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Pills In My Drink. Uh Oh


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I'm glad the OP has it all sorted (well action and reaction at least). Good to be on the safe side and as many have said "the trust was broken". Onwards to bigger and better things, I hope.

I did want to contribute a reference photo for future use by boardies. Pictured are real US Pharmaceutical ED pills. Viagra, Cialis, and Levitra (in that order left to right).


I hope it helps, if you ever need to visually identify your ED pill. Fakes can be made to look identical so, as the Chinese say "Before drinking the water, consider the source", which while intended to be the moral of an entirely different story seems applicable here as well :)

Oh, and I did find this on another forum from someone trying to identify a small purple tablet:

Morphine Sulfate 30mg (M S Contin)Its the only thing that I know that is small round and purple.

It has a M on one side and 30 on the other, its a timed release pill, maybe someone scratched off the coating partialy, making it look like it says a different letter.

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I'm glad the OP has it all sorted (well action and reaction at least). Good to be on the safe side and as many have said "the trust was broken". Onwards to bigger and better things, I hope.

I did want to contribute a reference photo for future use by boardies. Pictured are real US Pharmaceutical ED pills. Viagra, Cialis, and Levitra (in that order left to right).


I hope it helps, if you ever need to visually identify your ED pill. Fakes can be made to look identical so, as the Chinese say "Before drinking the water, consider the source", which while intended to be the moral of an entirely different story seems applicable here as well :)

Oh, and I did find this on another forum from someone trying to identify a small purple tablet:

Morphine Sulfate 30mg (M S Contin)Its the only thing that I know that is small round and purple.

It has a M on one side and 30 on the other, its a timed release pill, maybe someone scratched off the coating partialy, making it look like it says a different letter.

Highly doubtfull she would waste morphine sulphate(especially that oxycotin is not available in Thailand) due to the sheer cost of the hospital visit & 1000 baht for the dose. If she got it outside a hospital the charge would be more on the black market.

Sounds like xanax to me. Although ecstasy comes in many colors -again at the price for ex it would be a losing adventure for the girl.

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What you need to do is establish what drug this tablet contains then you can be more sure of her motives.

Were there any letters or numbers on the tablet ?

Bo66ocks, there are no good reasons for spiking someones drink!!

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I don't agree that you should insta-dump her.

IMO, it depends on what the pill is and this is why you should get it tested.

If it is Viagra or something that is generally harmless, you know she meant no harm and is telling the truth. If it is a sleeping pill or similar, you know for sure she was up to no good. If it is Ecstasy or similar, you can make your own judgment based on how you feel about recreational drugs.

Bottom line; get it tested.

The fact is she put a pill in his drink and didn't know what it was herself. She was risking his health/life. Even if the pill turns out to be pure sugar the fact is she still had the intention of drugging him.

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Ecstasy is very likely, it comes in all sorts of colors and shapes. Cambodia is one of if not the top source for sassafras oil used in making MDMA, the active ingredient. It would also be something a person involved in the nightclub/bar scene would have easy access to. Yabaa/ice/meth also comes in varied shapes and colors and a single hit is as cheap as 20B.

Anyone willing to slip you something without your knowledge, whether it be legal, illegal, or even a fricking Flintstones chewable vitamin is someone never to be trusted.

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The fact is anyone who puts anything into ones drink without their knowledge needs to be thrown out immediately. She also lied saying she didnt do it. No matter what it was how the hel_l she doesnt know u have a medical condition that the so called purple pill could have escalated.

My opinion dump her like a hot rock and never have contact with her again. Anyway u knowing she did this (breached yr trust) how will the relationship work anyway. Your going to be looking over your shoulder forever

just an aussie opinion.. good luck

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Xanax are also light purple in color...one of those and a beer will knock you out pretty quick.
got a feeling that a trade name for valium

Similar but slightly different chemical make-up (diazapam vs alprazolam). Xanax are also stronger ie. have more of a knockout effect but with the addition of alcohol the result would be the same.

And Alprazolam (Xanax) are white if memory serves me right.


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that bit*h was trying to spike you <deleted>, wise up and smell the coffee, she wanted to rob you and god only knows if you would wake up from it or not and how much you would lose, these thai girls can put the waterworks on at the flick of a switch , some of them would put katherine hepburn to shame , you better wise up and quick and get rid of the whore

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You should have made her drink it, and watch her reaction. It could be viagra or something harlmess, but that would be a good test. If she dropped the whole pill in there for the world to see, then she didn't have much experience.

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that bit*h was trying to spike you <deleted>, wise up and smell the coffee, she wanted to rob you and god only knows if you would wake up from it or not and how much you would lose, these thai girls can put the waterworks on at the flick of a switch , some of them would put katherine hepburn to shame , you better wise up and quick and get rid of the whore

c'mon dont hold back now :)

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Hindsight is always 20/20, and the more distance I get from this situation, the clearer things become. After following a few hints from the other posters, I quickly identified the most likely candidate for the type of pill it was. I'm pretty sure it was the Thai generic form of Xanax know as Xiemed. After seeing the picture of the purple 1mg tablet, I have little doubt in my mind.


