who haven't heard of -- and could care less about -- your music collection? Get an iPod, dude. And don't even THINK about launching into your diatribe about how mp3s are inferior and DJ's who use iPod's are posers. There is no "art" to DJing. I don't care if you're using turntables, iPods, a laptop or a My First Sony Record Player, you're still just playing other people's music. Get over yourself, you pretentious jackass.

The point is, while I enjoy good music in the background when I'm out reveling, I think we can all agree to cut out the lame DJ worship. I mean, think of how many people you know who claim to be DJ's. Everyon'e a ######ing DJ. I'm DJing right now here in my cubicle. I just segued from Bloc Party's "Banquet" into Kings of Leon's "The Bucket" - isn't that amazing.

Someone's finally put what I've been thinking all these years into words :D

Based on your avatar, I reckon you've had too much beer while DJing.


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You know who you are. Standing behind that deck of turntables, holding one headphone to your ear, being pretentious and aloof as you play with knobs and shuffle through records. You can just settle down, because nobody cares that you're a DJ.

Someone's finally put what I've been thinking all these years into words :D

Let's not forget that ALEX BLAGG wrote this piece, not the other ringpiece. :o

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Why don't you have a big glass of shut the ###### up. It's not about what you think, only what that person gets out of it. What do you get out of bashing it? As far as living like a Rock Star, thats living out in the open for every one to see. You should try it some time, you just might like it.

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Let me guess, you were a bunch of wallflowers at your prom. Get over it, the world moves too fast. One can only imagine what you think about going out to a club or God forbid the Full Moon Party.

I must have misplaced my cane, Depends, false teeth and my hearing aid is acting up again; F###ing batteries I think. :o

Edited by mbkudu
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Let me guess, you were a bunch of wallflowers at your prom. Get over it, the world moves too fast. One can only imagine what you think about going out to a club or God forbid the Full Moon Party.

Hey, you're right, I'm sorry. DJs are serious people too, right on. James Brown wasn't all that talented anyway. Cheers Bro!! :o

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The ONLY two DJ's I thought were ever cool were John Peel and Kenny Everett. Both deceased now.

Most DJ's I have ever heard have a rather inflated opinion of their own self-worth.

With the exception of Sir Blurr could someone please tell me the meaning of cool. I am glued to the screen awaiting your response! FO

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