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Pills In My Drink. Uh Oh


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I've been a long time reader of this forum, but finally decided to register today. I've always been able to search past postings and find answers to my questions without the need to register, post and waste everyone's time rehashing resolved issues. I've been living in Thailand for nearly a year now, and offer my most sincere gratitude to all that have contributed to this wonderful resource.

The time has come for me to ask a question and take the pulse of the community on an issue I have dealt with this week. As you might guess, it does involve a Thai lady that I have been dating for about a month. (I can hear the groaning already). I'll try to keep this brief, but give you necessary details. We are both in our mid 30's and work in the nightlife and entertainment industry. I am a musician, and she is a bartender. I've never paid her any money for companionship, and it has been fairly casual meeting up for dinner after work and the occasional "extra curricular" activities.

Last night we were both off work and met up for dinner with some of her Thai friends. It was a great evening, and we all had a great time. We retired to my apartment to watch a movie, and she began insisting that I have a beer from the fridge. I hadn't been drinking, and hadn't really wanted one, but she insisted. I'm typically a pretty observant person, and always keep an eye on things especially when there are women involved. I saw her slip something into my glass and the alarm bells started to ring. Upon fishing out a small purple pill, I asked her about it. She denied any knowledge of it, and I explained that I saw her put it in there. I pointed out her actions and that I felt she was trying to "trick" me somehow. I have zero tolerance for that sort of thing and told her that it was time for her to go. She immediately began crying and apologizing all over herself, and at one point I thought I was actually going to have to call the security guard to help carry her out. She told me that her friend had given her the pill to give to me so that I could "enjoy more". She proclaimed repeatedly that she was sorry and that she would never do it again. Needless to say, I was already angry and not in the mood for any more company. It was time call it a night.

Throughout the course of the night and today, she called and texted me repeatedly, crying and apologetic. I answered the first couple, but found the conversation to be less than productive. What it boils down to is that she says she cares for me and is sorry for her actions. I tell her that I care for her, but she has lost my trust. I was really beginning to like her, and am disappointed to say the least. My first instinct is to drop the whole thing like a "hot rock" and move along. I am however a sucker sometimes and fall victim to a pretty face and a few tears. Oh decisions, decisions.

So, there you have it. I would love to hear your opinions, and appreciate any input. Please don't beat me up too badly just because of my "newbie" status. You've got enough to work with on the content of the post alone.


Thanks in advance for anything you might have to offer.

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She seems to have meant well, with her little 'surprise' in your drink, and you have taught her a lesson not to do it again. I hope that you two can resolve your relationship over time. Who knows what she was trying to do but she meant it as something good for you, although who knows?

Trust that you know her and that this foolish trick surprise will not happen again if you can get her honest word on it.


<ed: two typos>

PS: I don't think that this girl was out to get you in that little joke, but we can't be sure what she put in the pill. The evidence might be found by remembering if you two have ever spent a night in the same room and you've been asleep and woken up with her at your side before. If she was out to do you wrong, that would have been her opportunity. I get a feeling it was some sort of sexy prank that went wrong, but know not what was in that purple pill she put in your drink.

Edited by SeanMoran
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Assuming this is for real: you saved the pill; have it tested- preferably by a police lab where you make it clear that someone slipped it into your drink against your knowledge. No one who attempts to sneak any kind of potential drug into your body (potentially from poison to amphetamines to aphrodisiacs) deserves the benefit of the doubt in this case. If it's harmless, then you should still say your goodbyes- the trust issue- and if not, then you have the beginnings of a police case (or at least a complaint that will go on her record).

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If you are not trolling I wonder why you even ask advice here, It is clip and clear that you should dump her as trust is gone.

Even of it was something to "enjoy more" it could have been something that you would crave for a next time. Easy to get mentally hooked on stuff.

If you want drugs for enjoyment it is for you to decide, not for someone else to slip it into your drink. It also proofs the mindset of the woman who doesn't object to a kind of drug use, and worse , forces it upon another person.

It also could have been a sleeping pill and when you wake up something is gone.

Dump her, and never ever let her in your house again.

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Absolutely nuts to stay with someone who slips you drugs.

Whether you believe they don't know what it was makes no difference. In fact, what kind of irresponsible idiot gives someone drugs without their knowledge when they don't even know what the drug is? What if you have a medical condition like high blood pressure that's non-visible and the drug interacted with it or the medication?

BTW, the crying is more likely fear of you going to the police. Thai jail is something to cry over

Edited by Theyreallrubbish
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Bail out bud. If she wanted some fireworks from you she would have told you about the "wonder pill" Would you have done it to her ?. Bail out. Walk :)

"Walk"???? [b] Run.!!!! [/b] It does not matter what it is / was.... "a friend gave it to me to give to you"??? That means that she possbly did not know what it really was either.... Stupid thing to do, attempted by an even Stupider person.... I mean it's not like there is any Shortage of Attractive Thai women available, especially to a Musician...


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My first instinct is to drop the whole thing like a "hot rock" and move along

You said it mate.

Your brain knows what is the right thing to do but little Nong Chai between your legs has a different opinion.

You don't need us to tell you what to do; you already know it.

Your choice - common sense or Nong Chai? :)

Edited by Mobi
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My first instinct is to drop the whole thing like a "hot rock" and move along

You said it mate.

Your brain knows what is the right thing to do but little Nong Chai between your legs has a different opinion.

You don't need us to tell you what to do; you already know it.

