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Hepatitis A


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Just got diagnosed with Hepatitis A this morning. I guess living and travel through S.E.Asia leaves one open to this. Got a bit of medicine from Phuket Hospital, Samarin 70 Maloam-M 10.,

but reading up a little bit there doesn't appear to be too much one can do apart from manage ones diet (no alcohol, no fatty foods, no paracetamol) and give ones liver a chance to recover.

Apart from eating more garlic and perhaps drinking dandelion & burdock (an old kids dink I remember from the '50's) what else can I do to help me through the next few weeks.

Does anyone know silybum marianum ?

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First of all, my sympathies. I had Hep A in 1980 and still remember it well.... :):D :D

Afraid I can't offer anything by way of suggestion other than what you already know: give your liver optimal chance to heal itself by completely avoing alcohol, all medications unless absolutely essential, get plenty of rest and sleep, eat a healthy diet (hard, I know) and a good vitamin supplement esp the B vits.

For the benefit of other readers, please note there is an effective vaccine against Hep A nowadays so the disease can be prevented.

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I have always taken turmeric (ka-min in Thailand) to help with the liver - one teaspoon in a glass of water. I do not know whether it is advised with Hep-A. Good luck.

Hope you are keeping well,

All the Best,


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I was diagnosed and treated for Hep A in Bangkok in the mid 70s. It knocked me around a bit as there were some complications but the most important treatment was to keep off the turps for 6 months.

I have never heard of sillybum marinum but it might be related to this thread

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Yes, I'm doing all the right things and certainly no booze ( 2 gin & tonics a week hardly qualified me as a drinker anyway)

It's just that I feel so run down especially as this has come on top of "Delhi Belly" (actually I think it was from Medan) and a nasty dose of bronchitis that I've still got.

Thank heavens it's only Hep A.

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Yes, I'm doing all the right things and certainly no booze ( 2 gin & tonics a week hardly qualified me as a drinker anyway)

It's just that I feel so run down especially as this has come on top of "Delhi Belly" (actually I think it was from Medan) and a nasty dose of bronchitis that I've still got.

Thank heavens it's only Hep A.

Hope you feel better soon Ken.

As people have said you need to watch the diet, the alcohol and get the B vits.

I'll send you some stuff tomorrow in relation to diet by PM when I go back into work as I've left my bloody thumb drive in the office.

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It's also contagious. I had it from the Philippines. When I went to the emergency room in the USA, I was put in isolation until I was better. When your stools come back to normal, your OK. The doctor told me food servers who don't wash their hands are the main problem.

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