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So, what happens when we want to divorcing?

Simple , just "don't want to divorcing"

You must have more faith in the relationship , perhaps not listen to "friends" so much.

When you grow up, you will find the answers to most of those questions yourself.


Begs agree with you

B) OR :DB):o OR wub.gif

UP to you Mot.

Wish you all the best


women in Thailand are like woman anywhere....from Venus (or is it Mars). Anyway, if you look after your woman, she will look after you. If she doesn't. Get a newer model!

Just out of interest. Did she take your name? And did you get it registered?


So, what happens when we want to divorcing?

-they go back to which ever go-go bar you pick them up

Will they take everything we have?

-don't worry buddy you won't have anything left for them to take

How we know that the wife’s doesn’t have any boyfriend?

-while you're at the office, the services man came to your house to many time



I am Kevin's wife,Thai woman. I never think I need his money and Thai guy. Some Thai woman doesn't like to do work ,so she needs your money. You marry her and happy man. Can we be alive for 100 years, can't we?

Now thats the answer from my Thai wife who is a school teacher with only 4 years til retirement,,she had often told me,"don't be spending your money on me and the kid[she has a daughter 13 years old],spend it on yourself" I am most happy and our marriage is legal and registered.Both here and USA.

I do have friends that might be taken,but when they got together with their Thai women,it was more like a business arrangement,so I do not see how it can be a coupling of true love.

Guest IT Manager

Mot, you sound like an intelligent man listening to a group of really stupid foreign barfly friends. Don't listen to them... listen to your heart.

Never tells lies never has anything to gain. If you are happy, don't change the love you have or the relationship.

Change your friends.

If they read the board, this is for them... get a life you barflies..

Mot, you sound like an intelligent man listening to a group of really stupid foreign barfly friends. Don't listen to them... listen to your heart.

Never tells lies never has anything to gain. If you are happy, don't change the love you have or the relationship.

Change your friends.

If they read the board, this is for them... get a life you barflies..


IT. Man.

Hope you do not include me in the Bar Flies in this thread by you.

I am happily married (by Thai Law in Thailand) to my Thai Palaya for the last 18 year now , and loving it.

Mai mee pen haa for me.

IT Man. Please.....

Mot asked and I answered in a nice way, me think.



Some of it can be true, it can happen. However, there are ways to make sure you cover yourself against being financially undressed. Example: Yes you can not own land, but you can lease for a lifetime. You might want to have it in your wife's name, but you can grant her a loan for the purchase money. So make sure you do not marry without a maritial contract. etc. etc. etc. And yes people are the same everywhere. However, in countries where people have less, they do more to survive.

I haven't lived in Thailand for about four years now (my problems see: http://forum.thaivisa.com/cgi-bin/ikonboar...t=0#entry23441)

But anyone can send me an e-mail for the things I know. [email protected]

Also anyone who can help me sort out some business/legal problems I have in Thailand, e-mail me, or at least read my message (see link above). Regards, Kris


Kan Win , I think I.T was referring to the "friends" that MOT mentioned in his original post. Barfly , hmmm I occasionally resemble that remark.



Mod, your thai friends might give you many good advice, coz they can see that you are true. Coz there are lots of bad stories about thai women, especially if one of you picked them from Bars.

But there are still millions of women who are as normal as other women in this world too....ask your heart....right and you are old enough to see or notice..if this is real love or not.

If woman really loves you, she wont want anything from you. And if she wants....she would feel embarrested to ask too. And she will care of you, look after you.

She will think of you and she will be happy to live with you.

I am a thai woman too, and married with European, and I do really love my husband and I never let him pay for me....coz I know he doesnt have. How can i let him do if he doesnt have money ? He must not take good care of my family in thailand. And I am thanksful that we lead a peaceful and happy life together even we are not rich. So, there are still lots of thai girls who really love her guys too.

Think positive. And ask your instinct if you got the right one ?

Good Luck Mod !




if you are older than 14 (which I presume you are), then you should know where to draw the line when it comes to listening to your so-called friends.

Obviously, you want to take care of yourself and make sure the lady isn't going to reel you in, chew you up then spit you out. But if you are so paranoid and distrust your wife so much, what is the point of the relationship at all?

Just like in any other countries, choose your mate wisely.

You ask whether Thai women marry foreigner for love or money. Well, obviously, it depends on the person. If you ask me, a Thai woman married to a foreigner, I don't need/want my husband money. I've got my own. I don't need/want another bf on the side Thai or farang. I am already very happpy in this relaationship think you very much! So, I guess it must be love rather than money if one must choose between the two.

Agree with dr_Pat_Pong here. This woman you are talking about is your WIFE for Pete's sake!?! I suggest you consider spending your time building a good marriage with her instead of pre-occupying yourself with your (for now) imaginary problems.


It really irks me the amount of times you hear this " marrying Farang for money " thing.

Here in Australia the divorce rate is pretty high (50% maybe more) so a marriage breakdown is a distinct possibility. Most "ex wives" are feral and go for the throat when it comes to settlement of joint possesions and child support, the Farang women are pretty good when it comes to leaving you on the bones of your bum.

