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Warning About Repair Shop In Pantip Plaza


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Replace the motherboard, they're cheap. Better yet, gut the old laptop and instal all-new components. Have the shop put your current hard drive in a box so you can plug it in as an external drive and transfer all the data you want to keep.

In my Lenovo, nearly three years old, I just installed the latest Intel chipset and a newer, larger hard drive. Total cost 4500 baht, including all parts and labour. A lot cheaper than buying a new computer. I did at Pantip Plaza in Bangkok and they did a splendid job.

This would be great! My laptop has the high resolution screen, the IBM keyboard I like, the nipple mouse control, fingerprint scanner etc. If I can replace the innards for 4500 that would be fantastic.

Did you replace the motherboard, graphics chip, memory etc or just the CPU? And did you replace with Lenovo parts or standard off the shelf parts?

I replaced the whole lot. All aftermarket, third-party parts. The laptop is a gem now.

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I would never take a computer to Pantip for repairs. Too many horror stories. I have taken my HP to the HP service center on Rama IV and they diagnosed it for free. Told me what part I needed and were willing to fix it for a very reasonable price. The IBM service center is out near Victory Monument and there are other dealer service centers around. My experience is that they are no more expensive than the hacks at Pantip.

The OP and most others on this forum are in Chiang Mai. Rama IV road and/or the Victory Monument is a bit far for us to to go for computer repairs...

/ Priceless

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Like jackr said, you can probably buy a new Acer or HP or whatever netbook, or one of the very reasonably priced low end laptops (major brands), for somewhere between 12,000 to 15,000 B. And they will probably spank the pee-pee of your old Think Pad, performance-wise.

I'm still on the same (antique) HP Pavilion- 5 years old and still chugging along.

But when it dies, it gets donated to a charity, and I'll buy a new inexpensive netbook.

For a fraction of what I paid for this one...

PS- never leave a laptop on all the time, they can't handle the heat buildup. And always use a surge protected charging source.

PPS- don't get emotionally attached to a computer. Soon as you fix the motherboard....the HDD will die. Sad, but true. 3-4 years tops is average for most laptops.

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Like jackr said, you can probably buy a new Acer or HP or whatever netbook, or one of the very reasonably priced low end laptops (major brands), for somewhere between 12,000 to 15,000 B. And they will probably spank the pee-pee of your old Think Pad, performance-wise.

I'm still on the same (antique) HP Pavilion- 5 years old and still chugging along.

But when it dies, it gets donated to a charity, and I'll buy a new inexpensive netbook.

For a fraction of what I paid for this one...

PS- never leave a laptop on all the time, they can't handle the heat buildup. And always use a surge protected charging source.

PPS- don't get emotionally attached to a computer. Soon as you fix the motherboard....the HDD will die. Sad, but true. 3-4 years tops is average for most laptops.

How about an IBM T42 over 5 years old and for the last 2 years only turned off for a restart on the odd occasion...as i said...there are laptops and there are IBM thinkpads, Take a look around all the small repair shops around the back of pantip and you will notice all these guys use thinkpads...theres a reason.

Edited by tingtongfarang
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I would never take a computer to Pantip for repairs. Too many horror stories. I have taken my HP to the HP service center on Rama IV and they diagnosed it for free. Told me what part I needed and were willing to fix it for a very reasonable price. The IBM service center is out near Victory Monument and there are other dealer service centers around. My experience is that they are no more expensive than the hacks at Pantip.

The OP and most others on this forum are in Chiang Mai. Rama IV road and/or the Victory Monument is a bit far for us to to go for computer repairs...

/ Priceless

There is however a HP service center on Chang Klan Road, Dell even do on-site repairs at your home or office, and I believe Lenovo is around as well. (Not sure, I'm sure the HP center is busier than the Lenovo one as their crap breaks all the %*(#*$# time. :) )

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How about an IBM T42 over 5 years old and for the last 2 years only turned off for a restart on the odd occasion...as i said...there are laptops and there are IBM thinkpads, Take a look around all the small repair shops around the back of pantip and you will notice all these guys use thinkpads...theres a reason.

A reason... uhmmm let me think..... "They're so ugly that nobody would want to steal one, and so heavy that they wouldn't get very far if they tried?" :)

(Kidding.. typing this on a T61. (Most models start with T's, like the Russian tank series that seems to have served as a design inspiration. :D Here's your T-42: http://www.toadmanstankpictures.com/t42_01.jpg )

Edited by WinnieTheKhwai
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How about an IBM T42 over 5 years old and for the last 2 years only turned off for a restart on the odd occasion...as i said...there are laptops and there are IBM thinkpads, Take a look around all the small repair shops around the back of pantip and you will notice all these guys use thinkpads...theres a reason.

A reason... uhmmm let me think..... "They're so ugly that nobody would want to steal one, and so heavy that they wouldn't get very far if they tried?" :)

(Kidding.. typing this on a T61. (Most models start with T's, like the Russian tank series that seems to have served as a design inspiration. :D Here's your T-42: http://www.toadmanstankpictures.com/t42_01.jpg )

Yes you have to admit they are sturdy although i dont find them so heavy or ugly...admited they dont have flashing lights or built in web cams but they are functional and were never designed for that end of the market, I have 4 of them but one belongs to the company i work for...they supply all consultants with IBM and the it guy tells this supply of laptops would only work with ibm as they get used and abused too much.....i even got one which was infested with ants!

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