I took one of the 5mg tabs by choice to sleep through some festival fireworks last year, and it put me out for about 10 hours.

I remember a few other pieces of information now as well. There was something about a friend of hers needing to stop by that night and pick up some work keys, but the details were not very clear. I now think a robbery was being plotted, but needless to say the "friend" never made it. I am inclined to think that her friends put her up to it. After the incident, she kept telling me that she does not care anymore about her friends and cares for me. This may or may not be true, but doesn't change anything in the end. She's lived in this city only a few months, and has fallen in with a shady crowd. Regardless of their character, they are her friends/family and she isn't likely to break ranks with them for the likes of me. I never claimed that she was the "sharpest tool in the shed" but had always treated me very kindly. Her actions showed me that she is gullible and irresponsible, and unfortunately made some poor choices. Obviously, her friends thought that dating me was poor judgement on her part, and who knows? It might have been. LOL

My phone was quiet till about 2:00am this morning, and now continues to ring about 20 or 30 times through the day and night. I have quit answering it and even turned it off at times. I hope she learns something from all this and changes her course, but my experience has been that it will be downhill from here. Unfortunately, she can probably chalk it up to "work experience" and be a little more sneaky the next time. I've seen and met some really nice girls that come here from the smaller villages. They get off the bus with wide eyes and a desire to make money. Within six months I've seen the same ones turn into the "epitome of evil incarnate".

The fish in the sea are plenty here, but so are the sharks. The trick is figuring out which one you have on the line. :)

No matter what happens to her, I dodged a bullet on this one. My thanks again to all those who contributed.

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A very serious issue this one. Many years ago I was out with a good friend and my wife. We had a feed and were watching a band and luckily Im a non drinker but the wife and friend were having a few. In the later part of the evening I became alarmed at the sudden deteriation of the sobriety of the wife and friend and actually summonsed the help of one of the bouncers there to get them into my car. I later ended up in a hospital with the pair of them, whos drinks had been spiked. They were quite ill and had I not been there either one of them or both of them could of fallen victim to some DANGEROUS brainless individual.

I actually returned to that same venue several weeks running to see if I could identify which person or people were responsible for what had happened to us, but was unable to.

Its a serious thing, this girl had absolutely no idea how the OP may react to whatever she was trying to give him.

I would of sent her packing so quickly she would of had whiplash.

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Nevermore you are a very amicable victim.

I wonder how your opinion would have shifted If the robbery had gone down as planned. Would you still feel she is just naive girl caught up with a bad crowd.

I imagine if it had happened she wouldn't be calling you today. :)

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Hindsight is always 20/20, and the more distance I get from this situation, the clearer things become. After following a few hints from the other posters, I quickly identified the most likely candidate for the type of pill it was. I'm pretty sure it was the Thai generic form of Xanax know as Xiemed. After seeing the picture of the purple 1mg tablet, I have little doubt in my mind.


I took one of the 5mg tabs by choice to sleep through some festival fireworks last year, and it put me out for about 10 hours.

They make 5mg Xanax (Alprazolam) tablets?? Thought they came in .5 and 1mg only? (Just did a search.. there apparently is 2mg as well, though I've not seen that available in Thailand)

Either way, it's pretty much impossible for one 1mg tablet to knock you out cold, or even do anything beyond making you more relaxed, a bit drowsy at best. (and especially not when you haven't been drinking as per your original post; It usually takes me 2 of those in addition to some alcohol to sleep on a flight, and then I'm by no means out cold, often waking up, etc.. (Yes I have a prescription). You basically get relaxed and a bit drowsy, but not enough to knock you out while any kind of serious shit is going on.

Edited by WinnieTheKhwai
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Thanks for all the replies, opinions, and advice. I apologize for the late reply, but I did have to work this evening. The verdict is in, and for the most part it is unanimous. I have given careful consideration to all the posts and have made up my mind. The real issue here was the action itself and not the intent. That was the part that pushed me over the fence. I am pretty well convinced that her intentions may have been harmless and well meant, but the approach and actions she took were simply unacceptable and possibly downright dangerous. This is not the kind of person I want to be spending my time with no matter how good the "benefits" are. I am saddened a bit by the whole thing because I had put a bit of effort into it only to do a "crash and burn". In the end, it could have been much worse had I let it continue.

I tried to identify the pill, but the little bit of "beer" damage that it received made it difficult. Down the sink it went, and out the door she will stay. I could put a great deal more effort into trying to figure out what it was, but what would really be the point? It could have been anything, but knowing what it was won't change the fact that she tried to sneak it up on me. Time to cut the cord, leave it behind, and keep moving along here. Running a partially dissolved tablet all over town trying to figure out what it is was not going to change the facts of how it got there. No matter what it was.

Thanks to everyone for adding some reason to my slightly sleep deprived day. The phone calls have stopped, and as long as I can make it through the night without a knock on my door, I'll be just fine. The night security guard downstairs has been warned, so that shouldn't be an issue.

