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How To Spell 'amataya' In Thai?


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Hmmmm almost looks like 'aristocrats' and 'aristocracy'.

From wikipedia: "An aristocrat is a member of an aristocracy, a form of government in which a few of the most prominent citizens rule."


In the context you raised your question:

The UDD leaders announced earlier that the red-shirts would hold a mass rallies on March 12-14 to force the government to dissolve the House and put an end to the role of the elite bureaucrats, known as the Amataya.

The word "Amataya" would be spelled อำมาตย /am-màat-tà-ya/ or อำมาตย์ /am-màat/ in Thai (referring to a person or persons). Originally a Sanskrit word, it means (in the original use in Thai language, if not also in Sanskrit, I presume) "royal servants" or "court officials" or royal advisers (like the privy councilors).

อำมาตยาธิปไตย - Amatyadhipatya, refers to the system of government, which the blog article quoted by eljefe2 explains extensively.

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