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Is The Taxi Service A Taxi Service


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Why NO meters,cause the meters are set too low, in bkk you have a big area,pattaya from jomteim to naklua around 12ks radius,city hall have put on too many taxi's and they are in competion with baht bus'es [songthaw]that run the regular routes again unlike bkk.nearly ALL taxis are driven by drivers who work for the owners paying the owner between 800.1000bt a day plus petrol gas etc,before they make a baht,the trouble with the drivers WHO ARE NOT MAFIA NOR ARE THE OWNERS, is that they think like thias, easy come easy go,i not give in,,they dont realise once they get some one in the taxi they can promote themselves to take people to airport,etc,but again most dont speak or want to learn english.Again owners [mafia] do not tell the drivers what to do,its their own stupid selves that bring them undone.before when my wife was driving one she use to say to a customer who had asked another taxi how much to ?.

and he knock the customer back cause would not pay his price ,wife would under cut him cause he would not come down.and get fares later on to [zoo etc].

the taxis have radios but company donth have radio service,also have GPS rarely used.how do i know i own 2 of the em.ME BIG MAFIA FROM AUSTRALIA...its the same with the baht buse's drivers dont own them

SO people like jinthing WHO ALWAYS COMPLAIN and have nothing better to do,do your home work.


Doesn't sound like you've ever been to Pattaya, Cat.

The 'taxi's are owned and run by the Baht Bus Co-operative whi are owned and run by the police and City Hall.

They have no interest in providing a publicly convenient transport system and when a private company attempted to do so they made sure they were shut down,


You must be able to read better than me, been trying to make sense of Cat's post, I think he says he owns two, Meter Taxi or Baht Bus, Bangkok or Pattaya?

Just seems a lot of biased drivel, you do not have to be Einstein to work out some people are making mega bucks out of fleecing tourists, whether it is the BB & Taxi drivers or the people who own the vehicles but for 500B for a ride that will probably not cost more than 50B in Bangkok is a total rip off, if taxi drivers refuse to use their meters then their taxis should be impounded for a week.

Too many Baht Busses running around empty polluting the area because they all want work the same lucrative routs Jomtien to Nakula Beach and Second Road, no proper service Pattaya North, Central, South, Thepisit or the Darkside, they really need regulating.

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