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Satellite View Of Fires In South East Asia


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Odd that. I took a helicopter from Manila to Angeles last week, flying at about 700-1,000 feet, visibility excellent and only a few scattered fires to be seen.

Microlighting out of Doi Saket you can't count them on your fingers and toes and that's in the immediate vicinity.

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On Thai tv today, they showed a fire engine in Chiang Rai, spraying water into the air, I guess to clear the air.  A tad more useful if they simply went out on patrol with police, govt officials, extinguish the fires they find, fine the individuals involved, crack a few heads, generally let the people know this has to stop.  But no, much better to have a media event, & let the burning continue. 

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Maybe thats what that huge transport plane was doing over central Chiang Mai today, going round and round and round... either that or spraying farang mind control chemicals.

What we need is a particle catching cloud machine - or an ION beam particle deconflobulator made out of bamboo and rubber bands.



Edited by whiterussian
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To show Thailand's contribution I overlaid an outline map and animated it to make it more obvious. Need to click on the image and as it is 500k may take a little time for those with slow connections though testing it with my EDGE wasn't that long.


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I think in Thailand they've misunderstood the "reduce carbon footprint" concept.  They're reducing the carbon here by burning everything, to get all the carbon in the atmosphere so wind will take it elsewhere.  Thailand, zero carbon  :)

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To the tune of "Smoke Gets In Your Eyes"

They excuse my last "kachoo,"

As they are coughing too,

Oh, of course I replied,

Something in my chest has died

They claimed the air was good,

That I had mis-understood,

Oh, when your lungs turn brown,

You must never frown:

Smoke is not a joke

So I said their charts were just art,

Said we should doubt their brains

Yet today my health is blown apart,

The falling tears are acid-rain

Emphysema can't be denied,

This daze I cannot hide,

Oh, so I smile and croak

When I breathe in the haze

Smoke is not a joke,

Smoke is not a joke

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Today's map any better? :)

Not necessary to repost the image as it is a linked image to the site and when it changes on that site it will change here when reloading the page. Only realized that after looking at the image I posted which I copied this morning to the first image in the topic now and they weren't the same anymore. :D

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