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Before I go, I was just wondering...

If Mr Thaksin had to choose between his Thai Rak Thai party or the Tourism Authority of Thailand, which would it be?

It's a fair guess that in England, Mr Blair would favour tourism over The National Front, and I'm sure even our friend Mr Bush would put the KKK in second place at least.

This is going to sound like I am leaving with a bitter taste in my mouth which I'm not, I mean nothing really bad has happened to provoke this last post from the LOS but it's more inspired by those who've asked why I'm not heading straight back here as soon as I've got the flight money.

The first reason is because I don't have a girlfriend or wife in Thailand so what, at this stage in my life, would be the point?

The second is that generally in Thailand, I feel that in am not liked because I have white skin, and although I've seen many a smile over the years, I couldn't tell you how clean the teeth were because I've been looking at the eyes.

I'm not bitter about it and do not hold it against them because I would probably be just as racist myself under the same circumstances, but I have no one keeping me here and generally my presence as a farang is not appriciated so why-oh, and they don't speak my language, -so why should I want to stay?

The food? :D

Some of you will have read thus far and will possibly be planning a rant on how I should learn the language and embrace the culture, but to be fair - I have met them half way, and I don't believe that the Thai's who are anti farang, be it pro-activly, secretly, or subconciously - have embraced their own culture enough, let alone ours, and certainly not the positive aspects of ours at that.

I will of course return to Thailand but only to see my friends, both Thai and farang, but all the while that most of the country are following a leader who gives them anti farang ideas because they are not educated enough to think for themselves, I will only lose enthusiasm for the place.

Most farangs seem to be under the impression that Thai people like them, well maybe they do but 'like' is a rather vague word in this case... Do the Thai people like and appreciate them for who they are?

Money is obviously an issue I don't want to get too much into, but how much money you have DOES affect how you are viewed in Thailand, more so than anywhere else I have been which is why I still wear sandals and don't waste my money on jewellry just because I can.

The old fasioned western version of love is 'in sickness and in health', 'warts and all', and that my friends, includes sandles.

See, I don't understand why some of the farangs I know, moan because their girlfriend is asking for money for the family or for themselves, I would have to ask myself what the main motive in the relationship was (well I wouldn't even have to ask) ..I also know a very wealthy farang who has a lovely wife (who I think is from the country), who's family, like her, don't ask for or expect a bean - could this possibly be because he is appreciated for his qualities as a human being and not his huge townhouse or wallet, and that there IS genuine love there?

Sadly, most Thai-Farang relationships that I see, do not seem to be based on true love, and perhaps the majority of the country's biggest downfall in many cases is being with the wrong person, be it their leader or be it the lager lout boyfriend who fly's out from London twice a year to get his oats, teach her about football in the belief that her nodding her head means she's taking an interest, and hold her hand as she gets out of the taxi outside the embassy, both as totally and as utterly clueless as each other of what it's all about. :o

Some of us are lucky enough to find a genuine significant other in Thailand and most of us all have genuine Thai friends, and we all hold onto them because they are not easy to find... I could tell you about Noy in Samui, (my Thai 'sister'), Cartoon the travel agent - another one I could call on if in need, even a few aquaintances like the old moto driver at the end of the road who feels awkward charging me because we have such real conversation - all these peo-Elsie is another one, all these people have good heads on their shoulders and genuine hearts, and their thoughts are not influenced by others...

They also don't like to be told what to do or patronized which is why I can only assume that none of them are supporters of T Shinny.

And that means more to me than any smile.

See you in Blighty. :D

Edited by RDN
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We'll miss your lunatic ramblings.

(what ARE you talking about?? Thaksin founded TRT)

That's exactly my point.

Sorry, my mistake for giving you the impression I wasn't aware of that, but it's too late to edit now, however, that first line should have read...

'If Mr Thaksin had to choose between his Thai Rak Thai party or the Tourism Authority of Thailand, which would it be?'

Perhaps a mod could rectify my little oversight?

/RDN edit: Did it for ya (and got rid of the extra "at least" :o ).

Edited by RDN
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Sorry, my mistake for giving you the impression I wasn't aware of that

The impression comes from your comparision with Bush and Blair. To the best of my knowledge, no one has suggested that they are head of the KKK or National Front.