A common saying among divorced men over here about marriage is " find a woman you really, really hate and buy her a house, save you lots of time for the same result "

When I told my friends I was getting married again, and to a Thai you should have heard it, lots of people had a stories about an Asian women and Aussie blokes with problems and how the bloke was ripped off. At first I would ask "was she a Thai" and most people didn't know. In the end I just said to myself this is my descision, I love her and she loves me so stuff what anyone else thinks.

We are now happily married and best mates and how the critics attitudes have changed since meeting her.

My point is go with what you know in your heart, only two people are involved in your marriage, so dont take any notice of the negative posts that occur in these forums, or your marriage will end up a casualty.



Absolutely correct. Chose your partner and start doing some thinking. If you are sure as sure can be, get married. In another post I mentioned, if you get a divorce

at home, you lose a lot. So consider small and bigger gifts in Thailand to your partner. Most of the wifes (and husbands?) will save for a rainy day and perhaps use the money to help if you are in trouble. If a divorce comes, it can happen, she will have a bit to survive.

Having said this, here a study you can apply in Thailand and elsewhere:


Element Name: WOMAN

Symbol: Wo

Atomic Weight: Don't even go there!!

Physical Properties: Generally round in form. Boils at nothing and may

freeze at any time. Melts whenever treated properly. Very bitter if not

used well.

Chemical Properties: Very active. Highly unstable. Possesses strong

affinity to gold, silver, platinum, and precious stones. Violent when left alone.

Able to absorb great amounts of exotic food. Turns slightly green when

placed next to a better specimen.

Usage: Highly ornamental. An extremely good catalyst for dispersion of

wealth. Probably the most powerful income reducing agent known.

Caution: Highly explosive in inexperienced hands.

Element Name: MAN

Symbol: Xy

Atomic Weight: 180 +/- 50

Physical Properties: Fairly dense and sometimes flaky. Difficult to find

pure sample.

Chemical Properties: Attempts to bond with Wo any chance it can get. Also

tends to form strong bonds with itself. Becomes explosive when mixed with

Kd (element: child) for prolonged period of time. Neutralize by saturating

with alcohol.

Usage: None known. Possibly good methane source. Good samples are able to

produce large quantities on command.

Caution: In the absence of Wo, this element rapidly decomposes and begins

to smell.



Bronco , re: your signature.


Keep posting and the they may give you another feather on you cap (Blue Square)



I've been married to one for 5 years, only problem so far is she is homesick


She is very mint and guys all over the place here in the US trry to pick her

up and she stays right by me.

Could easily be in Penthouse, makes miss thailand this year look pretty shabby

And I never lift a finger at home, treats me like a king

Guest IT Manager
IT. Man.

Hope you do not include me in the Bar Flies in this thread by you.

I am happily married (by Thai Law in Thailand) to my Thai Palaya for the last 18 year now , and loving it.

Mai mee pen haa for me.

IT Man. Please.....

Mot asked and I answered in a nice way, me think.


Kan Win I didn't include you in. You don't sound like the sort of person who would say the stuff that Mot is hearing.

With 18 years on the board, you have far more experience than me, with 5 years, though my wife isn't Thai. We did however meet in Thailand and get married here.


Forget the worry about her being Thai and it making her more devious etc. Look at your relationship rationally and if you think its for all the right reasons then go with it.

But IMHO always protect yourself financially in any mariage where you are the one with all the $$$. Hard to do here with the laws stacked against you from the start. IMHO be careful in Thailand with any serious investments (house, land) until your a few years into the marriage.

Keep it real!

She is very mint and guys all over the place here in the US trry to pick her

up and she stays right by me.

She sounds lovely , the fact that people try to pick my wife up isn't a virtue that I would exhalt however , keep 'em at bay!



Sad days for you, after marrying her, now you have doubts about your wife..

How old are you, it's time that you grow up, if you keep listening to your so-called friends then I think it's better to marry a cow..... :o

If divorcing Thai women they will take all you got.

They marry foreigners for money, not for love.

Thai women choose husband after income and money in bank.

When they marry you it is for your money and not for they love you.

:o I can tell that some TGs marry foreigners for money but not all of them. A ton of TGs left everything in Thailand to live with NO MONEY foreigners because they love their husbands.

It's very hard to give any advice because I don't know both of you. There are a lot of good and bad people all over the world. Maybe you met foreigner woman to marry, maybe she marry you because of money, not for love.

Good luck.


  • 5 months later...

As many has said before, don't listen to your friends, I have been happily married for 11 years to a Thai girl, and she's not in it for the money, she has a job and shares the cost of everything, so it's not the money, it's love.


i'm married to a great thai girl, at the end of the day if we decide to live here then we should learn to look out for ourselves.

my house is 100% protected as is my business, but i trust my wife 100% and i still have people saying to me now how daft i am. its funny though how i watch these people drift in and out of relationships, get doses, get ripped off and argue almost everyday and they try to give out good advice.

ha ha

listen to your heart not other peoples,

good luck

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