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It's Happened To Be In A Closet


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"It's Happened To Be in A Closet"

No folks, that apparently is not a grammatical error but the intentional name of a chain of coffee shops/fashion outlets around town.

Does anyone know why they spelled it like that? Is it a Thai person's poor take on trying to sound hip in English or is there some sort of joke that I am not getting?

Edited by Ozaemon
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There's a branch in the Emporium.

If I had to hazard a guess I would say that the owners had an over inflated opinion of their English language skills and didn't feel the need to consult a native speaker, and no-one would have been willing to risk the loss of face involved in pointing the error out.

This is a common occurrence in Thailand, and it's kind of frustrating given the numbers of English teachers and editors who would happily take a thousand baht or so to proof a small segment of text and make sure it made grammatical sense.

The name sounds totally absurd, but I doubt it makes any difference whatsoever to business, and probably only serves to annoy pedants like me.

That being said, their cakes do look very nice. :)

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It's so bad it's good. Makes you sit up and take notice. The closet obviously about the clothes. They just want to sell stuff and quite often stupid sells. Also bad English in Asia has become a kind of art form. It doesn't matter that it makes no sense if you don't really speak English. Examples, Japanese t-shirts with completely absurd, mangled English text.

Edited by Jingthing
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It's so bad it's good. Makes you sit up and take notice. The closet obviously about the clothes. They just want to sell stuff and quite often stupid sells. Also bad English in Asia has become a kind of art form. It doesn't matter that it makes no sense if you don't really speak English. Examples, Japanese t-shirts with completely absurd, mangled English text.

Behave Jingy it's Gibberish, Makes you sit up and take notice and then you have to laugh, Out of the closet would have been better.

It does matter that it makes no sense, where will it end

Honest my opinion in is that


Edited by Slaps
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Great shop and great people who are owning it.

Several years ago, a bunch of friends emptied their closets and started a second hand brand name clothing shop....

... which I am confident, that you cannot -even 2nd hand- afford!

Get your fact, before arguing stupidly! :)

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Good for them, but this thread is about the grammatical error in their business name, and the fact that they couldn't be bothered to get it checked before ordering business cards, signs etc.

BTW, why would anyone want to pay a lot of money for someone elses clothes?

Edited by jaiyenyen
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Great shop and great people who are owning it.

Several years ago, a bunch of friends emptied their closets and started a second hand brand name clothing shop....

... which I am confident, that you cannot -even 2nd hand- afford!

Get your fact, before arguing stupidly! :)

Get your fact, before arguing stupidly!

Oh dear. Mr lazygourmet not happy us talking about his Hi-So friends that sell second hand brand named clothing that none of us can afford. The sh!t I wouldn't wear even they were new, (well only a few bits but they were new)

Anyway the point is it's not about people it's about Grammar it's not about second hand clothes with few good copies from Korea slung in to keep things going when the next farang walks in. It's about the name of the thread

But you would have read that at the beginning


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Slightly off topic, but has anyone noticed the coffee shop situated on the frontage road just before the airport turn off on the Chonburi highway coming from BKK. STARBERKS and they even have the nerve to use the originals colour scheme.

:):D I've never noticed this! Please take a photo if you can!

Another one I just don't understand is the restaurant in Central World -- "Eat's My World".

This one is actually clever! If you have watched the cartoon "Ren & Stimpy", say the name of the restaurant in Ren's voice. Then you will understand! :D:D

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Is it wrong grammar?

Eiii, dunno.. it's not my native language.

Anybody helps instruct me the right one please.

By the way, this shop is named 'It's happened to be a closet', not 'in a closet'.

It's long time clothes shop in SiamSquare, then changed to do more in food, just like 'Greyhound' which is so successful for more decades than doing designing clothes.

IMO, It's..Closet's looking is nice but food.. Oh, I should have no comment, I just don't like them, compare taste to the price.. well, not worth trying.

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