A comparision with Blair might be relevant because Thaksin is about as hard on foreigners as Blair is. Which, really, is not very much at all. Many many British are xenophobic racist <deleted>. All the same, many immigrants, and many British people with ethnic origins from elsewhere, live pretty happy lives there.

On the other hand, you WON'T live happily there. You'll tell yourself that you can't live with the hypocrisy and the ignorance, the people who think that foreign lands are a week in Torremolinos. You'll get to November, the miserable wet cold, trudging from the office to the pub to sit with colleagues you hate, and forget about it by throwing back the Stella, and you'll remember all those innocent smiling girls who hopefully gave you their phone number that you never called, and you'll start looking up the price of a flight online, just out of curiousity....

When you come back, don't lurk :o

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The impression comes from your comparision with Bush and Blair. To the best of my knowledge, no one has suggested that they are head of the KKK or National Front.

I think he's refering to racism in general to make the point, not saying they are the same, merely that there would be an uproar if Blair for example was to start a party called English Love English in the same vain, which I guess there would be.

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Scamp, using the Ambassador again? I read you got in trouble and lost your mod job elsewhere for multi nicks dude! :o

yeah, few weeks back in blightly be screaming to get back out here. Try working a bit harder next time, your'll benefit from it trust me. :D

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English Love English

'Labour' is an elitist name in the same way that TRT is Nationalist.

New Labour is no more helpful to UK underclass as TRT helps poor Isaan peasants

Having said all that even one of the 'Liverpool FC' , ' Airport Scanners' 'Dead drug dealers' scandals would be enough to bring down a UK Government.

Somehow Thaksin's popularity seems not to be affected by it.

Edited by The_Moog
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I think he's refering to racism in general to make the point, not saying they are the same, merely that there would be an uproar if Blair for example was to start a party called English Love English in the same vain, which I guess there would be.


Naughty boy...

totster :D

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I think he's refering to racism in general to make the point, not saying they are the same, merely that there would be an uproar if Blair for example was to start a party called English Love English in the same vain, which I guess there would be.

You're asking for trouble Scampy. Stop it! (There are dark and evil forces out there that I cannot control :o ).

Anyway, have a good flight. I'm sure you'll find an Internet cafe somewhere in the UK. And a travel agent! :D

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GS, whilst you're back in poor old blighty, learn more Thai, what's this halfway meeting you refer to? Do you speak the first half of sentences in Thai and end in English? You're in their country, if you want to be loved and\or respected you've got to meet them on their terms, learn the language or at least try your best. You'll meet women outside the bar scene who are not gold diggers.

Once Thailand is in your blood there's no cure if deprived. One could survive a summer in the UK but come November the debilitating and degenerative disease ,S.A.T. (sadly away from Thailand), takes hold, resulting in loss of appetite and a lingering depression, only cured by an immediate return.

Back by December 10 is my prediction. Perhaps RDN could set up a members poll for this one?


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Once Thailand is in your blood there's no cure if deprived. One could survive a summer in the UK but come November the debilitating and degenerative disease ,S.A.T. (sadly away from Thailand), takes hold, resulting in loss of appetite and a lingering depression, only cured by an immediate return.

Not forgetting S.A.D

What is SAD?

Winter Scene SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) is a type of winter depression that affects an estimated half a million people every Winter between September and April, in particular during December, January and February.

It is caused by a biochemical imbalance in the hypothalamus due to the shortening of daylight hours and the lack of sunlight in winter.

For many people SAD is a seriously disabling illness, preventing them from functioning normally without continuous medical treatment.

For others, it is a mild but debilitating condition causing discomfort but not severe suffering. We call this subsyndromal SAD or 'winter blues.'

totster :o

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I think he's refering to racism in general to make the point, not saying they are the same, merely that there would be an uproar if Blair for example was to start a party called English Love English in the same vain, which I guess there would be.

You're asking for trouble Scampy. Stop it! (There are dark and evil forces out there that I cannot control :o ).

Anyway, have a good flight. I'm sure you'll find an Internet cafe somewhere in the UK. And a travel agent! :D

Can't get into this debate now, I have to pack.