Take care Everyone


right choice 100%, if you had taken it to a lab and it was an illegal substance, well you or her would have been in deep trouble. flushing it away was the best thing to do and forget about it and her. cant beleive some advice was to take what was possibly illegal to the BIB

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Hindsight is always 20/20, and the more distance I get from this situation, the clearer things become. After following a few hints from the other posters, I quickly identified the most likely candidate for the type of pill it was. I'm pretty sure it was the Thai generic form of Xanax know as Xiemed. After seeing the picture of the purple 1mg tablet, I have little doubt in my mind.


I took one of the 5mg tabs by choice to sleep through some festival fireworks last year, and it put me out for about 10 hours.

I remember a few other pieces of information now as well. There was something about a friend of hers needing to stop by that night and pick up some work keys, but the details were not very clear. I now think a robbery was being plotted, but needless to say the "friend" never made it. I am inclined to think that her friends put her up to it. After the incident, she kept telling me that she does not care anymore about her friends and cares for me. This may or may not be true, but doesn't change anything in the end. She's lived in this city only a few months, and has fallen in with a shady crowd. Regardless of their character, they are her friends/family and she isn't likely to break ranks with them for the likes of me. I never claimed that she was the "sharpest tool in the shed" but had always treated me very kindly. Her actions showed me that she is gullible and irresponsible, and unfortunately made some poor choices. Obviously, her friends thought that dating me was poor judgement on her part, and who knows? It might have been. LOL

My phone was quiet till about 2:00am this morning, and now continues to ring about 20 or 30 times through the day and night. I have quit answering it and even turned it off at times. I hope she learns something from all this and changes her course, but my experience has been that it will be downhill from here. Unfortunately, she can probably chalk it up to "work experience" and be a little more sneaky the next time. I've seen and met some really nice girls that come here from the smaller villages. They get off the bus with wide eyes and a desire to make money. Within six months I've seen the same ones turn into the "epitome of evil incarnate".

The fish in the sea are plenty here, but so are the sharks. The trick is figuring out which one you have on the line. :)

No matter what happens to her, I dodged a bullet on this one. My thanks again to all those who contributed.

are you sure it was not .5 mg i reckon 5 mg would have put you for longer, 1mg is enough for me and never seen it sold above that strength. if she keeps ringing just get another thai girl to answer it and tell she is your new girlfriend and to sod off. always worked for me.

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If it was illegal he would have already told them he wanted it checked because someone tried to drug him against his will. Hardly his drug. If they insisted he tell them who it did belong to he could happily point them at the girl, who deserves to spend some time in jail.

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Tomorrows topic: "My girlfriend wants to show me something on the balcony".

Lack of judgement seems to be the common trait among farangs in Thailand or many just don't care as long as the little one is seeing some action. Remember guys: There's a difference between those who visit the shadows and those who live there. Be careful when you enter the twilight zone!

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If it was illegal he would have already told them he wanted it checked because someone tried to drug him against his will. Hardly his drug. If they insisted he tell them who it did belong to he could happily point them at the girl, who deserves to spend some time in jail.

he does not know if it was illegal or not, why would he have already told them if he did not know and had flushed it away. since he is the one in possion of it then the BIB would assume possesion is 100% of the law. so the police have a farang with an illegal substance, he says Thai girl friend give it to me, who has most money in cops eyes.

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If it was illegal he would have already told them he wanted it checked because someone tried to drug him against his will. Hardly his drug. If they insisted he tell them who it did belong to he could happily point them at the girl, who deserves to spend some time in jail.

he does not know if it was illegal or not, why would he have already told them if he did not know and had flushed it away. since he is the one in possion of it then the BIB would assume possesion is 100% of the law. so the police have a farang with an illegal substance, he says Thai girl friend give it to me, who has most money in cops eyes.

Grow up. The police in this country are not all corrupt or stupid. Contrary to what many TV'ers think, bar girls do not have much clout with the police force.

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The common view is dump her. Makes sense to me. Why would anyone want to drug you? There must be a motive and i would guess render you "out cold" and rob you via the true "boyfriend" or even pick a pocket herself. You can take the girl out of the bar but you can never take the bar out of the girl. I am sure she is nice. Enjoy the meals, the roll in the hay but once she steps out of line...that it drugs you or tries to - DUMP HER. Move on my friend. Find a true decent lady and enjoy life. Can not be fun watching you back, drinks, food, valuables etc. So DUMP HER NOW! :)

Edited by jcartermad
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If it was illegal he would have already told them he wanted it checked because someone tried to drug him against his will. Hardly his drug. If they insisted he tell them who it did belong to he could happily point them at the girl, who deserves to spend some time in jail.

he does not know if it was illegal or not, why would he have already told them if he did not know and had flushed it away. since he is the one in possion of it then the BIB would assume possesion is 100% of the law. so the police have a farang with an illegal substance, he says Thai girl friend give it to me, who has most money in cops eyes.

Grow up. The police in this country are not all corrupt or stupid. Contrary to what many TV'ers think, bar girls do not have much clout with the police force.

Yes they are.

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