Your choice - common sense or Nong Chai? :)

She didn't mean to hu-urt yo-hoo,

She didn't mean ... to make you cry-heiahiaie,

She didn't mean to hu-urt-t you-hoo,

She's just a jealous Gai,


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If your instincts have kept you alive & well then keep on trusting them.

I think you know you've made the right decision already.

There are lots of genuine people out there who don't go around slipping things into peoples drinks.

Cheers & Good Luck

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If your instincts have kept you alive & well then keep on trusting them.

I think you know you've made the right decision already.

There are lots of genuine people out there who don't go around slipping things into peoples drinks.

Cheers & Good Luck

Yep. I've reread your OP and have changed my mind. You've only knlown her a month, and unless there wiere sky-rockets every time you looked in her eyes and you knew this was the girl you've waited all your life to meet, then she's just another wench from the street, so dump her, and hopefully she won't make the same mistake again.

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The usual M.O. is to slip you a sleeping (or stronger) pill, and call her friend who is waiting with the pickup truck when you're out good. Gives them plenty of time to break into safes or remove them altogether.

Problem is dosage, some people wake up with a headache, some never wake up again.

Also some tables make you forget the last hour or so before you go to sleep and make you highly suggestive to giving out PIN codes etc. (Dormicum and its deriverates)

So, yeah don't walk. RUN.

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What you need to do is establish what drug this tablet contains then you can be more sure of her motives.

Were there any letters or numbers on the tablet ?

are you for real sir? re- mrukrulkes

only thing to do is drop all contact with her. she wanted to rob you, plain and simple!

if you believe otherwise you deserve to be robbed ! another guy who think thai girls really liked his company :):D:D .id wager the majority see a score(moneywise, not boyfriend).

sidenote-it must be tough being a bargirl. i see so many with no customers, how do they survive?

Edited by jimmyredcab444
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Sounds like she is very stupid or very dangerous, or maybe even a combination.

If it was some sort of stimulant then she gave no thought of the side effects it may have had and the possible consequences.

If it was something like GBH or Ketamine then who knows what could have happened to you.

Only a chemical test will give an indication of her likely intentions.

Either way she would be on my list of ex's it it were me involved.

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Still my gut feeling tells me that this girl was put up to it by a friend, because if she was an expert at drugging people, you'd never have seen that pill in your drink. She meant you no harm, but unknowingky did you a very bad thing, and although it WAS a bad thing, I get the feeling she wanted to do something to helpp along your libido, and after knowing her for a month, there's little doubt that she wasn't about to try to rip you off, but meant things to go well, and just went about it the wrong way.

I hope that you might forgiver her oneday, because I don't think she meant you any harm in this foolish and dangerous escapade that she was put up to by a friend. Just remember that her friends mean more to her than you ever will.

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with replys like the one above no wonder thai girls think they can get away with anything.

the guys problem was not giving the bartender compensation, she sees everyone else getting paid for sex, what makes her different (she must be thinking to herself) :):D

Edited by jimmyredcab444
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I tend to think that a friend of hers put her up to it with no malice intended. However, her designs could certainly have been much more sinister. If there is any way to have the pill tested I would do that. Can you find out from her what it was, then get a lab test done? That's how I would play it. It will certainly help the lab and ease your costs if you have some idea what the pill contained, otherwise it is an 'unknown' and testing could be expensive.

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Why are we even wondering what her motives were? Why hasn't the pill been identified yet? What is the op thinking? GET THE PILL IDENTIFIED. Evidence in his hand and he does nothing with it? Something wrong here. I would be up all night that night getting the pill identified by police after telling them someone tried to drug me.

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Dump her man.

You dont just drug someone without tellling them, even if its just a "recreational" drug. Thats not cool, if you know you were taking something you expect the effect, if you dont know than it is &lt;deleted&gt; scary.

Trust me, I had an ex back home thought it would be a laugh to spike my drink with acid. Imagine when you suddenly start feeling the effects without being prepared for it... I dumped her on the spot when she told me.

Even if she was not going to do "bad" things to you, it is a serious (IMO) lapse of judgement.

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if this for real,,there's only one real choice,,,,bail out while you can,,big alarm bells sounding,,dont think it was a sex pill,,most dont mix with alcohol

if you decide to stay with this girl,,book hotel room of your choice for aleast the first 50yrs,,then nip off to meet family when your about 85yrs old,,post your decision,,would be good reading

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after being here nine years i would advise you to dump her, bad news, if her intentions were good why not tell you first. it could have been yaba or anything, ask yourself how did she get access to the drug and what type of friends does she have. obviously i do not know but i would bet it was a knock out drug. again only my opinion but free extra curicular activities are extremely rare over here, but then maybe i am biased as i had 30 odd of the little darlings work with me. plenty more fish in the sea why take the risk, if you are really smitten tell her to get another pill and insist she take it whilst you watch. if its just a bit of fun drug why not. taking an illegal drug to the police will probably get you a stay in the bkk hilton, DONT go near the police with it. I would be thinking worse case scenorio, in that she might be part of a group who do this sort of thing for a living. anyway doubt she will go easy they hardly ever do, the tears usually turn to anger then watch out.


Edited by NALAK
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Sound's like this pill is valium. If it's about 3/16" long by just over 1/8" wide, and mauvey blue incolour that's it. it's a very strong sleeping tablet and you would have been out for the count in 20min: last for 6 hour's minimum. If Im right report to BIB at once. Of course that's if youve still got it, if not dont bother as it's farang or Thai and I know who will win. Walk, run. No fly away. It's a shi..er.

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