I will be back, but not soon - I need a break from having a really good time.

P.S. Ambassador contacted me this morning saying he will retire at 100 posts. :D

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Before I go, I was just wondering...

If Mr Thaksin had to choose between his Thai Rak Thai party or the Tourism Authority of Thailand, which would it be?

It's a fair guess that in England, Mr Blair would favour tourism over The National Front, and I'm sure even our friend Mr Bush would put the KKK in second place at least.

This is going to sound like I am leaving with a bitter taste in my mouth which I'm not, I mean nothing really bad has happened to provoke this last post from the LOS but it's more inspired by those who've asked why I'm not heading straight back here as soon as I've got the flight money.

The first reason is because I don't have a girlfriend or wife in Thailand so what, at this stage in my life, would be the point?

The second is that generally in Thailand, I feel that in am not liked because I have white skin, and although I've seen many a smile over the years, I couldn't tell you how clean the teeth were because I've been looking at the eyes.

I'm not bitter about it and do not hold it against them because I would probably be just as racist myself under the same circumstances, but I have no one keeping me here and generally my presence as a farang is not appriciated so why-oh, and they don't speak my language, -so why should I want to stay? 

The food? :D

Some of you will have read thus far and will possibly be planning a rant on how I should learn the language and embrace the culture, but to be fair - I have met them half way, and I don't believe that the Thai's who are anti farang, be it pro-activly, secretly, or subconciously - have embraced their own culture enough, let alone ours, and certainly not the positive aspects of ours at that.

I will of course return to Thailand but only to see my friends, both Thai and farang, but all the while that most of the country are following a leader who gives them anti farang ideas because they are not educated enough to think for themselves, I will only lose enthusiasm for the place.

Most farangs seem to be under the impression that Thai people like them, well maybe they do but 'like' is a rather vague word in this case... Do the Thai people like and appreciate them for who they are?

Money is obviously an issue I don't want to get too much into, but how much money you have DOES affect how you are viewed in Thailand, more so than anywhere else I have been which is why I still wear sandals and don't waste my money on jewellry just because I can.

The old fasioned western version of love is 'in sickness and in health', 'warts and all', and that my friends, includes sandles.

See, I don't understand why some of the farangs I know, moan because their girlfriend is asking for money for the family or for themselves, I would have to ask myself what the main motive in the relationship was (well I wouldn't even have to ask) ..I also know a very wealthy farang who has a lovely wife (who I think is from the country), who's family, like her, don't ask for or expect a bean - could this possibly be because he is appreciated for his qualities as a human being and not his huge townhouse or wallet, and that there IS genuine love there?

Sadly, most Thai-Farang relationships that I see, do not seem to be based on true love, and perhaps the majority of the country's biggest downfall in many cases is being with the wrong person, be it their leader or be it the lager lout boyfriend who fly's out from London twice a year to get his oats, teach her about football in the belief that her nodding her head means she's taking an interest, and hold her hand as she gets out of the taxi outside the embassy, both as totally and as utterly clueless as each other of what it's all about. :o

Some of us are lucky enough to find a genuine significant other in Thailand and most of us all have genuine Thai friends, and we all hold onto them because they are not easy to find...  I could tell you about  Noy in Samui, (my Thai 'sister'), Cartoon the travel agent - another one I could call on if in need, even a few aquaintances like the old moto driver at the end of the road who feels awkward charging me because we have such real conversation  - all these peo-Elsie is another one, all these people have good heads on their shoulders and genuine hearts, and their thoughts are not influenced by others... 

They also don't like to be told what to do or patronized which is why I can only assume that none of them are supporters of T Shinny.

And that means more to me than any smile.

See you in Blighty. :D

Scamp old man, it wasn't all for naught; you got some quality shags out of it and even quite a few mercy shags I'd venture to guess. One thing to remember: Asia is not a land of bleeding hearts, they appear to like you as you say, but they have deeper concerns of their own and can't be bothered with your hardships. They will help when they can, but don't try to go into their heads. It's not worth it; just roll, that's what they do.

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Before I go, I was just wondering...

If Mr Thaksin had to choose between his Thai Rak Thai party or the Tourism Authority of Thailand, which would it be?

It's a fair guess that in England, Mr Blair would favour tourism over The National Front, and I'm sure even our friend Mr Bush would put the KKK in second place at least.

This is going to sound like I am leaving with a bitter taste in my mouth which I'm not, I mean nothing really bad has happened to provoke this last post from the LOS but it's more inspired by those who've asked why I'm not heading straight back here as soon as I've got the flight money.

The first reason is because I don't have a girlfriend or wife in Thailand so what, at this stage in my life, would be the point?

The second is that generally in Thailand, I feel that in am not liked because I have white skin, and although I've seen many a smile over the years, I couldn't tell you how clean the teeth were because I've been looking at the eyes.

I'm not bitter about it and do not hold it against them because I would probably be just as racist myself under the same circumstances, but I have no one keeping me here and generally my presence as a farang is not appriciated so why-oh, and they don't speak my language, -so why should I want to stay? 

The food? :D

Some of you will have read thus far and will possibly be planning a rant on how I should learn the language and embrace the culture, but to be fair - I have met them half way, and I don't believe that the Thai's who are anti farang, be it pro-activly, secretly, or subconciously - have embraced their own culture enough, let alone ours, and certainly not the positive aspects of ours at that.

I will of course return to Thailand but only to see my friends, both Thai and farang, but all the while that most of the country are following a leader who gives them anti farang ideas because they are not educated enough to think for themselves, I will only lose enthusiasm for the place.

Most farangs seem to be under the impression that Thai people like them, well maybe they do but 'like' is a rather vague word in this case... Do the Thai people like and appreciate them for who they are?

Money is obviously an issue I don't want to get too much into, but how much money you have DOES affect how you are viewed in Thailand, more so than anywhere else I have been which is why I still wear sandals and don't waste my money on jewellry just because I can.

The old fasioned western version of love is 'in sickness and in health', 'warts and all', and that my friends, includes sandles.

See, I don't understand why some of the farangs I know, moan because their girlfriend is asking for money for the family or for themselves, I would have to ask myself what the main motive in the relationship was (well I wouldn't even have to ask) ..I also know a very wealthy farang who has a lovely wife (who I think is from the country), who's family, like her, don't ask for or expect a bean - could this possibly be because he is appreciated for his qualities as a human being and not his huge townhouse or wallet, and that there IS genuine love there?

Sadly, most Thai-Farang relationships that I see, do not seem to be based on true love, and perhaps the majority of the country's biggest downfall in many cases is being with the wrong person, be it their leader or be it the lager lout boyfriend who fly's out from London twice a year to get his oats, teach her about football in the belief that her nodding her head means she's taking an interest, and hold her hand as she gets out of the taxi outside the embassy, both as totally and as utterly clueless as each other of what it's all about. :o

Some of us are lucky enough to find a genuine significant other in Thailand and most of us all have genuine Thai friends, and we all hold onto them because they are not easy to find...  I could tell you about  Noy in Samui, (my Thai 'sister'), Cartoon the travel agent - another one I could call on if in need, even a few aquaintances like the old moto driver at the end of the road who feels awkward charging me because we have such real conversation  - all these peo-Elsie is another one, all these people have good heads on their shoulders and genuine hearts, and their thoughts are not influenced by others... 

They also don't like to be told what to do or patronized which is why I can only assume that none of them are supporters of T Shinny.

And that means more to me than any smile.

See you in Blighty. :D

I think we've seen this before, right?

Farang decides to leave Thailand.

Farang starts giving himself reasons to leave Thailand.

Farang starts slagging the place off in their final weeks.

Scamp - unless you can start to see people as individuals as opposed to 'Them', then you are as guilty of racism as anyone else. How can you complain.

Treat everyone on their own merits, do not make assumptions about the masses, the locals are not a nest of ants.

When in Japan, a bunch of my colleagues over there told me why they liked me more than my American boss. They said "You treat us like people, your boss treats us like Japanese people."

Perhaps your low opinions of the locals (not the ones you met just the 'masses', right ?) shows through when you engage with them.

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The Gentleman Scamp - All the best in blighty. Have enjoyed reading your posts from afar - got a feeling being back in England is not going to stop you from posting!

Been a pleasure...

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